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UNDERSTANDING SOCIAL MARKETING. Minggu 1. Content. The Nature and Role of Social Campaigns to Change Public Behavior The Social Marketing Approach to Social Change Social Marketing Research. The Nature and Role of Social Campaigns to Change Public Behavior. Social Problems. ILLITERACY
Content • The Nature and Role of Social Campaigns to Change Public Behavior • The Social Marketing Approach to Social Change • Social Marketing Research
The Nature and Role of Social Campaigns to Change Public Behavior
Social Problems • ILLITERACY • DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE • TEENAGE PREGNANCY • SPREAD OF AIDS • POOR NUTRITION Seringkali Kampanye sosial digunakan untuk mengubah sikap dan perilaku masyarakat.
Example: “Designated Driver” concept (1989) • National media campains against drunk driving • Unique alliance: The Harvard School of Public Health, Hollywood, Madison Avenue, and broadcast network. • The project goal: to change American social norms regarding drinking and driving and thereby reduce alcohol-related traffic deaths. • The project was impressed by striking concept of Scandinavian practices
Example: “Designated Driver” concept (1989) • When a Swede drive to a party and is offered an alcoholic beverage “No thanks, I’m driving”. • When a Swedish couple goes out for the evening “Who’s driving tonight? • The implications are clear “The designated driver doesn’t drink”.
Example: “Designated Driver” concept (1989) • In contrast, American norm is to drink and drive • By the time American teenagers, a majority say they have been a passenger when the driver was drunk. • On weekend night after 10.00 PM, over 8% of drivers on US road are impaired by alcohol. • If current trend continue, > 1million American will die in alcohol related crashes.
History of social change campaigns • Ancient Greece and Rome free the slaves • England: during the Industrial Revolution abolish debtor prisons, grant voting right to women, abolish child labor. • In recent time : social change campaigns have focused on health reforms (antismoking, the prvention of drug abuse, nutrition and physical fitness
Focus in recent time • health reforms : antismoking, the prevention of drug abuse, nutrition and physical fitness. • Environmental reforms : safer water, clean air, the preservation of national parks and forest, protection of wildlife refuges. • Educational reform : increase adult literacy, improve public schools, raise student’s test scores in science and math. • Economic reform : industrial cities, boost job skill and training, attract foreign investors)
More effective in Sweden Program to raise a nation of nonsmokers Include: • Intensive antismoking education in schools and maternity clinics • Restrictions on cigarette advertising • High cigarette taxes • Bans on smoking in public places • Full-services clinics to assist people who want to stop smoking
Developing Countries (Philippines, Indonesia, china) • To inoculate children against viruses • To make widespread the use of oral rehydration therapies • To promote family planning • Literacy • Healthful diets
di Indonesia • Program KB (sangat gencar saat Orba) • Kesehatan Balita (didukung Posyandu) • Sejak 2000 : Gender Mainstreaming (Pengarusutamaan Gender = PUG) • Mulai: kampanye bahaya merokok (Mulai didukung Perda, aturan iklan rokok, dll) • Himbauan penghematan air, tidak mencemari lingkungan, menanam pohon dll.
Definition Social change campaign is an organized effort conducted by one group (the change agent) which intends to persuade others (the target adopters) to accept, modify, or abandon certain ideas, attitudes, practices, and behavior.
Failure factors of social change campaigns • A hard core of “chronic know-nothings” • The likelihood of individual responding to new information • People tend to avoid disagreeable information • People will read different things into information they receive, depending on their beliefs and values.
Several factors that dilute media impact : • Audience factors : apathy, defensiveness and cognitive ineptness • Message factors : message that do not convey real motivating benefits to citizens in an attention-getting way • Media factors : failure to use appropriate media vehicles at the proper time or in effective ways • Response-mechanism factors : failure to provide receptive, motivated citizens with an easy way to respond positively to a campaign’s objectives.
Condition Associated with Social Campaign • Monopolization (no message that are contrary) • Canalization (to channel the existing attitude – preexisting attitudes are easier to reinforce than to change) • Supplementation (mass media-oriented communication is supplemented by face-to-face communication).
Success factors from the targeted adopters • The force (intensity of person’s motivation toward a goal) • The direction (knowledge of how and where to respond positively) • The mechanism (the existence of agency, office, outlet) • Adequacy and compatibility (the ability and effectiveness of agency in performing its task) • Distance (an individual’s estimate of the energy and cost to change an attitude or behavior)
The core elements in a social change campaign • Cause • Change Agent • Target Adopters • Channels • Change Strategy