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Summary Briefing

Understand the purpose of Serious Case Reviews to improve safeguarding services. Learn from national and local cases to reduce harm to children. Get insights on key themes like domestic abuse, neglect, teenagers, and child exploitation.

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Summary Briefing

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  1. Wirral Safeguarding Children Board Case Reviews Summary Briefing `Right Service Right Time` WIRRALSAFEGUARDING CHILDREN BOARD

  2. Case Review Briefing Session Objectives • To understand the purpose of Serious Case Reviews • To reflect on learning from both National and Local cases https://www.wirralsafeguarding.co.uk/professionals/serious-case-reviews

  3. What are Serious Case Reviews? Case Review Briefing • Undertaking SCR’s is a statutory function of LSCB’s. • Working Together states a Serious Case Review should be undertaken when: • (a) abuse or neglect of a child is known or suspected AND • (b) EITHER (i) the child has died OR (ii) the child has been seriously harmed and there concern about the way agencies have worked together to safeguard the child • If a case does not reach the threshold for a SCR but there are lessons to be learnt from the case a learning review should be undertaken. • The final decision about undertaking a SCR is made by the Independent Chair and approved by the National Panel for SCR’s https://www.wirralsafeguarding.co.uk/professionals/serious-case-reviews

  4. The Purpose of Serious Case Reviews Case Review Briefing • “…when things go wrong there needs to be a rigorous, objective analysis of what happened and why, so that important lessons can be learnt and services improved to reduce the risk of future harm to children.” • Source: Working Together to Safeguard Children (HM Government) https://www.wirralsafeguarding.co.uk/professionals/serious-case-reviews

  5. National Learning Case Review Briefing • The 2016 DfE triennial report on learning from SCR’s presented the following significant learning points: • 1 in 5 SCR’s is undertaken on a child currently or previously on a child protection plan • About 60% of children are/have been known to children’s social care • 43% of all SCR’s are undertaken on babies less than 1 year old (most vulnerable group) • Teenagers (14-18) are the second most vulnerable group • Neglect is an underlying feature in over 60% of all SCR cases • Poor information sharing and ineffective multi-agency working are a feature of almost all SCR’s https://www.wirralsafeguarding.co.uk/professionals/serious-case-reviews

  6. National Learning –Key Themes Case Review Briefing • Domestic Abuse • Neglect • Teenagers • Child Exploitation Thematic national learning from SCR briefings are helpfully published in one document on the WSCB website https://www.wirralsafeguarding.co.uk/professionals/serious-case-reviews

  7. Case Review Briefing Domestic Abuse • 54% of families had current or previous domestic abuse • Understanding the roles of men in the family • Seeing the mother alone • Avoiding an over-reliance on the mother’s ability to protect their children • Seeing the bigger picture • Maintaining a healthy scepticism • Talking about domestic abuse between agencies • Understanding the complex nature of domestic violence relationships • Understanding the impact on children • Helping the mother to understand the impact on the children https://www.wirralsafeguarding.co.uk/professionals/what-is-domestic-abuse/ https://www.wirralsafeguarding.co.uk/professionals/serious-case-reviews

  8. Case Review Briefing Neglect • Neglect is a factor in 60% of serious case reviews • Be aware of children who are more vulnerable to neglect • Monitor missed appointments • Be vigilant to accidents and injuries • Effectively assess parental capacity and ability to change • Understand the long-term impact of neglect • Evidence-based Assessment and Intervention Work using assessment tools • Focus on improved outcomes for the child’s daily lived experience a • Avoid Case Drift https://www.wirralsafeguarding.co.uk/professionals/neglect/ https://www.wirralsafeguarding.co.uk/professionals/serious-case-reviews

  9. Teenagers Case Review Briefing • Teenagers (14-18) are the second most vulnerable group • Listen to what young people are trying to say: Disclosure; lead practitioner and advocate: self harm or suicide; balancing wishes with best interests • Keeping the focus on the young people: Treating 16-17 year olds as children; helping young people access services; understand risky and challenging behaviour; keep clear chronologies • Service provision: Early intervention; accommodation provision; sexual health provision. https://www.wirralsafeguarding.co.uk/concerned-about-yourself/ https://www.wirralsafeguarding.co.uk/professionals/serious-case-reviews

  10. Child Sexual Exploitation/ CE Case Review Briefing • Have an awareness of the warning signs • Use a comprehensive assessment • Draw on knowledge from different agencies • Understand the ‘capacity to consent’ • Balance the young person's rights with the risks posed. • Perseverance and patience • Maintain a child-centred approach • On-going support https://www.wirralsafeguarding.co.uk/child-exploitation/ https://www.wirralsafeguarding.co.uk/professionals/serious-case-reviews

  11. Case Review Briefing CSE learning posters published on the WSCB website WSCB publishes 20+ learning posters on its site https://www.wirralsafeguarding.co.uk/professionals/serious-case-reviews

  12. Local Reviews Case Review Briefing The WSCB also reviews cases which don’t meet the threshold for a SCR but are reviewed as they may elicit learning. A summary of 12 cases reviewed on the Wirral between 2012-2018 tells us: • There was an equal split between boys and girls as subjects of the reviews • Over half of the reviews undertaken were on children 16 or older. 25% of reviews on children under 3 years old • Neglect featured in over half the cases • MLD, criminal behaviour and exploitation, domestic abuse and transition issues were common features. https://www.wirralsafeguarding.co.uk/professionals/serious-case-reviews

  13. Learning Summaries Case Review Briefing Learning summaries (for SCR’s and local reviews), posters etc. are published on the WSCB website: https://www.wirralsafeguarding.co.uk/professionals/serious-case-reviews

  14. What are Local Reviews Telling Us? Case Review Briefing Over half our reviews have been about teenage boys and a number of common themes emerged: • Long term neglect; • Lack of positive male role models; • Dysfunctional families – DV, Drug Alcohol Misuse, PMH • ADHD/ ASD/ MLD • Behavioural concerns – usually identified at Primary School • Escalating anti-social behaviour – often related to deteriorating school attendance • Criminal behaviour – criminal exploitation • Poor outcomes https://www.wirralsafeguarding.co.uk/professionals/serious-case-reviews

  15. Case Review Briefing https://www.wirralsafeguarding.co.uk/professionals/serious-case-reviews

  16. Case Review Briefing Future Statutory Changes • Act will replace LSCB’s with new local arrangements by Sept 2019 (1st Sept. in Wirral) • In the new arrangements SCR’s are replaced by Local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews • New National Child Safeguarding Review Panel will consider all notifications of serious incidents and commission any National Reviews • Safeguarding partners are required to undertake a rapid review within 15 working days following any notifications • Child Safeguarding Practice Panel will be consider the case and makes a decision on whether an SCR is undertaken at either a national or local level. https://www.wirralsafeguarding.co.uk/professionals/serious-case-reviews

  17. End of Presentation https://www.wirralsafeguarding.co.uk/professionals/serious-case-reviews/ NSPCC National Case Review Repository Find us on www.facebook.com/WirralSafeguardingChildrenBoard/ Follow us on Twitter @wirrallscb Follow us on Instagram @wirrallscb https://learning.nspcc.org.uk/case-reviews/

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