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The Complex History of Iraq: Background, Ethnic Groups, and Political Dynamics

Learn about the rich history of Iraq post-WWI, the impact of the Treaty of Versailles, and the amalgamation of three diverse ethnic groups - Kurds, Sunnis, and Shia. Explore the historical significance of Sunni and Shia divisions, the political and social landscape, and the rise and fall of Saddam Hussein. Delve into the Iran-Iraq War, Gulf War, and the subsequent geopolitical implications.

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The Complex History of Iraq: Background, Ethnic Groups, and Political Dynamics

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  1. Iraq A History

  2. Background • Created at the end of WWI • Treaty of Versailles • Combined 3 ethic groups • Kurds (North) • Sunni’s (Central) • Shia (South)

  3. Shi’ite When Muhammad died  believed Islams leader should follow his blood line Portraiture main decoration 10% of worlds Muslims Sunni When Muhammad died believed Islams leader should chosen Blamed for death of Muhammad’s Nephew Calligraphy (quotes from Koran) main decoration 90% of worlds Muslims What’s the difference?

  4. Sunni Central Iraq Little oil or water 20% population Has controlled the area for over 1200 years Lost power with removal of Saddam Hussein Shi’ite Southern Iraq Great wealth of oil 60% of population Close connection with Iran Iran is a Shi’ite nation Political social vengeance Sunni’s/ Shi’ites

  5. Kurds • Kurds • Northern Iraq • 17% of population • Little Oil Wealth • Mostly Sunni Muslims • Different ethnic group • Different religious traditions • Persecuted by Saddam • Wants Separate State

  6. Government • British established a Monarchy • 1958: The Kings assassination brings a military dictatorship • 1968: Ba’ath Party takes control by assassination • Secularism • Pan-Arabism • Socialism

  7. Saddam Hussein • Gained power in Ba’ath Party as an assassin • 2nd in command when Ba’ath Party took control • Became Dictator in 1979 • Authoritarian control: • Define:

  8. Iran- Iraq War 1980-1988 • Saddam uses Chemical weapons • Even against the Kurds in his own nation • 1 million people die • Saddam has 4th largest Army in the world • Low on money from war

  9. Aug. 1990: Iraq invades Kuwait • Invades Kuwait/ places troops on Said Arabian border • Saudi Arabia asks U.N. for protection • U.N. –led by U.S.- sent troops to Saudi Arabia • President Bush sets Jan. 15 1991 as deadline for Iraq to leave Kuwait • Iraq ignores the date

  10. Persian Gulf War • Jan. 16th 1991: U.S. begins bombing forces in Kuwait and in Iraq • Feb. 23- U.N. forces invade Kuwait • March 3 Iraq signs cease fire • Iraq agrees to: • No biological/ chemical/ nuclear weapons • Open to U.N. weapons inspections • No fly zones (to protect Kurdish, Shia Iraqi’s)

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