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London 2012. Isaac Ruiz Gavil án 4ºB. Torch Relay. The Torch and Relay were important elements of the cultural festivals surrounding the Olympic Games of Ancient Greece.
London 2012 Isaac Ruiz Gavilán 4ºB
TorchRelay • The Torch and Relay were important elements of the cultural festivals surrounding the Olympic Games of Ancient Greece. • During the Games, a sacred flame burned continually on the altar of the goddess, Hera. In addition, heralds were summoned to travel throughout Greece to announce the Games, declaring a sacred truce for the duration. • Spreading the light from Greece: the modern Games • A very precise ritual for the lighting of the Flame is followed at every Games. It is lit from the sun's rays at the Temple of Hera in Olympia, in a traditional ceremony among the ruins of the home of the ancient Games. After a short relay around Greece, the Flame is handed over to the new Host City at another ceremony in the Panathenaiko stadium in Athens. The Flame is then delivered to the Host Country, where it is transferred from one Torchbearer to another, spreading the message of peace, unity and friendship. It ends its journey as the last Torchbearer lights the cauldron at the Olympic Games Opening Ceremony in the Olympic Stadium, marking the official start of the Games. • The Flame is extinguished on the final day of the Games, at the Closing Ceremony.
London • The 2012 SummerOlympicGames, officiallytheGames of the XXX Olympiad, willtake place in London, England, UnitedKingdom, from 27 Julyto 12 August2012. • Following a bidheadedbyformerOlympicchampionSebastianCoe, London wasselected as the host cityon 6 July 2005 duringthe 117th IOC Session in Singapore, defeatingMoscow, New York City, Madrid and Paris. London willbecomethefirstcitytoofficially host themodernOlympicGamesthreetimes,havingpreviously done so in 1908 and in 1948
Olympicmascot Wanlock
Medals A total of around4,700medalsfortheOlympic and ParalympicGames are producedbythe Royal Mint. Themedal, designedby David Watkins, weighs 375–400g and is 7mm thick, withthe sport and discipline engravedontherim. Followingrecenttradition, thefront of themedalfeatures Nike, theGreekgoddess of victory, steppingfromParthenon. The reverse sidefeatures has theGames logo, theRiverThames, and a series of linessymbolisingtheenergy of theathletes