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Quick Start Guide Overlay Transport Virtualization (OTV). Architecture & Solutions Group US Public Sector Advanced Services Mark Stinnette, CCIE Data Center #39151. Date 12 September 2013 Version 1.3.2.
Quick Start GuideOverlay Transport Virtualization (OTV) Architecture & Solutions Group US Public Sector Advanced Services Mark Stinnette, CCIE Data Center #39151 Date 12 September 2013 Version 1.3.2
This Quick Start Guide (QSG) is a Cookbook style guide to Deploying Data Center technologies with end-to-end configurations for several commonly deployed architectures. This presentation will provide end-to-end configurations mapped directly to commonly deployed data center architecture topologies. In this cookbook style; quick start guide; configurations are broken down in an animated step by step process to a complete end-to-end good clean configuration based on Cisco best practices and strong recommendations. Each QSG will contain set the stage content, technology component definitions, recommended best practices, and more importantly different scenario data center topologies mapped directly to complete end-to-end configurations. This QSG is geared for network engineers, network operators, and data center architects to allow them to quickly and effectively deploy these technologies in their data center infrastructure based on proven commonly deployed designs.
Benefits Overview OTV Configuration Geographically dispersed data centers provide added application resiliency and workload allocation flexibility. To this end, the network must provide Layer 2, Layer 3 and storage connectivity between data centers. Connectivity must be provided without compromising the autonomy of data centers or the stability of the overall network. OTV provides an operationally optimized solution for the extension of Layer 2 connectivity across any transport. OTV is therefore critical to the effective deployment of distributed data centers to support application availability and flexible workload mobility. OTV is a "MAC address in IP" technique for supporting Layer 2 VPNs to extend LANs over any transport. The transport can be Layer 2 based, Layer 3 based, IP switched, label switched, or anything else as long as it can carry IP packets. By using the principles of MAC routing, OTV provides an overlay that enables Layer 2 connectivity between separate Layer 2 domains while keeping these domains independent and preserving the fault-isolation, resiliency, and load-balancing benefits of an IP-based interconnection. • Overlay Transport Virtualization (OTV) provides the following benefits: • Scalability • Extends Layer 2 LANs over any network that supports IP (Transport agnostic) • Designed to scale across multiple data centers • Simplicity • Supports transparent deployment over existing network without redesign • Requires minimal configuration commands • Resiliency • Preserves existing Layer 3 failure boundaries • Includes built-in loop prevention • Failure boundary preservation and site independence preservation (failover isolation between data centers) • Efficiency • Optimized available bandwidth, by using equal-cost multi-pathing and optimal multicast replication • Multipoint connectivity • Fast failover • Virtual Machine Mobility
Benefits Overview OTV Configuration • Additional benefits of using OTV for Layer 2 extension: • No need for Ethernet over Multiprotocol Label Switching (EoMPLS) or Virtual Private LAN Services (VPLS) deployment for Layer 2 extensions • Use any network transport that supports IP • Provision of Layer 2 and Layer 3 connectivity using the same dark fiber connections • Native Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) isolation: • No need to explicitly configure Bridge Data Protocol Unit (BPDU) filtering • Native unknown unicast flooding isolation: • Unknown unicast not sent to the overlay • Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) optimization with the OTV ARP cache • Simplified provisioning of First Hop Redundancy Protocol (FHRP) isolation • Simplified addition of sites
L3 & Join Interfaces L2 Internal Interfaces Commonly Deployed Designs :: Aggregation Layer OTV Configuration • Most Commonly Deployed • No Network Redesign or Re-Cabling • Join Interface connects back through the VDC that has the SVIs on them • Separate OTV VDC or Appliance Switch Animation OTV On a Stick Inline OTV • Dedicated Uplink for DCI • Join Interface has a dedicated link out to the DCI transport (Core or WAN Edge) • Separate OTV VDC or Appliance Switch
Terminology & Components OTV Configuration OTV delivers Layer 2 extensions over any type of transport infrastructure Animation SVI Separation on the Aggregation VDC vPC Domain (vPC or vPC+ Supported) Join Interfaces Point-to-Point Layer 3 interface M-Series Line Cards Only Peer-Link OTV Edge Device Performs OTV Functions Multicast or Unicast Transports Supported OTV Overlay Interface Authoritative Edge Device (AED ) Odd VLANs Authoritative Edge Device (AED ) Even VLANs Internal Interfaces Regular Layer 2 & Carries VLANs extended over OTV M-Series Line Cards Supported F1 & F2E Line Cards Supported in 6.2(2)
Terminology & Components OTV Configuration OTV encapsulates packets into an IP header and where it sets the Don't Fragment (DF) bit for all OTV control and data packets crossing the transport network. The encapsulation adds 42 bytes to the original IP maximum transition unit (MTU) size. So it is a best practice to configure the join interface and all Layer 3 interfaces that face the IP core between the OTV edge devices with the max possible MTU size supported by the transport. WEST DC EAST DC Animation HSRP Active HSRP Standby HSRP Active HSRP Standby Site ID 2 Site ID 1 Site VLAN 99 Site VLAN 99 Filter HSRP Filter HSRP Filter HSRP Filter HSRP Site ID & Site VLAN are Deployed on Both OTV Edge Devices Site Identifier :: Use same Site ID within a single data center Use unique Site ID between different data centers Site VLAN :: Use same Site VLAN between different data centers (not mandatory) Site VLAN is active on internal interfaces but don’t extend Site VLAN The Site VLAN should be a dedicated VLAN Filtering FHRP in both data centers on the OTV VDC is required to allow for existence of the same default gateway in different locations thus optimizing the outbound traffic flows (server to client direction)
Terminology & Components :: Layer 2 & Layer 3 Features OTV Configuration Layer 3 Interface (Towards Routed Core) interface ethernetx/y mtu 9216 ip address x.x.x.x/30 ip router ospf 1 area 0 ipospf network point-to-point ippimsparse-mode Layer 3 Interface (Towards OTV Join) interface ethernetx/z mtu 9216 ipaddress x.x.x.x/30 iprouter ospf 1 area 0 ipospf network point-to-point ippim sparse-mode ipigmp version 3 Animation Must enable Site VLAN [x] on trunk towards the Aggregation Switch [make vlan active] OTV Join Interfaces interface ethernetx/y mtu 9216 ipaddress x.x.x.x/30 iprouter ospf 1 area 0 ipospf network point-to-point ipigmp version 3 OTV Internal Interfaces interface port-channel x switchport switchportmode trunk switchporttrunk allowed vlan x, y interface ethernetx/y - z channel-group x force mode active Aggregation Internal Interfaces interface port-channel x switchport switchportmode trunk switchporttrunk allowed vlan y vpc x interface ethernet x/y channel-group x force mode active Aggregation Switch :: Enable PIM feature pim ippimrp-address x.x.x.xgroup-list ippimssm range
Additional Features, Terminology, & Components OTV Configuration
Additional Features, Terminology, & Components OTV Configuration
Additional Features, Terminology, & Components OTV Configuration
Supported Line Card Topologies :: NX-OS 6.1 and Prior Releases OTV Configuration Aggregation VDC • OTV VDC must use only M-Series ports for both Internal and Join Interfaces • [M1-48, M1-32, M1-08, M2-Series] • OTV VDC Types (M-only) • Aggregation VDC Types (M-only, M1-F1 or F2/F2E)
Supported Line Card Topologies :: NX-OS 6.2 and Later Releases OTV Configuration Aggregation VDC • OTV VDC Join Interfaces must use only M-Series ports • [M1-48, M1-32, M1-08, M2-Series] • OTV VDC Internal Interfaces can use M-Series, F1 and F2E ports (F1 and F2E must be in Layer 2 proxy mode) • OTV VDC Types (M-only, M1-F1, M1-F2E) • Aggregation VDC Types (M-only, M1-F1, M1-F2E, F2, F2E, F2F2E)
OTV Characteristics • 2-wide 7k Aggregation VDC • Multi-homed OTV VDC • Multicast enabled transport • Extend VLAN 10 Quick Start Guide Assumptions OTV Configuration Physical View – Connectivity Map Layer 3 routed point-to-point interfaces. Will be using OSPF as the routing protocol. Layer 2 interfaces. The Aggregation VDC connects through vPC to the OTV VDC.
Perform Configuration Steps at Both DC Sites (East & West) Create Aggregation & OTV VDCs OTV Configuration [Admin / Default VDC] no vdc combined-hostname vdcAGG-2 vdcAGG-2 limit-resource module-type m1 f1 m1xl m2xl cpu-share 5 allocate interface Ethernet [….] vdcOTV-2 vdcOTV-2 limit-resource module-type m1 m1xl m2xl cpu-share 5 allocate interface Ethernet [….] [Admin / Default VDC] no vdc combined-hostname vdc AGG-1 vdc AGG-1 limit-resource module-type m1 f1 m1xl m2xl cpu-share 5 allocate interface Ethernet [….] vdcOTV-1 vdcOTV-1 limit-resource module-type m1 m1xl m2xl cpu-share 5 allocate interface Ethernet [….] Animation Verify the Nexus 7000 has the proper licenses to support OTV and VDC. OTV requires the Transport Services license VDC requires the Advanced Services license install license bootflash:///lan_advanced_services_pkg.lic install license bootflash:///lan_transport_services_pkg.lic show license usage Step 1 :: install | validate licenses Step 2 :: create aggregation VDC Step 3 :: create OTV VDC Allocate the Interfaces to appropriate VDC role accordingly
Perform Configuration Steps at Both DC Sites (East & West) Configure Aggregation VDC :: Layer 2 vPC (Option) OTV Configuration feature lacp feature vpc vlan 10-20 spanning-tree pathcost method long spanning-tree port type edge bpduguard default spanning-tree port type edge bpdufilter default no spanning-tree loopguard default spanning-tree vlan 10-20 priority 0 spanning-tree pseudo-information vlan 10-20 root priority 4096 vlan 1-10 designated priority 8192 vlan 11-20 designated priority 16384 vpc domain 1 role priority 1 system-priority 4096 peer-keepalive destination [….] source [….] vrf management peer-switch peer-gateway auto-recovery auto-recovery reload-delay delay restore 30 iparp synchronize interface port-channel 2 switchport switchport mode trunk switchport trunk allowed vlan 10-20 spanning-tree port type network vpc peer-link interface e3/1 , e4/1 channel-group 2 force mode active feature lacp feature vpc vlan 10-20 spanning-tree pathcost method long spanning-tree port type edge bpduguard default spanning-tree port type edge bpdufilter default no spanning-tree loopguard default spanning-tree vlan 10-20 priority 0 spanning-tree pseudo-information vlan 10-20 root priority 4096 vlan 1-10 designated priority 16384 vlan 11-20 designated priority 8192 vpc domain 1 role priority 2 system-priority 4096 peer-keepalive destination [….] source [….] vrf management peer-switch peer-gateway auto-recovery auto-recovery reload-delay delay restore 30 iparp synchronize interface port-channel 2 switchport switchport mode trunk switchport trunk allowed vlan 10-20 spanning-tree port type network vpc peer-link interface e3/1 , e4/1 channel-group 2 force mode active Animation See QSG :: vPC for more details …
Perform Configuration Steps at Both DC Sites (East & West) Configure Aggregation VDC :: Layer 2 FabricPath vPC+ (Option) OTV Configuration feature lacp feature vpc install feature-set fabricpath feature-set fabricpath vlan 10-20 mode fabricpath fabricpath switch-id 10 fabricpath domain default root-priority 255 spanning-tree pseudo-information vlan 10-20 root priority 0 vpc domain 1 role priority 1 system-priority 4096 peer-keepalive destination [….] source [….] vrf management peer-gateway auto-recovery auto-recovery reload-delay delay restore 30 iparpsynchronize fabricpathswitch-id 1000 interface port-channel 2 switchportmode fabricpath vpcpeer-link interface e3/1 , e4/1 channel-group 2 force mode active feature lacp feature vpc install feature-set fabricpath feature-set fabricpath vlan 10-20 mode fabricpath fabricpath switch-id 11 fabricpath domain default root-priority 254 spanning-tree pseudo-information vlan 10-20 root priority 0 vpc domain 1 role priority 2 system-priority 4096 peer-keepalive destination [….] source [….] vrf management peer-gateway auto-recovery auto-recovery reload-delay delay restore 30 iparp synchronize fabricpath switch-id 1000 interface port-channel 2 switchport mode fabricpath vpc peer-link interface e3/1 , e4/1 channel-group 2 force mode active Default / Admin VDC Only Default / Admin VDC Only Animation See QSG :: FabricPath for more details …
Perform Configuration Steps at Both DC Sites (East & West) Configure Aggregation VDC :: Layer 3 Infrastructure OTV Configuration feature ospf feature interface-vlan feature hsrp vlan 10 – 20 interface loopback0 ip address [….]/32 router ospf 1 router-id [….] log-adjacency-changes detail auto-cost reference-bandwidth 100Gbps interface e1/1 ip address [….]/30 ip router ospf 1 area ipospf network point-to-point interface e1/10 ip address [….]/30 ip router ospf 1 area ipospf network point-to-point interface vlan 10 ip address no ip redirects ip router ospf 1 area ipospf passive-interface hsrp1 preempt priority 110 ip10.10.10.1 feature ospf feature interface-vlan feature hsrp vlan 10 – 20 interface loopback0 ip address [….]/32 router ospf 1 router-id [….] log-adjacency-changes detail auto-cost reference-bandwidth 100Gbps interface e1/1 ip address [….]/30 ip router ospf 1 area ipospf network point-to-point interface e1/10 ip address [….]/30 ip router ospf 1 area ipospf network point-to-point interface vlan 10 ip address no ip redirects ip router ospf 1 area ipospf passive-interface hsrp1 preempt ip10.10.10.1 Animation • Allocate the following accordingly :: • IP addressing • OSPF areas • SVIs & HSRP Groups
Perform Configuration Steps at Both DC Sites (East & West) Configure OTV :: Layer 2 & Layer 3 Infrastructure @ Aggregation OTV Configuration feature ospf feature lacp feature vpc interface e 1/2 ip address [….] / 30 ip router ospf 1 area ipospf network point-to-point interface port-channel 10 switchport switchport mode trunk switchport trunk allowed vlan 10 vpc 10 interface port-channel 20 switchport switchport mode trunk switchport trunk allowed vlan 10 vpc 20 interface e5/1 channel-group 10 force mode active interface e6/1 channel-group 20force mode active feature ospf feature lacp feature vpc interface e 1/2 ip address [….] / 30 ip router ospf 1 area ipospf network point-to-point interface port-channel 10 switchport switchport mode trunk switchport trunk allowed vlan 10 vpc 10 interface port-channel 20 switchport switchport mode trunk switchport trunk allowed vlan 10 vpc 20 interface e5/1 channel-group 10 force mode active interface e6/1 channel-group 20 force mode active Animation Step 1 :: configure L3 link towards OTV Join Interface Step 2 :: configure L2 vPC towards OTV Internal Interface
Perform Configuration Steps at Both DC Sites (East & West) Configure OTV :: Layer 2 & Layer 3 Infrastructure @ OTV VDC OTV Configuration feature ospf feature lacp vlan 10 spanning-tree vlan 10 priority 32768 interface loopback0 ip address [….]/32 router ospf 1 router-id [….] log-adjacency-changes detail auto-cost reference-bandwidth 100Gbps interface e 1/9 ip address [….] / 30 ip router ospf 1 area ipospf network point-to-point interface port-channel 10 switchport switchport mode trunk switchport trunk allowed vlan 10 interface e2/1, e2/2 channel-group 10 force mode active feature ospf feature lacp vlan 10 spanning-tree vlan 10 priority 32768 interface loopback0 ip address [….]/32 router ospf 1 router-id [….] log-adjacency-changes detail auto-cost reference-bandwidth 100Gbps interface e 1/9 ip address [….] / 30 ip router ospf 1 area ipospf network point-to-point interface port-channel 10 switchport switchport mode trunk switchport trunk allowed vlan 10 interface e2/1, e2/2 channel-group 10 force mode active Animation Step 1 :: configure OTV Join Interfaces Step 2 :: configure OTV Internal Interfaces Step 3 :: create vlan to extend
Perform Configuration Steps at Both DC Sites (East & West) Configure OTV :: Enable Jumbo MTU OTV Configuration feature ospf feature lacp feature vpc vlan 10 – 20 interface e 1/2 mtu 9216 ip address [….] / 30 ip router ospf 1 area ipospf network point-to-point interface e1/10 mtu 9216 ip address [….]/30 ip router ospf 1 area ipospf network point-to-point interface e1/1 mtu 9216 ipaddress [….]/30 ip router ospf 1 area ipospf network point-to-point feature ospf feature lacp feature vpc vlan 10 – 20 interface e 1/2 mtu 9216 ipaddress [….] / 30 ip router ospf 1 area ipospf network point-to-point interface e1/10 mtu 9216 ip address [….]/30 ip router ospf 1 area ipospf network point-to-point interface e1/1 mtu 9216 ip address [….]/30 ip router ospf 1 area ipospf network point-to-point Animation feature ospf feature lacp feature vpc vlan 10 interface e 1/9 mtu 9216 ipaddress [….] / 30 ip router ospf 1 area ipospf network point-to-point feature ospf feature lacp feature vpc vlan 10 interface e 1/9 mtu 9216 ip address [….] / 30 ip router ospf 1 area ipospf network point-to-point Step 1 :: increase MTU on Join Interfaces Step 2 :: increase MTU on all Layer 3 Interfaces
Perform Configuration Steps at Both DC Sites (East & West) Configure OTV :: Enable Required Multicast OTV Configuration Step 1 :: enable PIM Step 2 :: configure PIM sparse mode [AGG VDC] (on all intra & inter data center Layer 3 links) Step 3 :: configure IGMP v3 [AGG & OTV VDC] (join interfaces only) Step 4 :: configure Rendezvous Point (RP) Step 5 :: configure Source-Specific Multicast (SSM) feature ospf feature lacp feature vpc feature pim ippimrp-address [x.x.x.x] group-list ippimssm range interface e1/1 mtu 9216 ip address [….]/30 ip router ospf 1 area ipospf network point-to-point ippim sparse-mode interface e 1/2 mtu 9216 ipaddress [….] / 30 ip router ospf 1 area ipospf network point-to-point ippim sparse-mode ipigmp version 3 interface e1/10 mtu 9216 ip address [….]/30 ip router ospf 1 area ipospf network point-to-point ippim sparse-mode feature ospf feature lacp feature vpc feature pim ippimrp-address [x.x.x.x] group-list ippimssm range interface e1/1 mtu 9216 ip address [….]/30 ip router ospf 1 area ipospf network point-to-point ippim sparse-mode interface e 1/2 mtu 9216 ip address [….] / 30 ip router ospf 1 area ipospf network point-to-point ippim sparse-mode ipigmp version 3 interface e1/10 mtu 9216 ip address [….]/30 ip router ospf 1 area ipospf network point-to-point ippimsparse-mode Animation interface e 1/9 mtu 9216 ipaddress [….] / 30 ip router ospf 1 area ipospf network point-to-point ipigmp version 3 interface e 1/9 mtu 9216 ip address [….] / 30 ip router ospf 1 area ipospf network point-to-point ipigmp version 3
OTV Characteristics • 2-wide 7k Aggregation VDC • Multi-homed OTV VDC • Multicast enabled transport • Extend VLAN 10 Finish OTV Configuration :: Overlay, Site-ID, Site-VLAN OTV Configuration feature otv vlan 10 otv site-vlan 99 otv site-identifier 0000.0000.0001 interface Overlay 1 otv join-interface ethernet1/9 otv control-group otv data-group otv extend-vlan 10 interface port-channel 10 switchport switchport mode trunk switchport trunk allowed vlan 10 interface e2/1, e2/2 channel-group 10 force mode active feature otv vlan 10 otv site-vlan 99 otv site-identifier 0000.0000.0002 interface Overlay 1 otv join-interface ethernet 1/9 otv control-group otv data-group otv extend-vlan 10 interface port-channel 10 switchport switchport mode trunk switchport trunk allowed vlan 10 interface e2/1, e2/2 channel-group 10 force mode active , 99 , 99 Animation , 99 , 99 Site ID 1 Site ID 1 Site ID 2 Site ID 2 Site VLAN 99 Site VLAN 99 Site VLAN 99 Site VLAN 99 feature otv vlan 10 otv site-vlan 99 otv site-identifier 0000.0000.0001 interface Overlay 1 otv join-interface ethernet 1/9 otv control-group otv data-group otv extend-vlan 10 interface port-channel 10 switchport switchport mode trunk switchport trunk allowed vlan 10 feature otv vlan 10 otv site-vlan 99 otv site-identifier 0000.0000.0002 interface Overlay 1 otv join-interface ethernet 1/9 otv control-group otv data-group otv extend-vlan 10 interface port-channel 10 switchport switchport mode trunk switchport trunk allowed vlan 10 , 99 , 99 Step 1 :: enable OTV feature Step 2 :: configure site-vlan Step 3 :: enable site-vlan on L2 trunks (make vlan active) Step 4 :: configure site-identifier Step 5:: configure OTV Overlay Interface interface e2/1, e2/2 channel-group 10 force mode active interface e2/1, e2/2 channel-group 10 force mode active , 99 , 99
NOTES OTV Configuration OTV Configuration • The Layer 2 links are known as internal interfaces and are used by the OTV edge device to learn the MAC addresses of the site and forward Layer 2 traffic across the sites for the extendedVLANs. • The Layer 3 link is known as the join interface, which OTV uses to perform IP-based virtualization to send and receive overlay traffic between sites. The IP address of this interface is used to advertise reachability of a MAC addresses present in the site. There is one Join interface per OTV Overlay; however, if multiple Layer 3 interfaces are present on the OTV edge device, the unicast extended traffic can get routed over any of these links • OTV encapsulates packets into an IP header and where it sets the Don't Fragment (DF) bit for all OTV control and data packets crossing the transport network. The encapsulation adds 42 bytes to the original IP maximum transition unit (MTU) size. So it is a best practice to configure the join interface and all Layer 3 interfaces that face the IP core between the OTV edge devices with the max possible MTU size supported by the transport. • OTV uses site VLAN to allow multiple OTV edge devices within the site to talk to each other and determine the AED for the OTV-extended VLANs. It is a best practice to use a dedicated VLAN as site VLAN. The site VLAN should not be extended and should be carried down to the aggregation layer across the VPC peer link. Animation Site ID 1 Site VLAN 99 • When sites are multihomed with OTV EDs, separation is achieved by electing an authoritative edge device (AED) for each VLAN in the same site (site-id), which is the only device that can forward the traffic for the extended VLAN inside and outside the data center. The extended VLANs are split in odd and even and automatically assigned to the site's edge devices. • The multicast control group identifies the overlay; two different overlays must have two different multicast control groups. The control group is used for neighbor discovery and to exchange MAC address reachability. The data group however is an SSM (Source Specific Group) group range, which is used to carry multicast data traffic generated by the sites • In the aggregation layer, Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) is configured on all intra- and inter-data-center Layer 3 links to allow multicast states to be built in the core network. • Since PIM sparse mode requires a rendezvous point (RP) to build a multicast tree, one of the aggregation switches in each data center is used as an RP. Local RP allows both local sources and receivers to join local RP rather than having to go to different data center to reach an RP in order to build a shared tree. For more information about MSDP and Anycast features of multicast, visit: • The OTV edge device is also configured with the overlay interface, which is associated with the join interface to provide connectivity to the physical transport network. The overlay interface is used by OTV to send and receive Layer 2 frames encapsulated in IP packets. From the perspective of MAC-based forwarding on the site, the overlay interface is simply another bridged interface. However, no Spanning Tree Protocol packets or unknown unicast packets are forwarded over the overlay interface. • Note: The overlay interface does not come up until you configure a multicast group address and the site-VLAN has at least an active port on the device. • A VLAN is not advertised on the overlay network; therefore, forwarding cannot occur over the overlay network unless the VLANs are explicitly extended. Once the VLAN is extended, the OTV edge device will begin advertising locally learned MAC addresses on the overlay network. • Key advantages of using multicast is that it allows optimal multicast traffic replication to multiple sites and avoids head-end replication that leads to suboptimal bandwidth utilization. http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/ios/solutions_docs/ip_multicast/White_papers/anycast.html
Primary Adjacency Server :: Join Interface [x] Secondary Adjacency Server :: Join Interface [y] OTV Configuration :: Unicast-Only Mode OTV Configuration Primary Adjacency Server Secondary Adjacency Server feature otv vlan 10, 99 otv site-vlan 99 otv site-identifier 0000.0000.0002 interface Overlay 1 otv join-interface ethernet 1/9 otv adjacency-server unicast-only otv use-adjacency-server [x] unicast-only otv extend-vlan 10 interface e 1/9 mtu 9216 ip address [y]/ 30 ip router ospf 1 area ipospf network point-to-point feature otv vlan 10, 99 otv site-vlan 99 otv site-identifier 0000.0000.0001 interface Overlay 1 otv join-interface ethernet 1/9 otv adjacency-server unicast-only otvextend-vlan 10 interface e 1/9 mtu 9216 ip address [x] / 30 ip router ospf 1 area ipospf network point-to-point Animation Site ID 1 Site ID 1 Site ID 2 Site ID 2 Site VLAN 99 Site VLAN 99 Site VLAN 99 Site VLAN 99 feature otv vlan 10, 99 otv site-vlan 99 otv site-identifier 0000.0000.0001 interface Overlay 1 otv join-interface ethernet 1/9 otvuse-adjacency-server [x] [y] unicast-only otv extend-vlan 10 interface e 1/9 mtu 9216 ip address [w] / 30 ip router ospf 1 area ipospf network point-to-point feature otv vlan 10, 99 otv site-vlan 99 otv site-identifier 0000.0000.0002 interface Overlay 1 otv join-interface ethernet 1/9 otvuse-adjacency-server [x] [y] unicast-only otv extend-vlan 10 interface e 1/9 mtu 9216 ip address [z] / 30 ip router ospf 1 area ipospf network point-to-point Step 1 :: enable OTV Step 2 :: configure site-vlan, site-id, Overlay Interface Step 3 :: define role of adjacency server [primary] Step 4 :: define role of adjacency server [secondary] Step 5 :: define all other edge devices as clients Assume :: enable site-vlan on L2 trunks (make vlan active) interface port-channel 10 switchport switchport mode trunk switchport trunk allowed vlan 10, 99
NOTES OTV Configuration :: Unicast-Only Mode OTV Configuration Primary Adjacency Server Secondary Adjacency Server feature otv vlan 10, 99 otv site-vlan 99 otv site-identifier 0000.0000.0002 interface Overlay 1 otv join-interface ethernet 1/9 otv adjacency-server unicast-only otv use-adjacency-server [x] unicast-only otv extend-vlan 10 interface e 1/9 mtu 9216 ip address [y]/ 30 ip router ospf 1 area ipospf network point-to-point feature otv vlan 10, 99 otv site-vlan 99 otv site-identifier 0000.0000.0001 interface Overlay 1 otv join-interface ethernet 1/9 otv adjacency-server unicast-only otvextend-vlan 10 interface e 1/9 mtu 9216 ip address [x] / 30 ip router ospf 1 area ipospf network point-to-point Animation Primary Adjacency Server :: Join Interface [x] Secondary Adjacency Server :: Join Interface [y] Two pieces of configuration are required to deploy OTV across a unicast-only transport infrastructure: first, it is required to define the role of Adjacency Server; whereas the other piece of configuration is required in each OTV edge device not acting as an Adjacency Server (i.e acting as a client). All client OTV edge devices are configured with the address of the Adjacency Server. All other adjacency addresses are discovered dynamically. Thereby, when a new site is added, only the OTV edge devices for the new site need to be configured with the Adjacency Server addresses. No other sites need additional configuration. The recommendation is usually to deploy a redundant pair of Adjacency Servers in separate DC sites. feature otv vlan 10, 99 otv site-vlan 99 otv site-identifier 0000.0000.0001 interface Overlay 1 otv join-interface ethernet 1/9 otvuse-adjacency-server [x] [y] unicast-only otv extend-vlan 10 interface e 1/9 mtu 9216 ip address [w] / 30 ip router ospf 1 area ipospf network point-to-point The configuration on the Primary Adjacency Server is very simple and limited to enable AS functionality (otv adjacency-server command). The same command is also required on the Secondary Adjacency Server device, but also needs to point to the Primary AS (leveraging the otv use-adjacency-server command). Finally, the generic OTV Edge Device must be configured to use both the Primary and Secondary Adjacency Servers. The sequence of adjacency server address in the configuration determine primary or secondary adjacency server role. This order is relevant since an OTV edge device will always use the OTV neighbor-list (oNL) provided by the Primary Adjacency Server, unless it detects that specific device is not available anymore (control plane Hellos are always exchanged as keepalives between each OTV device and the Adjacency Servers).
OTV Configuration :: HSRP Filtering Step 1 :: create OTV HSRP access-lists (VACL) Step 2 :: create OTV HSRP localization filters Filter out HSRP v1 and v2 Filter out Gratuitous ARP Step 3 :: create route-map to prevent advertisements of HSRP VMACs OTV Configuration The filtering of FHRP messages across the overlay is a critical functionality to be enabled, because it allows applying the same FHRP configuration in different sites. The end result is that the same default gateway is available (i.e. characterized by the same virtual IP and virtual MAC addresses) in each data center. This capability optimizes the outbound traffic flows (server to client direction); but this does not solve the mechanism to control and improve the ingress traffic (client to server direction) as traffic will continue to go via the original DC; solutions to solve this challenge include DNS Based, Route Injection, or LISP. feature otv vlan 10, 99 otv site-vlan 99 otv site-identifier 0000.0000.0001 interface Overlay 1 otv join-interface ethernet 1/9 otv control-group otv data-group otv extend-vlan 10 interface port-channel 10 description ** OTV Internal Interface ** switchport switchport mode trunk switchport trunk allowed vlan 10, 99 mac packet-classify otv-isis default vpnOverlay1 redistribute filter route-map OTV_HSRP_filter ipaccess-list ALL_IPs 10 permit ip any any mac access-list ALL_MACs 10 permit any any ipaccess-list HSRP_IP 10 permit udp any eq 1985 20 permit udp any eq 1985 mac access-list HSRP_VMAC 10 permit 0000.0c07.ac00 0000.0000.00ff any 20 permit 0000.0c9f.f000 0000.0000.0fff any arpaccess-list HSRP_VMAC_ARP 10 deny ip any mac 0000.0c07.ac00 ffff.ffff.ff00 20 deny ip any mac 0000.0c9f.f000 ffff.ffff.f000 30 permit ip any mac any feature dhcp iparp inspection filter HSRP_VMAC_ARP vlan 10 vlan access-map HSRP_Localization 10 match mac address HSRP_VMAC match ip address HSRP_IP action drop vlan access-map HSRP_Localization 20 match mac address ALL_MACs match ip address ALL_IPs action forward vlan filter HSRP_Localization vlan-list 10 mac-list OTV_HSRP_VMAC_denyseq 10 deny 0000.0c07.ac00 ffff.ffff.ff00 mac-list OTV_HSRP_VMAC_denyseq 11 deny 0000.0c9f.f000 ffff.ffff.f000 mac-list OTV_HSRP_VMAC_denyseq 20 permit 0000.0000.0000 0000.0000.0000 route-map OTV_HSRP_filter permit 10 match mac-list OTV_HSRP_VMAC_deny Animation The VLAN ACL is required to identify the traffic that needs to be filtered. This configuration applies to the HSRP v1 & v2 (bold) protocols. After applying the configuration on the OTV VDC to the set of VLANs that are trunked from the Agg VDC to the OTV VDC, all HSRP messages will be dropped once received by the OTV VDC. It is also required to apply a specific filter to ensure suppression of the Gratuitous ARP (GARP) messages that may be received across the OTV Overlay from the remote sites. Even though HSRP traffic is filtered via the VACL, the vMAC used to source the HSRP packets is still learned by the OTV VDC. Therefore, OTV advertises this MAC address information to the other sites via an IS-IS update. While this in itself is not causing harm, it would cause the remote OTV the edge devices to see constant MAC moves happening for the vMAC (from the internal interface to the overlay interface and vice versa). • IP ACL's to drop HSRP Hellos and forward other traffic • MAC ACL's to drop non-IP HSRP traffic and forward other traffic • Create the VACL & apply the VACL to each extended vlan • Feature dhcprequired for ARP inspection & create the ARP access-list to deny traffic from the Virtual MAC & apply ARP ACL to each extended VLAN • Create mac-list to deny advertising of virtual MAC, create the route-map, and apply the route-map to each overlay
Perform Configuration Steps at Both DC Sites (East & West) OTV Configuration :: Authentication OTV Configuration OTV supports authentication of Hello messages along with authentication of Protocol Data Units (PDU)’s feature otv vlan 10, 99 key chain OTV-Key key 1 key-string 0 Cisc0! otvsite-vlan 99 otv site-identifier 0000.0000.0001 interface Overlay 1 otv join-interface ethernet 1/9 otv control-group otv data-group otv extend-vlan 10 otvisis authentication-type md5 otvisis authentication key-chain OTV-Key otv-isis default vpnOverlay1 authentication-check authentication-type md5 authentication key-chain OTV-Key feature otv vlan 10, 99 key chain OTV-Key key 1 key-string 0 Cisc0! otv site-vlan 99 otv site-identifier 0000.0000.0001 interface Overlay 1 otv join-interface ethernet 1/9 otv control-group otv data-group otv extend-vlan 10 otvisis authentication-type md5 otvisis authentication key-chain OTV-Key otv-isis default vpnOverlay1 authentication-check authentication-type md5 authentication key-chain OTV-Key Animation Step 1 :: configure OTV key chain Step 2 :: apply md5 authentication to OTV Hellos Step 3 :: apply md5 authentication to OTV PDUs
OTV VLAN Translation :: Translation Through Transit VLAN OTV Configuration feature otv vlan 10, 99, 100 otvsite-vlan 99 otv site-identifier 0000.0000.0001 interface Overlay 1 otv join-interface ethernet 1/9 otv control-group otv data-group otv extend-vlan 10 otv vlan mapping 10 to 100 feature otv vlan 20, 99, 100 otv site-vlan 99 otv site-identifier 0000.0000.0002 interface Overlay 1 otv join-interface ethernet 1/9 otv control-group otv data-group otv extend-vlan 20 otv vlan mapping 20 to 100 Step 1 :: configure vlan mapping • When a different VLAN is used at multiple sites • A mapped VLAN can not be extended on another site • VLAN mappings have a one-to-one relationship • VLAN mappings can be added or removed without impacting all mappings on the overlay interface Animation VLAN 20 VLAN 100 VLAN 10
Perform Configuration Steps at Both DC Sites (East & West) OTV Configuration :: Dedicated Broadcast Group OTV Configuration • “otv broadcast-group” configuration line under overlay • Optional command • Useful for QoS purposes • The broadcast group needs to be configured for all OTV Edge Devices connected to the OTV Overlay network Animation feature otv vlan 10, 99 interface loopback 10 ip address [….]/32 otvsite-vlan 99 otv site-identifier 0000.0000.0001 interface Overlay 1 otv join-interface ethernet 1/9 otv control-group otv data-group otvbroadcast-group otv extend-vlan 10 feature otv vlan 10, 99 interface loopback 10 ip address [….]/32 otv site-vlan 99 otv site-identifier 0000.0000.0001 interface Overlay 1 otv join-interface ethernet 1/9 otv control-group otv data-group otv broadcast-group otvextend-vlan 10 Step 1 :: configure broadcast group
OTV Configuration :: Selective Unicast Flooding OTV Configuration feature otv vlan 10, 99 otv site-vlan 99 otv site-identifier 0000.0000.0001 otv flood mac 1111.2222.0101 vlan 10 interface Overlay 1 otv join-interface ethernet 1/9 otvcontrol-group otv data-group otv extend-vlan 10 feature otv vlan 10, 99 otv site-vlan 99 otv site-identifier 0000.0000.0002 interface Overlay 1 otv join-interface ethernet 1/9 otvcontrol-group otv data-group otv extend-vlan 10 Step 1 :: configure static OTV flood [enabled per mac address] Animation Unknown Unicast MAC 1 MAC 2 Normally, unknown unicast Layer 2 frames are not flooded between OTV sites, and MAC addresses are not learned across the overlay interface. Any unknown unicast messages that reach the OTV edge device are blocked from crossing the logical overlay, allowing OTV to prevent Layer 2 faults from spreading to remote sites. The end points connected to the network are assumed to not be silent or unidirectional. However, some data center applications require the unknown unicast traffic to be flooded over the overlay to all the data centers, where end points may be silent. Beginning with Cisco NX-OS Release 6.2(2), you can configure selective unicast flooding to flood the specified destination MAC address to all other edge devices in the OTV overlay network with that unknown unicast traffic.
Strong Recommendations and Key Notes OTV Configuration • OTV encapsulation is done on M-series modules • Note: The control-plane protocol used by OTV is IS-IS. However, IS-IS does not need to be explicitly configured. It runs in the background once OTV is enabled. • In a multi-tenancy environment, the same OTV VDC can be configured with multiple overlays to provide a segmented Layer 2 extension for different tenants or applications. • When multiple data center sites are interconnected, the OTV operations can benefit from the presence of multicast in the core. Multicast is not mandatory in most OTV topologies (number of sites) since you can use the unicast-mode as well. • The same OTV VDCs can be used by multiple VDCs deployed at the aggregation tier, as well as by other Layer 2 switches connected to the OTV VDCs. This is done by configuring multiple OTV overlays. It's important to note that the extended VLANs within these multiple overlays should not overlap. • A separate Layer 3 link between the two aggregation VDCs should be configured as per best practices to carry any Layer 3 traffic between the them. • The overlay interface will not come up until you configure a multicast group address and the site-VLAN has at least an active port on the OTV edge device. • Support for loopback interfaces as OTV Join interfaces is planned for 6.2(2) and later code releases.
Strong Recommendations and Key Notes OTV Configuration • FHRP Filtering Note: It is important to stress how this outbound path (server to client) optimization functionality should be deployed in conjunction with an equivalent one optimizing inbound traffic (client to server) flows to avoid asymmetric traffic behavior (this would be highly undesirable especially in deployments leveraging stateful services across data centers). • White Paper discussing inbound traffic optimization solutions :: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/solutions/Enterprise/Data_Center/DCI/4.0/EMC/EMC.pdf • It is important to note how OTV support requires the use of the new Transport Services (TRS) license. Depending on the specifics of the OTV deployment, the Advanced License may be required as well to provide Virtual Device Contexts (VDCs) support. • Before configuring OTV you should review and implement Cisco recommended STP best practices at each site. OTV is independent from STP but it greatly benefits from a stable and robust Layer 2 topology. • If the data centers are OTV multi-homed, it is a recommended best practice to bring the Overlay up in single-homed configuration first, by enabling OTV on a single edge device at each site. After the OTV connection has been tested in as single-homed, then enable the functionality on the other edge devices of each site. • OTV currently enforces switch-virtual-interface (SVI) separation for the VLANs being extended across the OTV link, meaning that OTV is usually in its own VDC. With the VDC license on the Cisco Nexus 7000 you have the flexibility to have SVIs in other VDCs and have a dedicated VDC for OTV functions. • Configure the join interface and all Layer 3 interfaces that face the IP core between the OTV edge devices with the highest maximum transmission unit (MTU) size supported by the IP core. OTV sets the Don't Fragment (DF) bit in the IP header for all OTV control and data packets so the core cannot fragment these packets.
Strong Recommendations and Key Notes OTV Configuration • With NX-OS 6.1 and earlier: Only one join interface can be specified per overlay; two methods are available • Configure a single join-interface, which is shared across multiple overlays • Configure a different join interface for each overlay, which increases the OTV reliability • For a higher resiliency, you can use a port-channel, but it is not mandatory. There are no requirements for 1 Gigabit-Ethernet versus 10 Gigabit-Ethernet or dedicated versus shared mode. • The transport network must support PIM sparse mode (ASM) or PIM-Bidir multicast traffic. • OTV is compatible with a transport network configured only for IPv4. IPv6 is not supported. • Do not enable PIM on the join-interface. • Do not configure OTV on an F-series module. • Ensure the site identifier is configured and is the same for all edge devices on a site. OTV brings down all overlays when a mismatched site identifier is detected from a neighbor edge device and generates a system message. • Mixing the Nexus 7000 and the ASR 1000 devices for OTV is not supported at this time when the devices will be placed within the same site. However, using Cisco Nexus 7000s in one site and Cisco ASR 1000s at another site for OTV is fully supported. For this scenario, please keep the separate scalability numbers in mind for the two different devices, because you will have to account for the lowest common denominator. • Starting in NX-OS 5.2, the site-id command was introduced as a way to harden multihoming for OTV. It is a configurable option that must be the same for devices within the same data center and different between any devices that are in different data centers. It specifies which site a particular OTV device is in so that two OTV devices in different sites cannot join each other as a multihomed site. This command is now mandatory.
Strong Recommendations and Key Notes OTV Configuration • Using Virtual Port Channels (vPCs) and OTV together provides an extra layer of resiliency and is thus recommended as a best practice. • OTV & FabricPath: Because OTV encapsulation is done on M-series modules, OTV cannot read FabricPath packets. Because of this restriction, terminating FabricPath and reverting to Classical Ethernet where the OTV VDC resides is necessary. In addition, when running FabricPath in your network, we highly recommend that you use the spanning-tree domain <id> command on all devices that are participating in these VLANs. This command speeds up convergence times greatly.
OTV Encapsulation :: MAC in IP OTV Configuration • 42 Bytes overhead to the packet IP MTU size • (Outer IP Header + OTV Shim) – (Original L2 Header without the 802.1Q header) • 802.1Q header is removed and the VLAN field copied over to the OTV shim header • Outer OTV shim header contains VLAN, overlay ID number, and an external IP header • Consider Jumbo MTU Sizing along the path between the source and destination endpoints to account for the extra 42 bytes 802.1Q header removed 802.1Q 802.1Q DMAC SMAC Ether Type VLAN ID, Overlay # Ether Type VLAN L2 Header IP Header CRC DMAC SMAC OTV Shim 6B 6B 2B 20B 8B 4B 14B* Payload Original L2 Frame * The 4 Bytes of the 802.1Q header have already been removed 20B + 8B + 14B* = 42 Bytes of total overhead
How OTV Works :: Inter-Site Packet Flow (OTV Data Plane) OTV Configuration MAC Table MAC Table Layer 2 Lookup Layer 2 Lookup WEST DC EAST DC Animation Encap Decap IP A IP B MAC 1 MAC 2 IP A IP B MAC 1 MAC 2 MAC 1 MAC 2 MAC 1 MAC 2 Assumption :: New MACs where learned in the VLANs that are OTV extended on the internal interfaces; an OTV update message was sent and replicated across the transport and delivered to all remote OTV Edge devices; those MACs learned through OTV are then imported in the MAC address tables of the OTV Edge Devices. Step 1 :: The Layer 2 frame is received at the aggregation layer or OTV Edge Device. A traditional Layer 2 lookup is performed, the MAC for Host B’s information in the MAC table does not point to a local Ethernet interface (as you would see in intra-site communication); but to the IP address of the remote OTV Edge Device that advertised that MAC’s reachability information. Step 2 :: The OTV Edge Device encapsulates the original Layer 2 Frame; with is the source IP of the outer header of the local Join interface & the destination IP which is the IP address of the remote Edge Device Join interface. Step 3 :: The OTV encapsulated frame (a regular unicast IP packet) is carried across the transport infrastructure and delivered to the remote OTV Edge Device. Step 4 :: The remote OTV Edge Device decapsulates the frame exposing the original Layer 2 packet. Step 5 :: The OTV Edge Device performs another Layer 2 lookup on the original Ethernet frame and discovers that it is reachable through a physical interface, which means it is a MAC address local to the site. Step 6 :: The frame is then delivered to the MAC destination of Host B
Additional Resources & Further Reading OTV Configuration External (public) OTV Best Practices Guide http://www.cisco.com/en/US/prod/collateral/switches/ps9441/ps9402/guide_c07-728315.pdf OTV Technology Introduction and Deployment Considerations http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/solutions/Enterprise/Data_Center/DCI/whitepaper/DCI_1.html Using OTV to Extend Layer 2 between Two Data Centers http://www.cisco.com/en/US/prod/collateral/switches/ps9441/ps9402/white_paper_c11-644634.html Nexus 7000 NX-OS OTV Configuration Guides http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/switches/datacenter/sw/nx-os/OTV/config_guide/b_Cisco_Nexus_7000_Series_NX-OS_OTV_Configuration_Guide.html Cisco Nexus 7000 NX-OS Verified Scalability Guide (OTV Limits) http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/switches/datacenter/sw/verified_scalability/b_Cisco_Nexus_7000_Series_NX-OS_Verified_Scalability_Guide.html#reference_18192F87114B45D9A40A41A0DEF3F74D Cisco Live 365 (sign up & search session catalog for OTV) https://ciscolive365.com/ BRKDCT – 3103 :: Advance OTV – Configure, Verify and Troubleshoot OTV in Your Network; Andy Gossett (CSE) Great External Resources
Additional Resources & Further Reading OTV Configuration Quick Start Guide :: Virtual Port Channel (vPC) https://communities.cisco.com/docs/DOC-35728 Quick Start Guide :: FabricPath https://communities.cisco.com/docs/DOC-35725l