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2. Educational Context. Civil conflicts in the 1970s resulted in complete destruction of education system Emergency relief and rehabilitation of educational services in the 1980s and early 1990s More systematic development of the education sector began in the late 1990sOver the past decade C
1. 1 Enhancing Aid Effectiveness through Education SWAp in Cambodia H.E. Nath Bunroeun
Secretary of State, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport
Royal Government of Cambodia Richard BridleChair of Education Sector Working Group
and Representative of UNICEF Cambodia
FTI Partnership MeetingCopenhagen, Denmark
20-21 April 2009
2. 2 Educational Context Civil conflicts in the 1970s resulted in complete destruction of education system
Emergency relief and rehabilitation of educational services in the 1980s and early 1990s
More systematic development of the education sector began in the late 1990s
Over the past decade Cambodia has achieved remarkable expansion of educational services
3. 3 Key Achievements (1) Consistent progress in children’s access to school with a narrowing gender gap
4. 4 Inequality between rich and poor decreasing – Poorest quintile achieved the largest enrolment gain
5. 5 Significant increases in the education sector budget
6. 6 Significant geographical disparities in student enrollment
7. 7 Low survival rate in basic education
8. 8 Low mastery level of curriculum - Grade 3 students achieve only 40% in standardised achievement tests
9. 9 Brief History of SWAp in Cambodia Different studies and events that took place in 1999 and 2000 provided impetus for the development of a programmatic approach to education reform:
Social Sector Working Group Report in 1999
EFA Country Assessment 2000 Report in 2000
EFA World Education Forum in Dakar in 2000
SWAp seminars in the education sector in Cambodia in 2000
In the CG meetings in 2000, a shift from donor-ship to Government-led ownership and partnership was emphasized and the advancement of sector-wide approaches was proposed
10. 10 Key Instruments and Mechanisms of Education SWAp (1) Education Strategic Plan (ESP) sets out MoEYS overall policy framework and direction for education reform for the next 5 years.
Education Sector Support Programme (ESSP) defines specific programmes and budget to achieve the objectives set out in ESP
Education Sector Working Group (ESWG) – a formal mechanism for donor coordination and harmonisation composed of 13 DPs and NEP representatives
NGO Education Partnership (NEP) - an umbrella organization representing more than 70 NGOs and CSOs working in education
11. 11 Key Instruments and Mechanisms of Education SWAp (2) Joint Technical Working Group on Education (JTWG-Ed) - a forum for regular policy dialogues and coordination between the government and DPs/NGOs
Joint Annual Sector Review / Education Congress – an annual event where sector performance assessed and future priority actions identified
Annual Operational Plan (AOP) translates medium-term policies and strategies into annual actions and targets specifying all funding sources (government, DPs/NGOs)
Aid Effectiveness Adviser – a TA position jointly funded by multiple DPs to assist MoEYS and ESWG in translating AE agendas into concrete actions
12. 12 Assessment of AE in Education in Cambodia - Ownership (1) Key Achievements
MoEYS demonstrating increasing ownership and leadership in sector reform
Joint annual sector reviews owned and initiated by the MoEYS
Second cycle of ESP and ESSP (2006-2010) developed under MoEYS leadership
ESP and ESSP used by most DPs as principal frame of reference for their support to the education sector
MoEYS has effectively led dialogues between the government and DPs/NGOs through JTWG-Ed
13. 13 Assessment of AE in Education in Cambodia - Ownership (2) Remaining Challenges
ESP and ESSP contain too many priorities
ESP/ESSP financial plans are overly ambitious and not practical as a budget framework
ESP/ESSP lack thorough analysis of financial requirements and funding gaps
ESP/ESSP not sufficiently internalised and used by MoEYS technical departments and by sub-national education offices
JTWG-Ed need further strengthening as “policy dialogue forum”
14. 14 Assessment of AE in Education in Cambodia - Alignment (1) Key Achievements
Most DPs’ assistance has aligned with ESP/ESSP frameworks
Two major donors (ADB and EC) have provided direct budget support
Several DPs have used the government’s procurement system and procedures
Multiple DPs have used common approaches and instruments based on MoEYS policies and action plans (e.g. Child-friendly School Initiatives)
FTI joint mission conducted in conjunction with the joint annual sector review (Education Congress) in 2009
15. 15 Assessment of AE in Education in Cambodia - Alignment (2) Remaining Challenges
Dominant mode of development assistance still through project funding
FTI-ESSSUAP opted for a project funding modality
Most DPs still rely on separate reviews and reports for individual projects/programmes.
Each project/programme prepares separate work plans using different formats and procedures.
Multiple PIUs exist in education sector and no downward trend observed in their use
16. 16 Assessment of AE in Education in Cambodia - Harmonisation (1) Key Achievements
Increasing efforts made in enhancing harmonisation and coordination among DPs’ interventions
ADB and World Bank have used MoEF Standard Operating Procedures for project management
Four UN agencies have adopted a harmonised approach to cash transfer
Sida supporting education sector as a “silent partner” by channeling funds through UNICEF
Joint support to MoEYS priority programmes: e.g. Child-friendly School Initiative, Life skills for HIV/AIDS etc.
Preparation of joint funding to Aid Effectiveness Adviser position underway
17. 17 Assessment of AE in Education in Cambodia - Harmonisation (2) Remaining Challenges
One of the most fragmented sectors - formidable coordination challenge
22 DPs and over 80 NGOs active in the sector supporting some 350 discrete projects/programmes
No real division of labour among DPs by sub-sector or ESP/ESSP component – only EU (Commission and Member States) have started to organise DoL
Major co-financing schemes yet to be developed
Coordination of capacity development support remains a significant challenge
Over 400 person-months of TA in 2008 – no downward trend observed over the past three years
18. 18 Assessment of AE in Education in Cambodia - Managing for Results (1) Key Achievements
Comprehensive M&E framework established in ESP/ESSP – Policy Action Matrix and Sector Performance Milestones and Targets
Robust Education Management Information System established
Joint annual sector review / Education Congress institutionalized
Joint Monitoring Indicators (JMIs) and Aid Effectiveness Priority Actions agreed for 2009/2010 through JTWG-Ed
19. 19 Assessment of AE in Education in Cambodia - Managing for Results (2) Remaining Challenges
Vast majority of DPs continue to conduct their own independent monitoring and studies to supplement MoEYS monitoring systems
Content, process and outcomes of Education Congress need further improvement for more analytical sector review
Reliability and timeliness of EMIS data and its linkage with other information systems need further improvement
Evidence-based policy formulation still weak
Insufficient data/information on educational “quality” (e.g. learning outcomes and teaching practice)
20. 20 Assessment of AE in Education in Cambodia - Mutual Accountability (1) Key Achievements
Government and DPs/NGOs consultation mechanism well established through JTWG-Ed
Joint annual sector review / Education Congress institutionalized
Comprehensive AOP developed in 2009 incorporating both government and DP annual budget in a single plan
CDC ODA database updates information on projection and disbursement of DP support to education sector
21. 21 Assessment of AE in Education in Cambodia - Mutual Accountability (2) Remaining Challenges
JTWG-Ed need further strengthening as “policy dialogue forum”
Participation of sub-national levels still limited in joint annual reviews
AOP preparation process need to be synchronised with the government’s regular budget planning process
Accuracy and timeliness of ODA database data need further improvement
Currently NGO data not captured in ODA database
Global economic crisis posing threat to meeting education related MDGs and predictability of future financing
22. 22 Future Directions Stronger Ownership through improved quality of sector policy/programme frameworks
Greater Alignment through strengthening national planning, budgeting, auditing, procurement, monitoring and reporting systems
Greater Harmonisation among DPs through multi-donor joint funding and programming and coordinated capacity development support
Stronger Management for Results through more analytical joint sector reviews and evidence-based policy formulation
Stronger Mutual Accountability through improved information flow on government budget and external assistance
23. 23 Priority Actions for 2009/2010 (1) Upgrade and update ESP/ESSP for 2011-2015 through prioritisation of strategies with more robust financing plan
Explore effective means among development partners and with MoEYS to reduce aid fragmentation in the sector based on new ESP/ESSP
Strengthen joint annual review so that it will function as a primary monitoring and reporting requirement for all DPs
Prepare comprehensive, realistic and results-based AOP in synchronisation with government’s budget planning process
24. 24 Priority Actions for 2009/2010 (2) Strengthen MoEYS financial management capacity for greater use of national systems by DPs
Develop harmonised financial arrangements among DPs through joint funding modalities
Develop medium-term capacity development strategies for more coordinated capacity development support including technical cooperation
Develop joint cooperation mechanisms at sub-national levels based on MoEYS decentralisation and deconcentration policy and strategies
25. 25 FTI Contributions to Aid Effectiveness (1) Harmonised financing through global multi-donor pooled funds
Appraisal, endorsement and programme preparation of FTI made through genuine joint efforts among DPs and MoEYS
FTI-ESSSUAP fully aligned with ESP/ESSP and all planned activities incorporated in AOP
Joint FTI monitoring mission partially aligned with Education Congress in 2009
26. 26 FTI Contributions to Aid Effectiveness (2) FTI-ESSSUAP uses existing Programme Management Committee (PMC) to oversee programme implementation – no parallel PIU established
FTI-ESSSUAP supports strengthening of MoEYS financial management capacity as part of PFMR
FTI-ESSSUAP supports development and implementation of harmonised performance incentive scheme
27. 27 FTI Implementation Challenges Tight timeframe particularly for school construction component (60% of total grant)
Slow and complex work procedures (e.g. ICB and IPA) have affected overall programme implementation progress
FTI joint monitoring not fully aligned with annual sector review – transaction costs high as both require substantial time for preparation
PMC need further strengthening to undertake more efficient and effective management of ESSSUAP implementation
28. 28 THANK YOU!