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GEO Disaster task progress assessment toward target Stuart Frye For Francis Lindsay, NASA. Disasters Task Target Enable the global coordination of observing and information systems to support all phases of the risk management cycle associated with hazards (mitigation and preparedness, early
GEO Disaster task progress assessment toward target Stuart Frye For Francis Lindsay, NASA
Disasters Task Target Enable the global coordination of observing and information systems to support all phases of the risk management cycle associated with hazards (mitigation and preparedness, early warning, response, and recovery). Demonstrated by (outcomes) GEO VI document 12 (Rev 1) Improved use of observations and related information to inform policies, decisions and actions associated with disaster preparedness and mitigation. More effective access to observations and related information to facilitate warning, response and recovery to disasters. Increased communication and coordination between national, regional and global communities in support of disaster risk reduction, including clarification of roles and responsibilities and improved resources management. Improved national response to natural and man-made disasters through delivery of spacebaseddata, resulting from strengthened International Charter on "Space and Major Disasters.” Support to the successful implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015.
Tasks contribution to the Targets in 2013 • DI-01 Informing Risk Management and Disaster Reduction (NASA, francis.lindsay@nasa.gov) • C1 Disaster Management Systems,Lead: CEOS (NASA, gseguin_isc@icloud.com ) • Improve access to information produced through key disaster management mechanisms … • Promote quick and easy access to in-situ data and reference maps required in case of emergency. .. • Make information related to environmental risk and vulnerability easily accessible to decision-makers … • Enhance the use of satellite data for disaster management, based on lessons-learned and experience … • Review global and regional disaster risk management systems … • Perform a gap analysis considering data, metadata, systems, and capacity to cover all phases and types. • C2 Geohazards Monitoring, Alert, and Risk Assessment,Leads: (EUCENTRE, fabio.dellacqua@unipv.it), • Apply a fully integrated approach to geohazards monitoring … • Support the establishment of Supersites and Natural Laboratories … • Enhance global earthquake and volcano monitoring, alert, and damage assessment ... • Support global earthquake risk assessment … • Develop large-area vulnerability modeling and mapping using novel algorithms and methodologies … • Support tsunami early warning and hazards assessment … • C3 Regional End-to-End Systems, Leads: (NASA, stuart.w.frye@nasa.gov) • Implement regional and cross-cutting end-to-end projects… • Expand pilots to others types of disasters • Develop a world wide scheme of regional end to end system and identify lead for each region … • Identify locations for tandem centers of excellence in developed and developing regions …
Tasks contribution to the Targets in 2013 • SB-04 Global Urban Observation and Information (I.S.U., USA,qweng@indstate.edu) • Priority Actions • Improve global coverage and data accuracy of urban observing systems through integrating satellite data of different sources, resolutions, and sensors with in-situ field measurements • Document requirements for global urban monitoring and assessment in terms of data products and expectations for data validation, archiving, update and sharing • Develop a global urban observing and research network using the mechanism of GEO, establishing regional alliances and encouraging the establishment of a Program Office • Create a global urban morphological database for urban monitoring/assessment and climate modeling to better understand the impacts of global climate change on urban areas • Conduct global urban analyses, including time-series for assessing mega-cities development (e.g. urban sprawl) and a world-wide inventory of human settlements based on satellite data (e.g“Global Urban Footprint” products and data base; see also IN-02) • Conduct urban analyses linking Earth observation products with socio-economic and demographic data, to improve knowledge of urban environments, air quality and carbon emissions, population density, quality of life, and environmental/infectious diseases (see also HE-01) • Conduct surveys to assess the magnitude and dynamics of the urban “heat island” effect, particularly for cities in developing countries, and identify environmental impacts of “Megacities”(populations of 10,000,000 or more) as they increase in number around the world, and for evaluation of these impacts at the local, regional, and global scales
Synergies with other Tasks • IN-01 :use of VC and in situ weather network • IN-02 : Earth data set • IN-03 :GCI and AIP • IN-05 :GEOSS design and interoperability • ID-01 :Capacity building • HE-02 ;Tracking Pollutants • SB-02 :Global Land Cover • SB-03 :Forest burn map • AG-01 :Drought • WA-01 :Flooding, Windstorm • Note: • Analysis was not performed to evaluate the role of these tasks in the realization of the Disaster target.
Assessment of Progress • Pyramid Diagram • The pyramid diagram intends to provide a compact and comprehensive view of GEOSS implementation progress. It is based on a color-coded representation of the: • Strategic Target (top of the pyramid); • Underpinning Strategic Target Outcomes / “Demonstrated by” bullets (middle level of the pyramid); • Related Work Plan Tasks (base of the pyramid). • Color codes indicate the degree of progress and levels of priority for intervention as follows:
Assessment of Progress • DI-01 Informing Risk Management and Disaster Reduction • 2013 Accomplishments (GEO Symposium) • Flood GAP analysis was performed by CEOS • Previewrelease of a new version of the Global Risk Data Platform http://preview.grid.unep.ch • SERVIR extended to Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan • European Forest Fire Information System was developed to maturity • South Africa fire information system calibration campaign led to change the danger rating index • International Charter Space and Major Disasters provided access to more GEO members • Development of an operational forecasting service of volcanic ash is on-going • Global Earthquake Model improvement is going on • CEOS adopted a process to support GEO Supersites. Hawaii and Iceland are supported • CEOS conduct regional flood pilots in the Caribbean and in Southern Africa • CEOS is developing a DRM Global observation strategy to foster utilization of Earth observation remote sensing data for all phases of Disaster Risk Management • Activities under the task have progressed relative to 2012 and two additional components are proposed on Wildfire and to foster EO remote sensing data for all phases of DRM.
Assessment of Progress of the outcomes a. Improved use of observations and related information to inform policies, decisions and actions associated with disaster preparedness and mitigation. Analysis summary: Despite increased evidence of utilization of EO data for disaster preparedness and mitigation additional actions/intervention are required by the GEO community to make the use of observations more systematic over all area of the World and for all type of disasters. Proposed Actions/Intervention: For Members and Organizations that own data and products relevant to disaster risk mitigation (e.g. calibration/validation data): Contribute to Task DI-01
Assessment of Progress of the outcomes • b. More effective access to observations and related information to facilitate warning, response and recovery to disasters. • Analysis summary: • Observations and related information are more accessible during the response phase of major disasters. However actions/intervention are required to make the access to observations more effective during the warning and recovery phase. • Proposed Actions/Intervention: • Address the warning phase of predictable disasters such as floods caused by storms and hurricanes. Contribute to a new Task Component proposed by CEOS to foster utilization of Earth observation remote sensing data for all phases of Disaster Risk Management; • Support the revision of the GEO Geohazards Supersites and National Laboratories portal – for seamless access to three types of data: (1) Multi-sensor SAR data; (2) Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data; (3) Seismic data.
Assessment of Progress of the outcomes • c. Increased communication and coordination between national, regional and global communities in support of disaster risk reduction, including clarification of roles and responsibilities and improved resources management. • Analysis summary: • A regional strategy is still needed to engage participation at community level and to improve communication and and coordination between national, regional and global communities. • Proposed Actions/Intervention: • Contribute Very High Resolution sand High Resolution satellite data (in the range of 0.5m-10m of spatial resolution) to the development of a Global Human Settlement Layer for Disasters Risk Assessment and to support crisis management operations.
Assessment of Progress of the outcomes • d. Improved national response to natural and man-made disasters through delivery of space-based data, resulting from strengthened International Charter on "Space and Major Disasters.” • Analysis summary: • Much progress has been done to extend the access of the Charter to all GEO member countries, Effort to train local disaster project manager to improve the interface with the Charter must continue. • Proposed Actions/Intervention: • Maintain efforts in support of a universal acces to the International Charter Space Major Disasters.
Assessment of Progress of the outcomes • e. Support to the successful implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015. • Analysis summary: • A better link with the stakeholder of the Hyogo framework is required to help building the resilience of nations and communities to disasters. • Proposed Actions/Intervention: • Support the implementation of the Hyogo Framework with concrete activities and projects involving local Communities and end users.
Informing Risk Management and Disaster ReductionCrosswalk from Task components to targets • DI-01 C1 • DI-01 C2 • DI-01 C3 • SB-4 • Use of information • Access • Communication • National response • Support to HFA
Assessment of Progress • SB-4 Global Urban Observation and Information • 2013 Accomplishments (GEO Symposium) • Urban Supersite Prototype on L.A. • Documentation of Urban Observation Sensors • Generation of Global Human Settlement Layers (VIIRS, ASTER, Tandem-X, Spot) • Book “Global Urban Monitoring and Assessment through Earth Observation • Proposal to create a Global Urban Remote Sensing Laboratory • USGS 2011 Impervious Surface product from Landsat • EC DG Regional Development working on whole fine-scale European Settlement modeling • Despite funding issue the activities under the task are progressing well.