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W.F. Rietveld

Information Systems IM and OML Master Thesis Projects woensdag 30 november 13.45 uur t/m 15.30 uur, PAV.L10 Pieter Van Gorp p.m.e.v.gorp@tue.nl. W.F. Rietveld. Student Testimonial. See http://vimeo.com/23900003. The Information Systems Group, challenges.

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W.F. Rietveld

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  1. Information SystemsIM and OML Master Thesis Projects woensdag 30 november 13.45 uur t/m 15.30 uur, PAV.L10Pieter Van Gorpp.m.e.v.gorp@tue.nl W.F. Rietveld

  2. Student Testimonial • Seehttp://vimeo.com/23900003

  3. The Information Systems Group, challenges • Up-to-date, complete and accurate information has become a necessity to survivein an increasingly competitive world. • Challenges like: • mass customization of products and services • end-to-end process control • dynamic cooperation networks http://beta.ieis.tue.nl/conference/2011

  4. Mission • To research and teach: • design, • use, • and analysis ... of advanced information systems • ... for operational business processes relation KPI <> information/process <> IS IT-driven business redesigns business-driven IT redesigns

  5. People

  6. IS MSc Courses • 1BM05 Business Process Management (BPM) • 1BM10 E-Business Architectures and Systems (EBAS) • 1BM16 Executable Models (of Operational Processes) • 1BM20 Software Requirements Management (SRM) • 1BM40 ICT-Architectures (ICTA) • 1BM46 Data Mining and Process Mining • 1BM55 Enterprise Information Systems • 1BM61 Product Lifecycle Management • 1BM65 IT-Governance • 1BM70 Healthcare Business Networks

  7. Requirements: 2 IS courses, and…

  8. Choosing courses, finding a mentor IS Research Clusters

  9. Four research clusters for Master Projects

  10. Research cluster Business Process Management(& Mining) EMOP (1BM16), DPM (1BM46) • People: Remco Dijkman, Rik Eshuis, Hajo Reijers (cluster leader), Irene Vanderfeesten, Pieter Van Gorp, Ton Weijters Cooperations:Pallas Athena, Mendix, Magnaview, FlexSim, Fluxicon, Deloitte, Logica, Rabobank, ING Investment, ...

  11. Research cluster Software Management SRM ( 1BM20) ITgov (1BM65), PLM (1BM61) • People: Rob Kusters, Jos Trienekens (cluster leader), Michiel van Genuchten Cooperations:Philips Medical, ING Amsterdam, ATOS, …

  12. Research cluster X-organizational Information Systems EIM (1BB71), EBAS (1BM10), and ICTA (1BM40). • People: Rik Eshuis, Marco Comuzzi, Paul Grefen, Successor of Samuel Angelov Cooperations:De LageLanden, Rabo bank, Capgemini, PinkRoccade, Vodafone

  13. EMOP (1BM16), and  HCBN (1BM70) Research cluster Healthcare Cooperations:Catharina hospital, Bronovo hospital, Academic Medical Center Amsterdam, GZA, LIBRA, HSK, Salusion, Tragpi, Philips, … • People: Marco Comuzzi, Paul Grefen, Uzay Kaymak (cluster leader), Rob Vanwersch,Hajo Reijers, Irene Vanderfeesten, Pieter Van Gorp

  14. Atmosphere Collaborative,Academic &Professional

  15. Collaborative & Academic: IS-HEARThttp://is.ieis.tue.nl/staff/pvgorp/research/?page=IS-HEART Subscribe is-heart-students@listserver.tue.nl

  16. Next session: May 18th, 2012 IS-HEART: expert guidance for literature study

  17. Collaborative & Professional: http://www.bpmroundtable.nl/

  18. Information SystemsMaster Thesis ProjectPieter Datp.j.c.dat@student.tue.nl W.F. Rietveld

  19. Student presentation:Introduction • In 2010: • Final Bachelor project Information Systems • Bachelor Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences for Healthcare • Currently: • Master program Operations, Management & Logistics for Healthcare • Master thesis project Maastricht University Medical Center (MUMC+)

  20. Student presentation: Clusters & courses • Combination of Healthcare and Business Process Management cluster • Why these clusters? • Healthcare domain: cure more people, be more flexible, safe and high quality care, less resources, competitive environment • Improve safety, efficiency and effectiveness of business processes in healthcare (healthcare and process-oriented view) • Completed courses: Business Process Management, Executable Models of Logistic Processes, Healthcare Business Networks, Data Mining & Process Mining

  21. Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4 Master thesis preparation , s r bi - monthly meetings o o t t t Core and elective n c n e a Master Thesis Project t courses o i m n t o bi - weekly meetings a e c c Core and elective Core and elective i h l t t s p f courses courses r i p o f A e n o End MTP Form Mentor A ssignment F orm Start MTP Form Assessment Form Electives Form Student presentation: Master thesis process • Process of master thesis project: • Mentor: restricted courses, meetings for discussing progress (master program / master thesis project) • Information Systems: expertise in different research clusters, stimulating support, well accessible, open-minded, collaboration with industries

  22. Student presentation: Master thesis project • Master thesis project (MUMC+): • Project performed in hospital of academic hospital Maastricht: • Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of endoscopic processes and medication preparation process. • Real-life case studies as basis for scientific research

  23. Student presentation: Master thesis project • Master thesis project (MUMC+): • The applicability of general-purpose (CPN-tools) and application-oriented simulation software (Flexsim Healthcare)

  24. The Information Systems Group,Invitation http://is.ieis.tue.nl/?page=research >> Choose cluster => Mentor >> Indicate preference >> Appointments with mentors can and will be made easily Pieter Van Gorpp.m.e.v.gorp@tue.nl

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