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Egypt. Old Kingdom. Menes Dynasty – 3200 BCE Pharoh – Royal family – Priest – Gov. – Peasants Pharaoh’s grow weaker at the end of the Old Kingdom Considered by some as the most creative period. Pyramids 4,500 years old. Middle Kingdom. Last for more than 3 centuries

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Egypt

  2. Old Kingdom • Menes Dynasty – 3200 BCE • Pharoh – Royal family – Priest – Gov. – Peasants • Pharaoh’s grow weaker at the end of the Old Kingdom • Considered by some as the most creative period

  3. Pyramids 4,500 years old

  4. Middle Kingdom • Last for more than 3 centuries • 1780 BCE – begun to fall, nobles and priests fight for power • 1760 BCE – endured increasing attacks by foreign invaders

  5. Farming and Trade • Peasants did the farming • Wheat and Barley • Sea going ships – Mediterrean, Red and Aegean Seas • West Asia and south into Africa

  6. Education • Bureaucracy – complex gov. civil servants carry specialized task • Fathers teaching son how to read and write • Middle Kingdom actual schools appear

  7. Religion • Nile – primary god “Osiris” • Sun – guardian spirit “Re” • Pharaoh – god in human form • Regeneration – “rebirth” • Mummification

  8. Building a Pyramid • http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ancient/egyptians/launch_gms_pyramid_builder.shtml

  9. Late Kingdom • Hyksos – invades northern Egypt with superior tech. • Adopted Egyptian styles of civilization • Theban prince – ruled middle portion • Ahmose – 1570 BCE drove Hyksos out of Egypt

  10. New Kingdom • Ahmose – 1500s BCE • Standing Army • Empire expanded brought in new cultures • Hatshepsut – ruled for twenty years • Rebuilt temples • Sent commercial expeditions down the Red Sea

  11. Akhenaton • Defied priests of Amom-Re • Removed the name of Amon-Re from all public inscriptions • Said he was the only god • Conflict over religion became struggle for power • Priest of Amon-Re won the power struggle • Contributed to the decline of Egyptian power

  12. Invaders • HittitesStart to attack over the next century • Ramses II – 1288 BCE, Battle of Kush • “Sea People” push Egyptians back to the Nile Delta and Valley • Next two C. turned back into a Kingdom • Libyans Dynasty – mid 900s BCE

  13. Nubian Dynasty • 1800 BCE – entered the scene • Influenced heavily by Egyptian culture • 730 BCE – War party north conquer the kingdom of Thebes, Reunited country since the fall of the New Kingdom • 671 BCE – Kushites abandon Egypt

  14. The End: for now

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