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FOR ENRICHMENT SEE INTERNET SITES FOR REVIEW. Bibliography: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/kennedys/sfeature/index.html http://www.historyplace.com/kennedy/gallery.htm. The Boston Irish. John. Joe, Jr. Rosemary. Rose. Robert. Pat. Joe, Sr. Eunice. Kathleen. Jean. Teddy.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. FOR ENRICHMENT SEE INTERNET SITES FOR REVIEW Bibliography: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/kennedys/sfeature/index.html http://www.historyplace.com/kennedy/gallery.htm

  2. The Boston Irish John Joe, Jr. Rosemary Rose Robert Pat Joe, Sr. Eunice Kathleen Jean Teddy

  3. The Kennedy Parents

  4. The Controversial Ambassador to England

  5. The Kennedy Parents

  6. The Tragic Siblings…Rosemary

  7. The Tragic Siblings…Joe, Jr.

  8. The Tragic Siblings…Joe, Jr.

  9. The Tragic Siblings…Kathleen “Kick” Kennedy

  10. The Tragic Siblings…Robert “Bobby” Kennedy The Family Man

  11. The Tragic Siblings…Robert “Bobby” Kennedy The NY Senator

  12. The Tragic Siblings…Robert “Bobby” Kennedy The Attorney General

  13. The Tragic Siblings…Robert “Bobby” Kennedy The 1968 Presidential Candidate “The sharpest criticism often goes hand in hand with the deepest idealism and love of country." Address, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, February 24, 1967.

  14. The Controversial SiblingSenator Edward “Teddy” Kennedy

  15. The Successful Sibling • Sister Eunice: • Special Olympics in honor of Rosemary • Husband Shriver operated Peace Corps for JFK

  16. The Sad Sibling • Sister Patricia Lawford: • Married “rat pack” actor Peter Lawford • “Ocean’s 11” • Friend of Sinatra and Monroe • She could not deal with his “Hollywood lifestyle” • Both had problems with alcohol

  17. Successful and Sad Sister Jean Kennedy Smith

  18. John Fitzgerald Kennedy

  19. John Fitzgerald KennedyWar Hero

  20. John Fitzgerald KennedyPolitician

  21. John Fitzgerald KennedyFamily Man

  22. Jack and Jackie

  23. Marilyn Monroe

  24. The Assassination

  25. The Assassin

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