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109 AMPHIBIOUS OPERATIONS FUNDAMENTALS. 109.1 Discuss the mission and functions of an Amphibious Task Force (ATF). An ATF is defined as a Navy task organization formed to conduct amphibious operation
109.1 Discuss the mission and functions of an Amphibious Task Force (ATF). • An ATF is defined as a Navy task organization formed to conduct amphibious operation • The amphibious task force, together with the landing force and other forces, constitutes the amphibious force. • An LF is defined as a Marine Corps or Army task organization formed to conduct amphibious operations.
109.2 State the sequence of events for each of the following phases of amphibious operations: Planning The planning phase begins with the receipt of the initiating directive or the issuing of the LF/MAGTF activation order. P.E.R.M.A
109.2 State the sequence of events for each of the following phases of amphibious operations: Embarkation The embarkation phase is the period during which the forces, with their equipment and supplies, move to staging areas and embark in assigned shipping. P.E.R.M.A
109.2 (Cont.) Rehearsal The rehearsal phase is the period when the CATF and CLF test the adequacy of plans, make sure that all elements are familiar with plans and test communications P.E.R.M.A
109.2 (Cont.) Movement Movement Phase, is the phase during which the elements of the ATF move from the POEs to the AOA. P.E.R.M.A
109.2 (Cont.) Assault Phase The assault phase is the period of time between the arrival of the major assault forces of the ATF in the objective area and the accomplishment of the Amphibious Task Force mission. P.E.R.M.A
109.3 Discuss the special attachments of a Landing Force Support Party (LFSP). • Special attachments are made to the LFSP for defense of the Beach Support Area (BSA), to provide liaison personnel, and for specialized tasks. For example, • Air defense units • Tactical units • U.S. Army • Allied units • NCR element
109.4 Discuss the following types of amphibious operations: • a. Raid- An amphibious raid is an operation involving a swift incursion into or the temporary occupation of an objective to accomplish an assigned mission followed by a planned withdrawal. Amphibious raids are conducted as independent operations or in support of other operations, such as another amphibious landing or land, air, or naval operation.
109.4 (Cont.) • b. Feint - In military deception, an offensive action involving contact with the adversary conducted for the purpose of deceiving the adversary as to the location and/or time of the actual main offensive action. • c. Demonstration - The amphibious demonstration is intended to confuse the enemyas to time, place, or strength of the main operation. Amphibious demonstrations may be conducted in conjunction with other deception operations in order to delude or confuse the enemy.
109.4 (Cont.) • d. Assault -An amphibious assault involves the establishment of an LF on a hostile or potentially hostile shore. The organic capabilities of amphibious forces, including fire support, logistics, and mobility, allow the United States to gain access to a crisis area by forcible entry. Forcible entry operations can be accomplished through amphibious operations, airborne operations, air assault operations, or a combination of any or all of these forcible entry techniques.
109.5 Discuss the Commander Amphibious Task Force (CATF) and Commander Landing Force (CLF) relationship as it pertains to amphibious operations. • Once the LF is embarked in the ATF, CATF assumes full responsibility for the ATF and the operation. • CLF, subject to CATF’s command authority, is responsible for the conduct of operations ashore. • No significant decision by either commander that affects the plans, disposition, or intentions of the other should be made without consulting the commander concerned. • Changes to the ATF landing plan will be made only after consultation between and concurrence by both commanders. • After sufficient combat power is ashore the CLF will request to take Charge of Operation ashore.
The assigned mission of the amphibious assault ship (general purpose) (LHA) is to embark, deploy, and land elements of a Marine landing force in an amphibious assault by helicopters, landing craft, amphibious vehicles, and by combinations of these methods. 109.6 Discuss the various classes of amphibious ships. Amphibious AssaultShip (General purpose) (LHA)
The assigned mission of the amphibious assault ship (multipurpose) (LHD) is to embark, deploy, and land elements of a Marine landing force in an amphibious assault by helicopters, landing craft, amphibious vehicles, and by combinations of these methods. The LHD is assigned a secondary mission of sea control and power projection in which additional fixed-wing vertical/short takeoff and landing (V/STOL) aircraft and helicopters are deployed. 109.6 Discuss the various classes of amphibious ships. Amphibious AssaultShip (Multipurpose) (LHD) “secondary mission of sea control and power projection”
The assigned mission of the LPD is to transport and land troops and their essential equipment and supplies in an amphibious assault by means of embarked landing craft or amphibious vehicles augmented by helicopter lift. 109.6 Discuss the various classes of amphibious ships. Amphibious Transport Dock (LPD)
The assigned mission of the dock landing ship (LSD-49) is t o transport and launch loaded amphibious craft and vehicles with their crews and embarked personnel in amphibious assaults by landing craft and amphibious vehicles. It can render limited docking repair service to small ships and craft. Dock Landing Ship(LSD) 109.6 Discuss the various classes of amphibious ships.
109.7 Discuss the classes of ships that provide Naval Surface Fire Support (NSFS). • Guided Missile Cruisers (CG, CGN). The various CG classes carry two 5-inch/54 caliber rapid fore guns and surface-to-surface missiles. Maximum effectiveranges of these batteries is 23,127 meters. USS MISSISSIPPI CGN 40
109.7 Discuss the classes of ships that provide Naval Surface Fire Support (NSFS). • Destroyers (DD, DDG). The types of ships most frequently found in a gunfire support role are destroyers. Their normal role is in direct support of a battalion. The armament is the 5-inch/54 caliber rapid fire gun. The maximum effective range is 23,127 meters.USS KIDD DD 996
109.7 (Cont.) • Amphibious Assault Ships (LHA). This type of ship is the least likely to perform in a gunfire support role, since it cannot simultaneously conduct NGF missions, flight operations, and wet well operations. These ships have two single 5-inch/54 caliber rapid fire guns.
109.8 Discuss the following terms as they apply to ship-to-shore movement: • a. L-hour - In amphibious operations, the time at which the first helicopter of the helicopter-borne assault wave touches down in the landing zone. • b. H-hour - For amphibious operations, the time the first assault elements are scheduled to touch down on the beach, or a landing zone, and in some cases the commencement of countermine breaching operations. • c. D-day - The unnamed day on which a particular operation commences or is to commence. • d. Line of Departure (LOD) - In amphibious warfare, a suitably marked offshore coordinating line to assist assault craft to land on designated beaches at scheduled times.
The LCAC is the latest generation of amphibious assault landing craft. Combining the heavy lift capacity of the surface assault with high speeds of helicopter-borne assault, the LCAC adds a new dimension to the capabilities of amphibious forces. It is capable of traveling over land and water. The LCAC’s mission is to land heavy vehicles, equipment, personnel, and cargo in amphibious assaults. LCAC 109.9 Discuss the following types of amphibious landing craft:
The LCU’s mission is to land heavy vehicles, equipment, personnel, and cargo in an amphibious assault. The LCU is a highly versatile craft; like others of the landing craft family, it has been adapted for many uses including salvage operations, ferry boats for vehicles and passengers, and underwater test platforms. It is a self-sustaining craft with the typical habitability features found aboard ships. Its welded steel hull provides high durability with deck loads of 800 pounds per square foot. LCU 109.9 Discuss the following types of amphibious landing craft: