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welcomes you to the. IRIA MONTHLY MEETING JULY 2009. Stroke facts and figures. 3 rd commonest cause of death worldwide In India, incidence and 30-day case fatality rates for stroke are higher than that in the developed countries Window of opportunity for stroke care in India is very narrow.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. welcomes you to the IRIA MONTHLY MEETING JULY 2009

  2. Stroke facts and figures • 3rd commonest cause of death worldwide • In India, incidence and 30-day case fatality rates for stroke are higher than that in the developed countries • Window of opportunity for stroke care in India is very narrow

  3. Stroke – Imaging Summary • Role of the Radiologist (1990) • Detection (acute) • Follow up • Complications • Evolving Role of the Radiologist (2009) • Earlier detection (hyperacute) • Localization • Determination of prognosis • Determination of therapy • Treatment

  4. Challenges for Radiologists • Update knowledge constantly • Be available 24 x 7 • Respond quickly • Understand that we are part of a team delivering lifesaving care • Understand and use technology effectively (including teleradiology)

  5. Role of Teleradiology in Stroke • Dedicated Stroke management centers • Teleradiology Hub with Neuroradiologist(s) • Highest priority to stroke exams (10 minute TAT, anywhere in the world) • Exclude contraindications for thrombolysis • Detection of stroke at the earliest stage • Interpret perfusion data/MR

  6. TeleradiologySolutions:An Update • New Training Institute – Radgurukul • Upcoming CME on Emergency Radiology – November 7, 2009 • Resident Review Course – Jan 2010 • Online lectures via videoconferencing • Teaching website – www. Radguru.net • Telerad Foundation

  7. Recent Activities • Lecture by Dr Scott Atlas Chief, Dept of Neuroradiology, Stanford University – Advances in High Field MRI • Lecture by Dr Mayank Goyal, FRCPC, Chief of Interventional Neuroradiologist, Calgary University – Stroke: Imaging and Intervention

  8. The Future is here! www.telradsol.com

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