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Foreign National Contribution to JLab Science

Foreign National Contribution to JLab Science. … .an I ncomplete O verview. Total Foreign Users ~ 400 from 30 Countries. 1. JLab science: the 6 GeV & the 12 GeV era . Structure of the Hadrons New view of nucleon via the GPDs & TMDs EM Form Factors

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Foreign National Contribution to JLab Science

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  1. Foreign National Contribution to JLab Science ….an Incomplete Overview Total Foreign Users ~ 400 from 30 Countries 1

  2. JLab science: the 6 GeV & the 12 GeV era • Structure of the Hadrons • New view of nucleon via the GPDs & TMDs • EM Form Factors • N* and transition Form Factors • Dynamics of the nucleons in the nuclei • The Quark Structure of Nuclei (resolving the EMC effect) • The Short-Range Behavior of the N-N Interaction and its QCD Basis • Coldnuclearmatter • Electroweak Interaction • High Precision Tests of the Standard Model at low energies via PV-DIS • Measure nuclear properties using the weak interaction • Origin of quark and gluon confinement • Gluonicexcitations - existence and properties of exotic mesons

  3. Generalized Parton Distributions x+x x-x GPD(x,x,t) p’ p t form factors location of partons in nucleon Transverse charge & current densities parton distributions Quark longitudinal momentum fraction x & helicity distributions longitudinal momentum fraction x at transverse location b T

  4. Accessing GPDs Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering Deeply Virtual Meson Production (DVCS) (DVMP) DVCS: different observables have different sensitivity to the 4 GPDs • VM(r, w, f): H E • PS mesons (p, h): H E • DVCS(g): H, E, H, E Quantum number of final state selects different GPDs: ~ ~ Physical observables involve convolution of GPDs - onlyxand t accessible exp. GPDs are more complicated than PDFs - functions of 3 variables instead of 1 Exclusive reactions are smaller and harder to measure than inclusive ones ~ ~ Difficult to extract GPDs from the data GPDs extraction possible ONLY through models/parameterizations

  5. The French Collaboration @ Jlab Plays a Key role in the GPD program CEA/Irfu and CNRS/IN2P3 have participated in the scientific activity at Jefferson Lab since 1991 The French Collaboration was initially contributing to the 6 GeV program in Hall A, Hall B and Hall C Presently, the French Collaboration concentrates its activities in Hall A and Hall B with a significant role and participation in the current 6 GeV program and in the 12 GeV Upgrade.

  6. From data …… C. Munoz et al., PRL 97, 262002 (2006) (Hall-A) M. Mazouzet al., PRL 99, (2007) 242501 BSA: F.X Girod et al., PRL 100, 162002 (2008) TSA: S. Chen et al., PRL 97, 072002 (2006) Hall B Hall A Evidence of twist-2 dominance in the DVCS-BH interference description Significant amount of data on BSA accumulated and consistent with GPDs based predictions

  7. ……to GPDs • DVCS: 4 indipendent GPDs each depending on 3 variable • DVCS amplitudes decomposed into R and I parts  8 GPDs related quantities (CFFs) • G-fitter: model-indipendent fitting procedure to extract the 8 CFFs using VGG M. Guidal, PLB 689, 156 (2010) ,H. Moutarde PRD 79, 094021 (2009) Fitter codes developed in France

  8. cryostat calorimeter Hall A Spectroe’ LiquidH2, D2 Hall A/B DVCS – 6 GeV HALL A HALL B

  9. n DVCS @ 12 GeV needed for flavour separation gives access to GPD E through ALU Ju=.1, Jd=.1 DVCS on the neutron – 11 GeV Ju=.5, Jd=.1 DsLU/s Ju=.3, Jd=.3 k’ Ju=.3, Jd=-.1 Quark angular momentum (Ji’s sum rule) q’ k CLAS12 Ju=.3, Jd=.1 n’ n GPDs f= 60° xB = 0.17 Q2 = 2 GeV2 t = -0.4 GeV2 Central Neutron Detector (CND) E12-11-003 S. Niccolai et al. VGG Model (calculations by M. Guidal)

  10. The Italian Collaboration @ JLab INFN is participating to the scientific activity at Jefferson Lab since 1991 The collaboration was initially formed by ~25 scientists and has been contributing to the 6 GeV program in Hall A and Hall B Presently, it includes 80 scientists among experimentalists (~50)and theorists(~30) from 16 INFN Units and National Lab., participating to the 12 GeVUpgrade in Hall A and Hall B

  11. Scientific Activity at 6 GeV & 12 GeV The scientific activity of the Italian Groups is subdivided into 4 main fields that belong to the science mainstreams of the Jefferson Lab physics program • Hadron Spectroscopy: • Study of the Nucleon Excitation Spectrum and Search for Missing Resonances • Study of the Meson Spectrum • Search for Exotics • The Structure of the Nucleon: • Nucleon Form Factors • Nucleon Structure Functions from Inclusive and Semi-Inclusive Processes • Study of the Spin Structure of the Nucleon • The Study of the Transition between Hadronic and Partonic Degrees of Freedom: • Vector Meson Production at Large Momentum Transfer • Deuteron Photodisintegration • The Nuclear Structure: • The Neutron Skin of 208Pb • Hypernuclear Spectroscopy • Study of N-N Correlations

  12. Experimental Equipment for Hall A & Hall B – 6 GeV RICH Detector septum magnets Cerenkov Counter for low-Q2 Large Angle Calorimeterfor detect. of neutrals Polarized Target for electron beam Gas Cherenkov Total Investment: ~ 9M$

  13. Measurements of Nucleon FF at high Q2 • High Luminosity (~1039) • Forward angle (down to 7 degree) • Equipment flexibility SBS E-12-07-109 • Test different models (including # contributions from the quark OAM) • Investigate the transition region (perturbative / non perturbative) • (E-12-07-109, E-12-09-016, E-12-09-019) • Italian responsibility on the primary tracker: • Large area GEM chambers for tracking with resolution ~70 mm + small silicon planes • Development of the electronics for more than 100000 channels

  14. Transverse Momentum Distributions U L T U L , T T h1T quark polarization The Incomplete Nucleon T h1 f1 Boer-Mulders T g1L nucleon polarization h1L helicity worm-gear • DIS → DS 0.25 • RHIC + DIS → DG« 1 • → Lq T f1T g1T h1 worm-gear Sivers transversity pretzelosity

  15. The 12 GeV TMD program • HD- Ice target: INFN contribution • dilution refrigerator • Raman analysis of HD gas • NMR for polarization monitoring Italian co-spokesperson in all 12 GeV TMDs proposals with Unp. Long. and Trans. Polarized Targets Mirrors Target cell e- MA-PMTs Proposed RICH det. for K identification with CLAS12 INFN (project coord.), Glasgow U., Chile, USA A UT Aerogel PR12-11-111 M. Contalbrigo et al. In-beam cryostat

  16. Search for Exotics Exotic like Flux tube excitation (and parallel quark spins) lead to exotic JPC Quantum Numbers of Hybrid Mesons Quarks Excited Flux Tube Hybrid Meson like 16

  17. Search for Exotics in Hall B E12-11-005: Meson Spectroscopy with low Q2 electron scattering in CLAS12 M. Battaglieri et al. Edinburgh U., Glasgow U., INFN (project coordination), JLab, NSU, Orsay, Saclay

  18. GlueX in Hall D: Canadian contribution Completion of 48 Barrel Calorimeter (BCAL) • Characterization of large-array Hamamatsu SiPMs • Mini BCAL beam tests in Hall B • Cosmicswith SiPMs on full-length module • Fine-grained geometry simulation of sampling fraction as look-up tables for HDGEANT (sim & reconstruction) Big Investment: ~ 8M$

  19. N* Program: Russian Contribution Quark models: First extraction of transition form factors for P11(1440), D13(1520) states from the CLAS p(e,e’pp+p-)data using JLAB-Mosc. State University (JM) model. P11(1440) I. Aznauryan LC A1/2 S. Capstick LC Relativistic covariant app. by G.Ramalho /F.Gross EBAC-DCC MB dressing • The electrocouplingsare consistent with P11(1440) structure as a combined contribution of: a) quark core as a first radial excitation of the nucleon as a 3-quark ground state, and b) meson-baryon dressing. p+p-p 2012 p+p-p 2010 Np 2009 I. G. Aznauryan et al., CLAS Collaboration, Phys. Rev. C 80, 055203 (2009). V.I.Mokeev eta al., CLAS Collaboration, arXiv:1205.3948 [nucl-ex].

  20. Armenia • More than 20 years of successfully collaboration in all three experimental Halls • Some of highlights ANSL groups’ contributions to the instrumentation are: • Hall-A: 702 channel lead-glass calorimeter for RCS, neutron detector for GEN, pre-shower counters for HRS • Hall-B: development of the electromagnetic calorimeters, development of experimental control systems (slow controls) • Hall-C: lead-glass calorimeter for HMS and SOS, aerogel Cherenkov detector for HMS Hall-B calorimeter readout system Hall-A LG calorimeter

  21. NN short range correlations in nuclei Cross section ratios of 4He, 12C, and 56Fe to 3He @ 1 < xB < 3 first measurement of 3-nucleon SRC probabilities in nuclei • Two separate plateaus: • 1.5 < xB < 2 • xB> 2.25 • as predicted by models that include 2- and 3-nucleon SRC • The per-nucleon probabilities of 3-nucleon SRC (relative to A=3) are 2.3, 3.2, and 4.6 times larger for A = 4, 12 and 56. K.S. Egiyan et al PRL 96, 082501 (2006)

  22. The role of Japan in the Hypernuclearphysics • Hypernucleiare bound states of nucleons with a strange baryon (Lhyperon) • L-N vsN-N force will provide clues to the QCD description of the N-N interaction • In a decade, a wide variety of hypernuclei, 7ΛHe, 9ΛLi, 10ΛBe, 12ΛBe, 16ΛN, 28ΛAl and 52ΛV, have been studied by the (e,e’K+) reaction. • High energy resolution and precision measurements make these experiments unique and crucial tools for this field. • High accuracy determination of the Λ binding energy for different hypernuclei has been achieved • The Japanese group remain enthusiastic and are trying to develop a coherent plan to present to the PAC HALL C HES HKS SLITTER • HKSspectrometer (QQD) • HESspectrometer (QQD) • Detectors and Electronics • Splitter Magnet Total: ~ 5M$

  23. Chinese Collaboration on the Solid Project • GEM detectors • Five groups actively work on R&D, prototyping and plan to take full responsibility for the whole package • Already 2 (chinese) grants for R&D and prototyping • Plan to seek major funding next yearfrom NSFC/MOST, support from CAS • MRPC detector • Tsinghua U. • Experience from building MRPC for • STAR at RHIC. The Chinese collaboration will probably double in the next few years: 11 groups (institutions) are joiningeach having on average 3-5 active members

  24. Chinese Collaboration on the Solid Project SOLID: e3He →eπ+/-X AUT 6 GeV data • 3approved high-impact (A rated) experiments + 1 conditionally approved • (Two Chinese physicist co-spokespersons ) • 2 (+1)Semi-inclusive DIS: transverse spin/transverse momentum distributions • 1 Parity-violating DIS: low-energy test of the Standard Model • Several theory groups active on the topics

  25. Conclusions &Outlook • Jefferson Lab as a unique world-leading facility for nuclear physics research has attracted since the beginning an international community which has played a major role in the scientific program • The 12 GeV upgrade has reinforced the interest of the international community due to: • - New vistas in QCD • - Growing program Beyond the Standard Model • - Capability to be on schedule • The Countries of France, Italy, UK have being funded since several years by the European Community (EU) to develop R&D and analysis network for the physics at JLab

  26. Conclusions &Outlook The impact of JLabscience in the international panorama can be improved: Establishing collaborations with other facilities having similar/complementary physics program Panda @ FAIR (in progress) LNF/ INFN …….. LNF: Search for new forces mediated by vector boson A’ • Organizing workshop/conferences with HEP community • Tests of the standard model at Jlab complementary to the information obtained at LHC • TMD results foundamental for RICH/LHC physics • Organizing Jlab Collaborations Meetings outside USA • National Funding Agencies are usually invited to attend • For the last 5 years this has been done regularly by the Hall B Collaboration (every 2 years) but never by Hall A, Hall C and only once by Hall D

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