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Southern Africa Climate Change Network (SACCNet): A knowledge sharing network M.J.Chimbari. Overview. Background to formation of SACCNet Mandate of SACCNet Interim Governance of SACCNet ISC business meetings SACCNet Advocacy activities Key deliverables Finances Challenges.
Southern Africa Climate Change Network (SACCNet): A knowledge sharing networkM.J.Chimbari
Overview • Background to formation of SACCNet • Mandate of SACCNet • Interim Governance of SACCNet • ISC business meetings • SACCNet Advocacy activities • Key deliverables • Finances • Challenges
SOUTHERN AFRICA….A region with serious health challenges and meagre resources Schistosomiasis (urinary) Schistosomiasis (intestinal)
SOUTHERN AFRICA….A region with serious health challenges and meagre resources World water scarcity http://whyfiles.org/131fresh_water/2.html 20-34% undernourished
Current and possible future impacts and vulnerabilities associated with climate variability and climate change in Africa (IPCC FAR, 2008) Current and possible future impacts and vulnerabilities associated with climate variability and climate change in Africa (IPCC FAR, 2008)
Background of Network initiative paper • Inferences on Africa are based on scanty data and sharing of such information has not happened in a systematic manner • It is against this background that three Danish networks and some Southern Africa institutions initiated this work as a basis for establishing a SSN network on CC
Processes of formation of SAACNet • Commissioning of 3 thematic desk studies • Climate change and health • Climate change and water • Climate change and food security • Cape Town Knowledge sharing workshop at which the three background papers were presented • Formation of regional research network emphasizing S-S-N collaboration was done at Cape Town knowledge sharing workshop
Identified issues on CC and human health • Not much work on CC and health is taking place in SSA. But globally and in East Africa much more work is being done • CC effects on health will be much more significant in SSA than is appreciated now • Much of the work on CC and health is in the area of malaria and HIV/AIDS
Identified issues on CC and water resources • There are many knowledge gaps and uncertainties around the impact of CC on water resources in SADC • Issues under-researched include: • Economic dimensions of CC and water • Impact of CC on groundwater • Gender dimensions • Linkages between CC water, health and food security • Research capacity of SADC countries in terms of human resources and facilities varies greatly indicating the need for a network to facilitate knowledge sharing and foster collaborative research
Identified issues on CC and food security • Food security issues largely address production with little focus on availability, stability, utilisation & accessibility • Issues related to markets’ influences on food prices, including (but not exclusively) the role of bio-fuels need to be addressed • Capacity-building and awareness-raising among policymakers and researchers about the cross-cutting nature of climate change and the need for a cross-thematic approach in research
Workshop recommendations • There is need to build capacity to conduct inter-disciplinery research on CC, human health, water and food security • A network focusing on linkages between CC, human health, water resources and food security should be established to provide a platform for knowledge and information sharing • The network should initially have an Interim Steering Committee with competences in human health, water resources, food security and socio-economic issues and representation from Danish networks
General objective of SACCNet • To contribute knowledge that improves livelihoods of people in the SADC region with regard to climate change aspects of health, food security and water resources
Specific objectives of SACCNet • To share knowledge, ideas and data on impacts of climate change on human health, food security and water resources in Southern Africa • To encourage and facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration among researchers within and outside the SADC region • To inform policy and decision makers on issues pertaining to climate change impacts on human health, food security and water resources
SACCNet MAIN THEMES Health Water Food Climate Change
Governance of SACCNet Open to all SADC members and other individuals/institutions with CC interests in SADC Currently hosted by DWF but will eventually move to SADC General Membership
Interim Steering Committee • Selected through voting by 40 representatives from 10 of SADC countries • 9 members • Prof M.J. Chimbari – University of Botswana (Chair) • Prof I. Nyambe - University of Zambia (Deputy Chair) • Dr J. Kanyanga - Zambia Meteorology office (member) • Dr P. Dube – University of Botswana (member) • Dr M. Matete - University of Lesotho (member) • One Representative of Danish Institutions (Danish Water Forum, Danish Development Research Network and University of Copenhagen – Life) • Representative of GWPSA • One year office term
Deliverables • A flyer describing SACCNet and its activities • Two page summary of the three papers presented at the Cape Town Workshop • Terms of reference for the network structural organs • A draft constitution to be considered for adoption at the first AGM • Establishment of 4 thematic working groups (Climate change science, Human health, Water resources, Food security and Socio-economics) • Operationalization of 2 thematic working groups • Establishment of a sharepoint facility for exchange of information among network members • Participatory development of network logo • Development of the network website • Preparation and submission of 2 funding proposals and one was funded. Funds obtained were used to develop the website • Recruitment and registration of over 50 members
TOR of SACCNeT Interim Steering Committee • Development of Network policy • Creating and appointment of Working Groups • Creating and appointing other relevant subcommittees to work on special tasks; • Review the work of sub-committees and groups • Decide on recruitment, appointment and removal of the Secretariat; • Recommend new Members to be approved at the SACCNeT annual members meeting; • Establish links with other networks; • Convene Network Meetings and or Sponsoring members;
TOR of Working Groups (WG) • Identifying gaps and recommending development of research programmes; • Providing professional and technical advice to the Network; • Develop conceptual approaches for operational implementation of climate change research; • Improving the exchange of experiences by networking expertise within the region as well as established contacts to other regions and the international expertise
TOR of Secretariat • Implement decisions of the Steering Committee; • Execute instructions from the Chairperson; • Support the committees and working groups • Responsible for the financial management and accounting of the Network; • Facilitate effective networking, communication and information sharing among SACCNET members; • Prepare annual work plans, reports and budgets, and direct the implementation of the work plans, ensuring involvement of members in the planning and implementation thereof • Contribute to the raising of funds for regional activities • Act as the focal point and formal address of SACCNET
Challenges • No substantive operational budget • Network should have a clearly defined budget for its activities • SACCNet business outcompeted by other activities • ISC members should receive a minimal seating allowance to encourage greater commitment • Lack of clarity on network themes • Time should be allocated to further discuss terms of reference of WG • Separation of secretariat from chairperson • Secretarial functions should be transferred to the chairperson’s institution and operational funds should be allocated.
Acknowledgements • Members • ISC members • Danish Institutes • NIMRI