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Frontiers in Solid Earth Geoscience. Donna L. Whitney University of Minnesota. http://www.llnl.gov/str/­JulAug04/gifs/Fried1.jpg. Deep Hydrogeologic Cycle. modified from Hirschmann et al. The Deep Earth Carbon Cycle. Carbon Cycle. Crossey et al. (2006) Geology.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Frontiers in Solid Earth Geoscience Donna L. Whitney University of Minnesota http://www.llnl.gov/str/­JulAug04/gifs/Fried1.jpg

  2. Deep Hydrogeologic Cycle modified from Hirschmann et al.

  3. The Deep Earth Carbon Cycle Carbon Cycle

  4. Crossey et al. (2006) Geology

  5. Newell et al. (2005) GSA Today

  6. Mulch et al. 2004

  7. Links between deep and shallow crustal processes

  8. Reconstruction of ancient orogens Observations from active orogens


  10. Lithosphere scale Orogen to outcrop scale Planet scale Micron- to sub-micron scale Thin section scale

  11. Solid Earth geoscience research & education Atmosphere-terrestrial interactions Earth-surface dynamics Environmental & biogeosciences Materials science Planetary sciences

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