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Japanese Technological Revolution . By Noah Al Khulaifi 8C. Japan Technology Before WW2.
Japanese Technological Revolution By Noah Al Khulaifi8C
Japan Technology Before WW2 Japan’s modern image is in stark contrast to its early beginning and the first era of Japan in the last 500 years is Edo Japan which begun in around 1600 and ended in approximately 1868 . The people were ruled by Tokugowa Shoguns and they developed slowly due to the narrow minded culture . During this period Japan did not evolve as rapidly as other countries . Next up in the evolution of Japan was Mejii Restoration where an emperor was implemented again . This saw the introduction of an appropriately advanced communicatio and transport system and a developed Industrial Sector . However , their military was weak forcing them to make a deal with the Americans led by Mathew Perry. After this began Imperial Japan which was modern including city dwelling people and craved for power . They began to invade neighboring Asian countries and then America . The Imperial Era culminated in the Nuclear Bombings of Nagaski and Hiroshima . They evolved mainly in the Imperial Era where they began to strengthen their military force all the while driving for more power in the world . They had oil reserves in cities and conducted a lot of trading with a variety of their natural resources . They were modern but not Hi Tech . This was the main cause of their defeat and the end of World War 2 . They could not back up their claims of power after bombing Pearl Harbour , this was in line with their powerful cultural ideas that warriors should never give up . It shook them greatly and was one of the causes of their sudden burst in technology after WW2 .
Japanese Technology After WW2 After World War 2 Japan sided with America and even funded weapons for America in the Korean – American War . They began importing materials for their expanding industries during the 1950’s and 1960’s . However , the most dramatic change was their peace treaty which is three rules against Nuclear weapons and their usage . During the 1970’s they began to move into the Hi-Tech market . This surge can be attributed to the fact that the Japanese take Western technologies and improve them . An example would be the robots in hospitals . The western world had the idea of robots and they created them while Japan took that and implemented into their own society . Another would be the moving wheel chair made by Toyota which was made to be a city cruiser and interact with other vehicles . The Japanese started to take western technology and improve it , hence they moved away from their earlier more violent beliefs and ways and this in turn helped them improve their society vastly , today they are one of the biggest economic super powers and have a large resource pool of high technology thinking people . This is shown when students in March of 2011 built their own robotic skeleton that moved without motors and used human movement as its base . Overall they have become much more independent and have been more innovative consistently then before WW2 while their honor code has remained mostly the same and consequently has produced a creative and innovative society that is much more open to western culture then before WW2 .
Survey Question #1 1. On Average For How Many Hours Do You Use Your Laptop ?
Analysis This chart shows that while technology has grown in the last 15 years especially in teenagers the laptop is still second too the phone which is the main source of technological use in the current age . This shows a constant change of smaller and faster is better . In the 1970’s the first phone was release and only specific places that need direct communication had them such as a hospital . However , nowadays everyone has a phone and all the phones are hi-tech .
Survey Question #2 2. In Your Opinion Which Country Produces the Best Electronic Devices ?
Analysis Obviously USA and South Korea are producing the “best” electronic devices which is why people are choosing them over other manufactures . The fact that only a few manufactures are the ones most desired is probably the same as 30-45 years ago because in general only a few companies where making high quality products . However , it also shows that people now know exactly what they want , so technology has definitely become more widespread to the extent that people know what company produces the product they desire the most .
Survey Question #3 3 How Old Where You When You Got Your First Phone ?
Analysis Three people got their first phones between 10-13 one between 14 & 18 and one over 18 . This shows that all the time as technology is evolving people are buying phones for children who are younger and younger . This can either be contributed to again technology being more widespread and being much more normal then 20 years ago where very few people had phones or even computers . However , it could also be contributed to the fact that as technology is getting more advanced it is also getting more and more easy to use then 25-30 years ago when phones needed a battery pack and where as heavy as stones .
Survey Question #4 4. How Often Do You Read For Fun ?
Analysis Out of 5 people 4 of the younger technology age kids read every day while the last 1 was an older age paper generation student . This shows that do a certain degree advanced technology has improved our reading intuition . This could be because technology has broadened our knowledge and that reading could be another way of widening our knowledge of the world . I believe that my results show the advance’s in technology have made us more aware of knowledge enhancing activities . Internet or electronic reading has also made reading for fun much more common . So laptops , phones and Face Book have actually helped our learning .s
Survey Question #5 5. How Many Electronic Devices Do You Own ?
Analysis Although the results show that most people don’t own more than 5 electronic devices . I believe this is because technology has evolved in such a way that people do not need to have more than a 2-3 devices to occupy all of their needs . For example 20 years ago you would have a house phone , a telephone , a computer , maybe a laptop and even a TV . Nowadays you can buy an iPad or iPhone which has all of those in one , so the real question is what size device you wish to purchase . All in all in this day and age all of your needs can be fulfilled by one or two electronic devices with the capabilities of many .
Conclusion : Overall Analysis As a whole technology in the past decade has varied much more then before so . As it evolved and advances were made it became much more normal to have a phone and more than one electronic device . Moreover , technology has come through and changed almost every part of our life . Learning has been influenced by technology for good and for bad . Without the innovations made after World War 2 I would not be able to write this word document . It has been able to connect and merge with our everyday lives .
Before World War 2 technology was slowly but consistently getting better . However , from then on it has been on the fast track and it will take many years for it to slow down . Teenagers have technology that only 30 years ago NASA was only dreaming about . Toddlers have their own iPad’s and everyone is connected to the internet . Hi-Tech personal devices are as natural as breathing . They may not be perfect but they have made our lives much easier and actually much better . Technology its amazing ……
Bibliography Works Cited How Did Japan Rebuild Its Economy After WW2 : Word Document http://www.art.com/products/p12310037-sa-i1702519/ukiyo-e-woodblock-prints-edo-japan-winter-edo-japan.htm • Top Gear Season 12 Episode 3 "Japanese Students Create Skeletonics Human-powered Robot Suit." Geekcom RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Jan. 2013.