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Prescott & District Soccer Association. Coaches’ Meeting April 23, 2012 7:00 pm - 7:40pm O’Reilly’s Independent Grocer Welcome!. Prescott & District Soccer Association. Agenda. Introduction of Executive Members This Year’s Schedule Field Location/Information
Prescott & District Soccer Association Coaches’ Meeting April 23, 2012 7:00 pm - 7:40pm O’Reilly’s Independent Grocer Welcome!
Prescott & District Soccer Association Agenda Introduction of Executive Members This Year’s Schedule Field Location/Information Number of Players and Teams Team lists and schedules Important Dates S.G. Reminder Coach/Volunteer Application/Screening Policy and Procedures Referees and cards Coaches key points New 2012 Coach’s Package Conveners Meet with Coaches – Hand out Team lists
Prescott & District Soccer Association 2012 Executive Introduction Rob Carr President 340-9290 Laurence Carr Vice-President 926-3204 Megan Clifford Secretary 498-4237 Leanne Burton Registrar 925-0782 Lesley Todd Treasure r 925-4897 Rick Fraser Referee in Chief 348-1047 Megan Clifford U5 Convener 498-4237 Megan Clifford U7 Convener 498-4237 Tracy Moorhouse U9 Convener 975-1039 Trish Couperus U11 Convener 258-9794 Tony Haystead U14 Convener 925-2802 Tony Haystead U18 Convener 925-2802
Prescott & District Soccer Association Schedules 2012 U5 SCHEDULE TUESDAY - 6:00 PM - FIELDS 6N, 6S, & 10 U7 SCHEDULE TUESDAY & THURSDAY - 6:00 PM - FIELDS 1, 2, & 3 U9 SCHEDULE TUESDAY & THURSDAY 7:00 PM - FIELDS 1 & 2 U11 SCHEDULE MONDAY & WEDNESDAY - 6:00 PM - FIELDS 1, 2, & 3 U14 SCHEDULE MONDAY & WEDNESDAY - 6:00 PM & 7:00 PM - FIELDS 8 & 9 U18 SCHEDULE TUESDAY & THURSDAY - 6:00 PM & 7:00 PM - FIELDS 8 & 9
Prescott & District Soccer Association Field Locations
Prescott & District Soccer Association Fields at South Grenville Bathrooms No washrooms at fields (and can’t use school facilities) Go before, bring your own potty and toilet paper, or use McDonald’s Soccer Fields Fields #3, #4, #7 (not being used) Field #6N & #6S (U5 fields) are across field #6 Field 10 (U5 field) is north of field #6 Tom Carr Field (full field, usually only used on final day) U5 Used tennis court parking lot if possible.
1. meter from side lines Maximum 7 a-side (including goalie) for all ages except U14, U18 which is 11 a-side 5 Meters 1. meter from side lines Prescott & District Soccer Association Coaches, Team, & Spectators Technical Area for coaches & team Minimum 5 a-side (including goalie) for all ages except U14, U18 which is 7 a-side
Prescott & District Soccer Association 2012 Player/Team Numbers Division Players Room Teams Min/Max per team U5 75 9 6 (S) 12 - 14 U7 69 15 6 (+1) 12 - 14 U9 46 6 4 (-1) 11 - 13 U11 74 4 6 (-1) 11 - 13 U14 108 20 8 (+1) 14 - 16 U18 84196 (S) 15 – 17 Total 456 73 36 (S)
Prescott & District Soccer Association Players/Teams No scheduled practices other than first week. Can arrange own practice times on open fields. 2 games for every team each week excluding holidays, special events, cancelations, etc. Players can still sign up – quite a bit of room in U7, U14, and U18 contact Leanne Burton at 613-925-0782.
Prescott & District Soccer Association Teamlists and Schedules Team lists return one to convener with shirt numbers and corrections – first week Practices times/locations on sheet Give suggested information to player or parent Check your lists Schedules Explain information on schedule Report mistakes to convener as soon as possible
Prescott & District Soccer Association Important Dates Field and goal set up – Sunday, April 29th at 9:00 a.m. Referees meeting – during practice week (May 7th to May 10th) First day of soccer – Monday May 7th or Tuesday May 8th. Pictures in June (Picture takers & dates not determined yet). Commencement of regular schedule – May 14th. Graduations at S.G.D.H.S.– Tues/Wed. June 26/27 – no games. Play-offs - start in end of July/first of August. Year End Wrap-up – Saturday, August 18th. 2013 - AGM (January) and Player Registration - February 16th & 23rd (last 2 Saturdays in February), Late registration in March 9th (+$20)
Prescott & District Soccer Association South Grenville Reminder!! Littering: Garbage left on fields, around bleachers and parking lot Please pick it up and keep the grounds clean Coaches responsible for team’s garbage (bring a grocery bag with you for each game) Parking: • Under the Ontario Fire Code a fire route must be maintained to and around the school • Please don’t park in the NO PARKING areas • Please watch for pedestrians in the parking areas • Special events at school-plays, blood donor clinics, etc…..please be cautious, increased traffic, graduations-no games
Prescott & District Soccer Association Coaches/Volunteers Applications/Screening Must fill out a coach’s application in full and return tonight. Read and sign the Coach’s Code of Conduct and return tonight. Must be approved by PDSA executive. Coaches must be 18 years of age or approved by P.D.S.A. Executive (if under 18). Existing PDSA coaches will have to sign a waiver instead of getting a new police check and return tonight. All new coaches/volunteers must have an approved Police Check for current year – Copy from hockey or school is fine. Provide to Convener in a sealed envelope. PDSA reserves the right to approve or reject applications based on information provided.
Prescott & District Soccer Association Policies/Procedures Currently have a number of Policies – found in coach booklet and on website Team Selection, Weather, Play Up, Call Up, Changing of Team, Discipline Policy, 6 Goal Policy Codes Conduct for Players, Coaches and Parents - found in coach’s booklet and on website
Prescott & District Soccer Association Coach’s Code of Conduct I will give all players equal playing time, equal opportunity, instruction, and support to play on the field. I will remember that participants need a coach they can respect. I will be generous in the praise and set a good example. I will be on time and prepared for games and practices. I must place the well being and safety of each player above all other considerations. I must encourage and guide players to accept responsibility for their own behavior and performance. I will ensure that all players are properly equipped before going on the field. I will obtain knowledge and the rules of the game according to P.D.S.A.. At all times I will respect parents, referees, players, coaches, and the opposing team. I will clarify with the players, and their parents exactly what is expected of them and also what they are entitled to expect from their coach. I will adhere to P.D.S.A.’S COACH’S CODE OF CONDUCT at all times.
Prescott & District Soccer Association Referee Responsibilities Referees are Volunteers Respect the referees A referee will be appointed to officiate the game Conduct themselves in a professional manner by not showing favoritism to any player, coach or team Start all games on time Ensure that all players are wearing proper equipment including shin guards and are not wearing any jewelry
Prescott & District Soccer Association Handing out of Yellow and Red Card (U14 & U18) Usually given out in U14 and U18 only, but can be used in younger age groups. Yellow Card shall be removed from the field for a 10 minute cooling off period maybe substitute by another player when removed from the field of play Red Card 2 yellow card = Red automatic removed from the game Suspended for the remainder of that game and 1 additional game (minimum) depending on previous card history Ejected players shall not be replaced or substituted for at any time during the game
Prescott & District Soccer Association Coaches – Key Points Call all players by Tuesday, May 1, 2012. Give your name and phone number, team name, date, time, location of first practice, report any problems to conveners Be prepared for practices, try not to have games Have player/parent discussion the first night of practice Encourage parents to help/get involved (help coaching, linesperson, refereeing, etc.) Make sure parents/spectators are out of technical areas, far enough away from sidelines and goal areas Discourage parents from being dogs to games Organize freezee/snack schedules
Prescott & District Soccer Association New this year - 2012 Shirt naming (last year ) - $7.00 for the name tag. Fundraiser for P.D.S.A. New crest – commemorating the start of minor soccer in Prescott - 1967 New liner – better thicker lines, (straighter??) New website – ready to go in a few weeks – each player and coach to receive a fridge magnet. New cast rule – cast will not be permitted during games for the safety of the individual and all other players New jewelry rule- no visable jewelry worn in U7 to U18 (not taped – needs to be removed) – referees are encouraged to look for this. U5 rule is softened but parents are encouraged to remove jewelry (games refereed by coaches)
Prescott & District Soccer Association Coaches Package - includes Coaches shirt (tonight) Hat (tonight) 2 team lists (tonight) 2 schedules 3 soccer balls with bag Coaches booklet Whistle Cones Players shirts, shorts, and socks Goalie shirt and goalie gloves
Prescott & District Soccer Association Coaches Meeting Any Questions? Suggestions?
Prescott & District Soccer Association Coaches Meeting Enjoy your coaching experience! Thank you for volunteering.
Subbing – 7 mini soccer • 1 – 1 at a time, leave 5 on • 2 – 4 groups of 2, leave 4 on. • 3 – 3 groups of 3, leave 3 on. • 4 – 5 groups of 2, leave 2 on. • 5 – leave 1 on, take turns. • 6 – sub everyone.
Informaton about schedules and updating. • Original plus changes updated. • Website will have original plus updated. Signboard updated version with updated notes. • Field situations- technical areas. F3 vs football field.
New crest and explanation • Shirt names fund raiser • Cast and jewery rules. • New liner • Coaches shirts • hats
Prescott & District Soccer Association Team Selection Policy Players will be sorted by year of birth, gender, and skill for each age group. Coaches Player ratings if available (for U9, U11, U14, & U18) players only from previous years will be added to player list and reviewed and adjusted if needed. Any players that are not rated will be rated or noted as an unrated player. Player requests will be added to player list. All requests will be considered, but not guaranteed.
Prescott & District Soccer Association 6 Goal Policy 3 points is given to the winning team that has a 5 or less goal difference. 2 points is given to the team that creates a 6 or more goal difference (6-0, 7-1, 8-2, 9-3, 10-4) anytime during a game. 1 point is given to teams that tie 0 points is given to a team that loses Reasons for policy Team/player sportsmanship, a chance for other players to share in scoring, a chance for players to play a variety of positions, prevent coaches from running up the scores, This is not meant to change the outcome or the way the game is played on the field.
Prescott & District Soccer Association Changing Team Policy Player needs to change a team or a coach requests Must be requested in writing on the request form with reason Given to Convener Discussed with President and decision made Convener notifies all involved before move takes place If the following Policy is not followed The player will be moved back to original team
Prescott & District Soccer Association Call Up Policy When Short Players Must notify the referee who you have brought up before the game stars Referee must make the score sheet with a CU beside the player being called up.
Prescott & District Soccer Association Weather Conditions Policy All cancellations decisions will be made at game time at S.G.D.H.S.. A game can start up to 10 minutes past the hour. Will be called by the Chief Referee or Delegate. Bad conditions during game, referees instructed to stop play. All players, parents, coaches, officials will leave field at once. If the game is in the first half it will be rescheduled as a 6 point game. In second half, score is final If 6 p.m. game is cancelled 7 p.m. game may still be played. Check websites or use apps www.intellicast.com, www.theweathernetwork.com, At time of high humidex or temperature, games maybe shortened in length, referee can offer unlimited substitutions & water breaks
Prescott & District Soccer Association Player’s Code of Conduct I must ensure that they have the appropriate equipment for each occasion I must not use inappropriate language; they shall set a positive example for others, particularly younger players and supporters. I must treat opponents with due respect at all times irrespective of result of game. I must play with in the rules of the game and respect my opponents I will remember that coaches and officials are there to help me. I will accept their decisions and show them respect. I will arrive for practice and games on time or notify the coach., in advance of any reason for not being there. I must show respect for the facilities and equipment they use. No player shall smoke on school property.
Prescott & District Soccer Association Parent’s Code of Conduct The Parent must ensure that their child/children has the required equipment for each occasion (e.g. games/practice) The parent must ensure that the player arrives and is collected by the appointed times for practice sessions and games. The parent must inform the coach, as far in advance as possible, if the player will not be available for a practice session or game. The parent must inform the coach of any illness or ailment that may affect the performance or the health of player. The parent must always encourage ALL players during the game regardless of the result of the game The parent has the rights to voice concerns to the convenor of the division. The parent must be courteous and polite at all times towards opponents, coaches, managers, referees and officials. The parent should feel free to approach the coach to discuss any aspect of the player's soccer development. The parent will not consume any alcohol beverages on the school property Parents will not smoke on school property. (soccer fields)
Prescott & District Soccer Association Summary of Mini Soccer Rules - Rick Game, Ball and Distance Two equal halves of 25 minutes each with 5 minute interval. Size 4 ball size for all ages up to U11 and size 5 U14 & U19 Penalty mark is 8m from the goal line Distance for free kicks, goal kicks and kick off, all opponents shall be not less than 6 meters from the ball until it has been kicked. Goal kicks are taken from any where inside the 10 meter penalty area.
Prescott & District Soccer Association Summary of Mini Soccer Rules Kicks: A goal may NOT be scored directly from a kick off. A goal may NOT be scored directly from a free kick. A goal may NOT be scored directly from a goal kick. Penalty kick awarded against a player for any of the ten offences (kicks, trips, jumps, charges, strikes, holds, spits, tackles, handles the ball) in his/her own penalty area.
Prescott & District Soccer Association Web Site – underdevelopment still…..a Keep schedules up to date Weather info Important Dates Team Standings Forms - Police Checks, Registration and Coach Forms Sponsor Listings Director Listing Policy and Procedures Soccer Rules Soccer Links E-mail for additional information
Prescott & District Soccer Association Summary of Mini Soccer Rules Player and Substitution 7 players per team, one must be the goalkeeper. Minimum of 5. Any dismissed player may not take further part in the game; however he/she may be replaced by another team member. A Team May Substitute On their own corner kick. On their own throw in On their own goal kick, (Note: 11 aside allows both teams to substitute on any goal kick). After a goal has been scored or When the opposition is substituting