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Linqed educational network 2008-2013

Linqed educational network 2008-2013. Pretoria, May 27, 2013 Govert van Heusden (Linqed promoter at ITM) Lai Jiang (Linqed coordinator). Agenda. Where we came from Choices Pretoria workshop Self-assessment of 6 years Preliminary suggestions for 2014-2016. Main facts.

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Linqed educational network 2008-2013

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  1. Linqed educational network2008-2013 Pretoria, May 27, 2013 Govert van Heusden (Linqed promoter at ITM) Lai Jiang (Linqed coordinator)

  2. Agenda • Where we came from • Choices Pretoria workshop • Self-assessment of 6 years • Preliminary suggestions for 2014-2016

  3. Main facts • Origin: among institutional and strategic network partners (ITM-DGD FA3 2008-2013) • Aim: networking for capacity strengthening in higher education • Planning / monitoring: log frames developed (2008: for network, and in 2010 for 3 specific projects) • Management: Linqed Assembly, Executive Committee, Linqed coordinator, and ad-hoc task forces (e.g. e-learning TF in 2010) • Activities: annual workshop and EC meeting and specific projects (exchange, e-courses) • Funding: DGD for 6 years (Jan 2008 to Dec 2013): 320.000€

  4. We defined 2 key processes • NETWORKING TO LEARN (N2L),a process of jointly learning about quality assurance in higher education, • from sharing our experience and sharing information • to developing guidelines, … (and researching together?) • LEARNING TO NETWORK (L2N):3 dimensions • identifying dynamic “objects (content)” (that meet members objectives) –Task or cognitive dimension • resource management, communication & coordination and decision making – Network or structural dimension • trust, rules or agreements between members – Relational dimension

  5. Members 2013 (n=14)

  6. Kick-off workshop Antwerpen November 2008

  7. History (N2L)

  8. Linqed workshop Rabat December 2009

  9. History (N2L methods)

  10. Linqed workshop Yogyakarta May 2011

  11. History (L2N)

  12. LINQED Mid-term evaluation (HERA, 2010)

  13. Mid-term conclusion • HERA Recommendations for the Linqed Network • Consolidate what has been achieved so far (in terms of activities, products, participation) and work on creating more dynamism among the current partners • Try to increase the communication flows, both virtual (website, e-communications) and face to face (workshops, sideline events at international conferences or Joint Partner Meetings) • Keep the focus on knowledge sharing, capacity building and creation of communities of practice

  14. Linqed workshop Quito May 2012

  15. N2LThe way it works… We ask ourselves • How are things currently done in our institutions? • How should it or how can it be done better? • What does science tells us; evidence-base, theory? • Should, can we develop and apply a common framework (guideline, criteria and/or standards) for QA?

  16. N2LThe way it works… In each workshop (e.g. Pretoria) Student assess-ment Exchange on practice, problems? Bring in further evidence Guideline, best practice & testing QA thesis process Exchange on practice, problems? Bring in further evidence Guideline, best practice & testing Exchange on practice, problems? Bring in further evidence Guideline, best practice & testing QA course design

  17. Education & Quality: Choices 2013 N2L Choices for Pretoria workshop • Sharing experience with self assessment of competency assessment programmes’ (CAPs) • Reflect on thesis supervision; exploring the critical thinking approach • Exchange on course alignment

  18. Education & Quality: Choices 2013 N2L Choices for Pretoria workshop (continued) • Learn from experiences with drafting or implementing exchange projects. We can plan new projects • Reflect on the e-learning initiatives and identify future orientations for our joint e-learning course • Use innovative methods e.g. Fostering critical thinking (supervision method), use of Infographic (presentation method)

  19. Learning to network: Choices 2013 L2N in Pretoria workshop • Discussion of self-assessment of 6 years membership • Preparing a strategic plan for (2014-2016) • Preparing jointly the concept of the 6th Workshop (venue & task dimension) • Reviewing of Linqed statutes, budget and new website • Appointment of 2 new EC members

  20. Results of our self-assessment Linqed 2008-2013

  21. Institutional / Personal benefits? Institutional benefits • Overall yes: 11/11 • 3/11: benefits are slow • From sub-projects: quality assurance: 8/11 and from eLearning / exchange: 6/11 • few concrete examples Personal benefits • Reflection on quality at personal level is stimulated • Many mention personal efforts to improve teaching • few concrete examples • Use of new teaching methods was triggered • Getting acquainted with the diversity/richness in education in the network

  22. Most beneficial project? So far most beneficial sub-project? (n=11)

  23. Embedding? 2/11 stated embedding as a success; due to good communication and political will Barriers mentioned: Too few people involved in Linqed (no critical mass at home institution) Education is very conservative, its anyhow difficult to change anything In fact, after a Linqed workshop, an institutional workshop should follow Feedback by Linqed workshop attenders is difficult due to time constraints and workload Linqed workshop attender not involved in QA (decisions) at the home institution No communication system in the home institution for Linqed issues Language barrier: mainly from English to Spanish Academic staff often aren’t that interested in educational QA aspects

  24. Learning to network? • Linqed provides opportunities to improve education (11/11) • Bringing personal concerns to the network: 2/11 say it’s difficult • Question raised: do the right people attend the workshops? • Members do consider Linqed is on the right track for networking, but progress is slow! • Unfortunately language differences created a barrier • Annual workshops are key (11/11) • Continuity in networking between workshops is difficult

  25. Suggestions? • Workshops with more participants? More decision makers (different participation rules)? • Communication systems for Linqed issues in member institutions to be created? • Networking between workshops via social media for example? • Virtual meetings (EC and open to other members)? • Strengthen regional nodes, less language issues?

  26. Suggestions (contin.)? • Achieve more visibility through network products? • New strategies for Linqed embedding? • Activities to help members to make use of QA guidelines developed in the network? • Easier admin. processes for exchange projects? • Regularly revise and define new priorities for the network.

  27. 2014-2016? What should be taken into account if we continue with Linqed in FA3-III

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