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The Geysers The Nature, Development and Preservation of a Unique Resource

The Geysers The Nature, Development and Preservation of a Unique Resource. W.T. Box Jr. Vice President-Geothermal Resource Management Calpine Corporation. World Geothermal Provinces. World’s Largest Geothermal Fields (as of 1/01/01). The Big Geysers. The Geysers Resort.

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The Geysers The Nature, Development and Preservation of a Unique Resource

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Geysers The Nature, Development and Preservation of a Unique Resource W.T. Box Jr. Vice President-Geothermal Resource Management Calpine Corporation

  2. World Geothermal Provinces

  3. World’s Largest Geothermal Fields (as of 1/01/01)

  4. The Big Geysers

  5. The Geysers Resort

  6. Structure of Coast Range

  7. Faulting – Northern California

  8. Heat Flow Anomaly of Geysers-Clearlake Area

  9. General Geology of the Geysers

  10. Geologic Cross-Section of the Geysers

  11. Northwest-Southeast Cross-Section

  12. Conceptual Model of Geysers Reservoir

  13. Reservoir Characteristics of Geysers Field

  14. Geysers Production and Injection History

  15. Fieldwide Isobaric Map - 2000

  16. Injection-Production Cycle

  17. Typical Geysers Injection Well Completion • The well is isolated from the cap rock formation by multiple strings of cemented steel casing. • The well is designed to channel water into the reservoir at depths of 6,000 to 9,000 ft.

  18. Injection Areas - Geysers

  19. Geysers cumulative production and injection, 1961 – 2002 • Throughout most of the field’s history steam production has been much higher than water injection. This created an ever-widening gap (mass deficit) between cumulative extraction and cumulative injection. • Even with the additional injection from the SR GRP and incremental SR GRP, cumulative injection will never replace cumulative production, so “the tank will never fill up.”

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