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Quick P resentation of The Danish E ducational system.

Quick P resentation of The Danish E ducational system. Denmark has a national goal : 95% of all youngsters shall at least have a vocational education before 2015. The first muncipalites reach ed : 95% in 2011. Total 84% in Denmark 2010.

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Quick P resentation of The Danish E ducational system.

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  1. QuickPresentation of The Danish Educational system.

  2. Denmark has a national goal:95% of all youngstersshall at least have a vocationaleducationbefore 2015

  3. The first muncipalites reached :95% in 2011.Total 84% in Denmark 2010.

  4. Because we are in a need of skilled labour forces.In a country with huge state obligations to the citizens - education is the best preventive measures in society to minimize the costs of these obligations. Education becomes a good investment for society. Why?

  5. Now we just need to make sure thattheywillstay in education & finish the educationtheystarted.20 – 30% dropouts in vocationalarea.

  6. 70- 75% Will graduate whatever you offer them.To reach the last 25% you need initiatives of huge variety. 5% (2500 citizens) are not expected to have a professional education.

  7. In general: Early occupational guiding of pupils at primary school + stay at workplaces All education free of charge Student support/salory minimum 700 euros – up to 1300 euros per month + State loan free of interest Low criteria's to start on some educations, especially vocational area. Very flexible educational system. No dead ends in education. Specific: Many initiatives to support students to manage educational programs. Different combinations of theory and stay at practice in many educational programs. ( up to 2/3 practice and 1/3 theory) Liberty of the individual educational institution to set up educational programs, targeting different types of learning challenges. Individual registration and follow up on all young people to assure that the are either at work or at education. If not they will be contacted individually for guidance and support. Special trainings for staff members at workplaces to meet and communicate with youngsters.

  8. Overall aim of educational program Personal aim of competence development Professional aims of competence 3 focus areas in education: Social competence Aim of theory/subjects Learning and personal development competence Aim of practical skills

  9. 18 weeks Examples:Different ways to the same educational aims.The shortest and the basic educational program in care: Social and health helper. 24 weeks of theory 48 weeks of practice. 24 weeks 32 weeks of theory In fact there is no deadline. As long we believe that there is a chance for the student to graduate – we continue.

  10. Examples: Different ways to the same educational aims.The shortest and the basic educational program in care: Social and health helper. 24 weeks of theory 48 weeks of practice.One wayAnotherway College Practice College College Practice College Practice Practice College Practice

  11. Primary Scholl Starts at 6 or 7 year old 9 year at least by law but 10 years of school. Production School Secondaryhighschool Center of 10th classes Vocational education 10th classintroduction 10th of introduction 10th of introduction Social and Health College Technical College Business College Bachelor University.

  12. Basic rule: Never stop the youngsters?Sometimes it means – keep them without further harming them educationally - until the adult brain appears:

  13. Increase the pedagogical competences in practice. 3 most important factors to make sure the last youngsters graduate a professional education Remove the books from theory/productive methodology Focus on the social atmosphere in the classroomRemove the books from theory.

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