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Style and Grammar Workshop. The next Style and Grammar Workshop will take place in the early hours of Tuesday, Nov. 3, from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m., in Bolton 280. Coffee and donuts will be available to perk everyone up.
Style and Grammar Workshop • The next Style and Grammar Workshop will take place in the early hours of Tuesday, Nov. 3, from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m., in Bolton 280. Coffee and donuts will be available to perk everyone up. • The focus will be on citation styles--or, rather, where to find the pertinent guides most readily--and on pesky punctuation problems. Participants are encouraged to bring questions and concerns.
Model of the statue group of the 10 eponymous heroeslocated on the western side of the Athenian agora From Kleisthenes to Persia to Herodotus Greek political and cultural revolutionsand interactions with Asia ca. 500 BCE
Representative democracy Attica political organization: the distribution of demes and bouleutai
Responsibilities of tribe in prytany, Bouleof 500 (meeting places: tholos, bouleuterion)Operating principle: ἰσονομία (isonomia): equality under the law • Tribe in prytany in the tholos (round building in the Agora) • 50 prytaneis (reps. < 1/10 tribes) with one epistates (presider)/month • Prepare probouleumata (sg. probouleuma) for boule • Bouleof 500 bouleutai (50/tribe x 10 tribes)in the bouleuterion (Agora) • Prepare legislation, decrees, treaties for ekklesia(Pnyx, near Acropolis) • Check qualification of newly elected officials • Try magistrates accused of mismanaging funds • Inspect cavalry and ships • Work with various boards – e.g., contract lessors (poletai) who leased mines, sold confiscated land • Supervise election of 10 strategoi (new chief military executives, eventually political leaders as well) • archons, selected by lot as of 487/6, will lose considerable power
Where was democracy practiced? Western side of the Athenian agora, looking north Bema (speaker’s platform) at the Pnyx, meeting place of the ekklesia (citizens’ assembly) Model of the statue group of the 10 eponymous heroeslocated on the western side of the Athenian agora
Temple of Hephaistos Bouleuterion (5th c.) Tholos Metroon (3rd c.)
Pnyx and the ἐκκλησία (ekklesia):decrees, laws, ambassadors, ostracism
Ostracism and ostraka, 5th C. • Enactment in 487/6: Ath. Pol. 22.3-8 = D&G 5.9 (ascribed to Kleisthenes’ reforms, but not implemented for 20 years, so is it Kleisthenic?) • Decision on whether to hold ostracism in 6thprytany: Ath. Pol. 43.5 = D&G 5.10 • Method: Philochoros (3rd c. BCE historian) frag. 30 = D&G 5.11 • Anecdote about Aristeides' ostracism: Plut. Aristeides 7.7 = D&G 5.12 • Where did the ostracized sometimes go? Persia
Greek world ca. 500-486 BCE at the birth of Herodotus Thurii in S. Italy
Herodotus Histories – prooimionKeywords: ἱστορίη (historiê– inquiry),ἀκλεᾶ (aklea – lacking kleos), αἰτίη (aitiê – cause)νόμος (nomos –custom), φύσις (physis – nature)
Unification: 546-530 BCE, rule of Cyrus:Media, Persia, Babylonia, Lydia (Cambyses adds Egypt, 530-521 BCE)
Cyrus (549-530), Cambyses (530-521) • 559: Cyrus accedes to throne of Media • 549: Conquest of Media • 546: Conquest of Lydia (Croesus, to whom the Greeks in Ionia paid tribute) • 540: Conquest of Ionia (support of tyrants) • 539: Conquest of Babylonia, Palestine, Syria, Phoenicia, Libya • 530: Cyrus dies fighting in Media • 522: Cambyses dies (conquest of Egypt) • 521: Darius accedes to unified throne
Behistun Inscription: Darius declared rulerOld Persian, Elamite, Babylonian Darius I, 521-486 BCE
Symbols of Persian imperial ruleDarius: 521-486 BCE Magus (priest) Persian Immortals, Susa King Darius Mid-5th c. coinage Tribute to Darius