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GRID and f analysis in pp. Francesco noferini ( infn cnaf – infn bologna ). ɸ analysis – the procedure. Efficiency estimate Particle Identification (PID) efficiency for kaons From kaons efficiency to ɸ efficiency Corrections Mass resolution from the tracking
GRID and f analysis in pp Francesco noferini (infncnaf – infnbologna) ALICE TOF - general meeting - F. Noferini - GRID and resonances
ɸanalysis – the procedure • Efficiency estimate • Particle Identification (PID) efficiency for kaons • From kaons efficiency to ɸ efficiency • Corrections • Mass resolution from the tracking • Shift on the mass from the tracking • Systematics effects • For tracking • For PID • pT spectrum • ɸ properties : (mass, width) ALICE TOF - general meeting - F. Noferini - GRID and resonances
pTspectrumcorrectedforefficiency (II) 5.6M ppMB at 10 TeV Systematics evaluated with MC 78M ppMB at 10 TeV TOF time resolution T0 resolution = 80 ps ALICE TOF - general meeting - F. Noferini - GRID and resonances
Mass resolution from the tracking allpT ALICE TOF - general meeting - F. Noferini - GRID and resonances
ɸproperties : (mass, width) from Monte Carlo “truth” 74M ppMBevents Effect due to the acceptance (0.1%) Integrated on the whole pT range ALICE TOF - general meeting - F. Noferini - GRID and resonances
ɸproperties : (mass, width)(Voigtian = Breit-Wignergaussian) realisticanalysis Background fit 78M ppMBevents ALICE TOF - general meeting - F. Noferini - GRID and resonances
ɸproperties : (mass, width)(Voigtian = Breit-Wignergaussian) realisticanalysis Background fit 5.6M ppMBevents ALICE TOF - general meeting - F. Noferini - GRID and resonances
pTspectrumfor TOF timeresolutionof 130 ps Presented at IFAE ‘09(Bari, 16th April) Reconstructedspectrumcorrectedforefficiecy. The currentstatisticsisenoughtoperformsuchmeasurementsin the first daysof data acquistion. • A sample of1.8MppMB (√s = 10 TeV) eventswasgeneratedwith PYTHIA6 and usedtoperform the followinganalyses. The first analyses on real data (pp@900GeV) are confirming the hypoteses assumed in these studies (T0 resolution, TOF time resolution, …) TOF time resolution = 130 ps LHC clock T0 resolution = 160 ps TOF T0 resolution 50-60 ps ALICE TOF - general meeting - F. Noferini - GRID and resonances
PbPb MB results (preliminary) No background subtruction 90% of background (same sign kaons) subtructed ALICE TOF - general meeting - F. Noferini - GRID and resonances
Preparationofpublicationofanearlyphysicspaper ALICE TOF - general meeting - F. Noferini - GRID and resonances
First look at ppMB data - √s = 900 GeV T0 from TOF when available (if not from the machine clock, beam-beam < 160 ps) PRELIMINARY 1° day results results on 7/12/2009 collisions on 6/12/2009 Run: 104068, 104070, 104157, 104159 NeventsSPD= 4222 NT0-TOF=262 K p ALICE TOF - general meeting - F. Noferini - GRID and resonances
TOF resolution and abundancies With time slewing correction Nevents = 26726 NeventsSPD = 7367 NeventsT0-TOF = 478 NtracksTOF = 2123 PRELIMINARY ALICE TOF - general meeting - F. Noferini - GRID and resonances
TOF resolution and abundancies Nevents = 26726 NeventsSPD = 7367 NeventsTOF-T0 = 478 NtracksTOF = 2123 PRELIMINARY ALICE TOF - general meeting - F. Noferini - GRID and resonances
Eventtime (T0-TOF) efficiency Nevents ALICE TOF - general meeting - F. Noferini - GRID and resonances
T0-TOF Run 1 Nevents Run 2 ALICE TOF - general meeting - F. Noferini - GRID and resonances
Backup ALICE TOF - general meeting - F. Noferini - GRID and resonances
PID Efficiency (Contamination) TOF resolution at 80 ps (final resolution) • Efficiency • contamination TOF resolution at 130 ps (current resolution) ALICE TOF - general meeting - F. Noferini - GRID and resonances
Calcolo parametri della ɸ con risoluzione realistica (Voigtian = Breit-Wigner gaussiana) con l’effetto dovuto al Background subtraction 74M ppMBevents Sovrastima dovuta a fondo residuo (2-3%) ALICE TOF - general meeting - F. Noferini - GRID and resonances
ALICE TOF - general meeting - F. Noferini - GRID and resonances
PYTHIA ppMB 193k eventi Meeting TOF offline - F. Noferini - task performance
PYTHIA ppMB 193k eventi Meeting TOF offline - F. Noferini - task performance