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ASSESSMENT PHOTO ALBUM. Ms. Henningsen Missouri History – 4 th Grade. Purpose of the Photo Album. This photo album is an overview of our unit on Missouri History and some famous Missourians who made significant contributions to history. Learning Goals & Assessments. Pre-test
ASSESSMENT PHOTO ALBUM Ms. Henningsen Missouri History – 4th Grade
Purpose of the Photo Album This photo album is an overview of our unit on Missouri History and some famous Missourians who made significant contributions to history.
Learning Goals & Assessments • Pre-test • Brain-drain • Note-taking • Graphic Organizer • Poster • Bottle Buddy • Research Paper • Oral Presentation • Journal Writing
Missouri History – 4thGradePre-Assessment • A. What do you know about the following people? • Have you heard of them? • List anything you know about them. • 1. Meriwether Lewis – • 2. William Clark – • 3. Mary Easton Sibley – • 4. John Berry Meacham – • 5. George Washington Carver – • 6. Laura Ingalls Wilder – • 7. Mark Twain – • 8. Harry S. Truman – • 9. Thomas Hart Benton – • B. • Provide any information or knowledge you have on any of these questions: • 10. What does Author’s Purpose mean? 11. What does Compare and Contrast mean? • 12. Have you ever done a research paper? If so, what was the topic? • 13. Do you know what a “rubric” is?
Survey – • 1. Have you and your family ever taken a vacation? If so where have you gone? • 2. Have you and your family ever traveled or visited any places in Missouri? If so, where? • 3. Have you and your family ever been to Hannibal, MO? • 4. Have you ever been to the St. Louis Arch? • 5. Out of all the places you have been to, what is your favorite? • 6. What do you and your family like to do for fun? • 7. What do you like to do for fun? • 8. How do you learn best? Seeing it written out, hearing the teacher say it, doing it yourself. • 9. What is your favorite subject at school? • 10. When I grow up I want to
Formative Assessment • Peer Assessment • Journal – Learning Log – Self Assessment
ORAL PRESENTATION • In this performance task you will share what you learned about the famous person who made a significant contribution to Missouri. • You will compare and contrast that person of your choice to yourself. • You will also present your other projects; poster, bottle buddy, etc.
Rubric for Oral Presentation • Performance Statement: Students will create an oral presentation that demonstrates their learning and knowledge of a famous Missourian and his/her significant contribution(s) to state history.
Paper and Pencil Assessment • Converting Propositions to Test Questions • Essential Learning Goal: Students will identify and describe the significance of the individuals from Missouri who have made contributions to our state and national heritage; example John Berry Meacham. • Area of Curriculum: People who made a difference in history. • Proposition: • John Berry Meacham battled the injustices of slavery by opening a floating freedom school for free and enslaved blacks so that they could learn to read and write in response to the 1847 law that prohibited the instruction of blacks to be educated. • True True/False: • John Berry Meacham opened a floating freedom school to educate free and enslaved blacks. • False True/False: • John Berry Meacham battled slavery by opening a school for all Missourians. • Short Answer/Fill in the blank: • John Berry Meacham made a difference by • Multiple Choice: • John Berry Meacham was • a minister from St. Louis who worked to end slavery. • a business man who opened a school for all Americans. • a slave owner. • a lawmaker who prohibited blacks from learning. • Essay: • Discuss John Berry Meacham and his significant accomplishments to Missouri’s History. How did he make a difference?
GLEs for the UNIT • Social Studies – Knowledge of continuity and change in the history of MO and the US. 3a • Reading – Develop and apply skills and strategies to comprehend, analyze and evaluate nonfiction from a variety of cultures and times. 3ac • Technology/Information Literacy – Develop and apply effective research process skills to gather, analyze and evaluate information. Use resources to identify relevant information, record main ideas and important details in their own words and record information using organizational strategies. Informally give credit for others’ ideas. 1acd
GLEs continued • Writing – Compose well-developed expository text with a beginning, middle and end, a logical sequence of events and sentence variety with appropriate use of capitalization and punctuation. Use correct spelling. 2ce • Listening and Speaking – Develop and apply effective speaking skills and strategies for various audiences and purposes. 2a