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By: Leigh Twigg

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By: Leigh Twigg

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Presentation Transcript

    2. Meg wrote a “Do not disturb” sign so she would be left alone.

    3. disturb Making noise that bothers him or her

    4. Say the word

    5. A loud noise can disturb my quiet time. Which would disturb you….?

    6. A piece of paper was underneath Meg’s bed.

    7. underneath When something is below

    8. Say the word

    9. Worms live underneath the ground. Which might you find underneath a desk?

    10. Mr. Putter can procrastinate by napping instead of writing.

    11. procrastinate When you delay or avoid doing something you need to do

    12. Say the word

    13. Which might be an example of procrastinating?

    14. For a diversion, Mr. Putter made stew.

    15. diversion When something that takes you away from what your doing or thinking about

    16. Say the word

    17. For a diversion, I listen to music. Would you rather watch TV or play a video game for a diversion?

    18. I feel cozy when I’m in my bed.

    19. cozy When something makes you feel warm, happy, and comfortable

    20. Say the word

    21. What makes you feel cozy?

    22. The garden was enchanting?

    23. enchanting If you think a person or thing is likeable or enjoyable

    24. Say the word

    25. Which is more enchanting?

    26. I was thrilled when I won the race.

    27. thrilled Made you feel excited and happy

    28. Say the word

    29. Would you be thrilled if you made a good grade or a bad grade on a test?

    30. I read a book instead of watching TV.

    31. instead When you do one thing in place of a 2nd thing

    32. Say the word

    33. What is something you could do instead of watching TV?

    34. I gave the boring movie a bad review.

    35. review When you say or write about a play, book , or movie

    36. Say the word

    37. Which word would you use in a good review?

    38. I celebrate on the Fourth of July.

    39. celebrate When you are happy about something and might even have a party

    40. Say the word

    41. Would you celebrate if you lost your jacket?

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