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Определение центральности столкновения ядер с использованием калориметра cпектаторов в эксперименте MPD@NICA. M.Golubeva , F.Guber , A.Ivashkin , A.Kurepin , INR, Moscow A.Litvinenko , E.Litvinenko , A.Isupov , I.Migulina , V.Peresedov , JINR, Dubna.
Определение центральности столкновения ядер с использованием калориметра cпектаторов в эксперименте MPD@NICA M.Golubeva, F.Guber, A.Ivashkin, A.Kurepin, INR, Moscow A.Litvinenko, E.Litvinenko, A.Isupov, I.Migulina, V.Peresedov, JINR, Dubna A.Litvinenko,litvin@moonhe.jinr.ru A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
Outline • Introduction • Some definitions • Spectators • UrQMD generator • LAQGSM generator • UrQMD - SHIELD - LAQGSM • Conclusions A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
Nuclear-Nuclear collisions • Quasi-Classical picture • b – not observable • observablesb A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
Centrality classification Geometrical cross section • Value of impact parameter • In percent from the geometrical cross section Corresponds to the region impact parameter Centrality
Centrality classification 1. Impact parameter 2.Fraction from total cross-section 3.Number of participant …. ?
The importance of the centrality classification Elliptic flow Space eccentricity Nuclear Physics A V757, No. 1-2 , p.184,2005 elliptic flow scaling with space eccentricity short equlibration time A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
The importance of the centrality study Nuclear modification factor Nuclear Physics A V757, No. 1-2 , p.184,2005 Jet Quenching – nuclear modification factor vs centrality A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
The importance of the centrality study A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
Nucleon spectators (spectrum) R.Ammarи et al., PismavJETF, V.94, No. 4, p.189, (1989) Yu.Bayukov et al., YaF V.35, No. 4, p.960, (1982) A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
Spectator spectrum A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
Front view of ZDC. The squares size is 5 x 5 cm x cm A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
ZDC@MPD geometrical efficiency central hole out of ZDC A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
Simulation Transport – Geant3 and Geant4, generates UrQMD and LAQGSM framework MpdRoot A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
Optimistic results with UrQMD URQMD generator, Sqrt(S)=5 GeV Total kinetic energy of all nucleonsdirected to ZDC A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
Optimistic results with UrQMD UrQMD generator, Sqrt(S)=9 GeV Total kinetic energy of all nucleonsdirected to ZDC A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
The accuracy of impact parameter determination for MC with UrQMD A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
But The NA49 collaboration. Eur. Phys. J., A2, 383, (1998) A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
But LAQGSM high-energy event generator A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
Taking into account spectator fragments LAQGSM generator, Sqrt(S)=5 GeV Total kinetic energy of all nucleonsand fragments directed to ZDC A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
Taking into account spectator fragments LAQGSM generator, Sqrt(S)=9 GeV Total kinetic energy of all nucleonsand fragments directed to ZDC A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
SHIELD event generator A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
LAQGSM, Sqrt(S)=5 GeV URQMD, Sqrt(S)=5 GeV Total kinetic energy of all nucleonsand fragments directed to ZDC A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
Experimental data : the deposited energy for different types of spectators in dependence of the centrality The NA49 collaboration. Eur. Phys. J., A2, 383, (1998) At large impact parameters the most of spectatornucleons are bound in fragments. A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
All nucleons directed to the hole of ZDC (rectangle 10x10cm2) 0 % - 60 % 60 % - 80 % 80 % - 100 % A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
Experimental data : the deposited energy for different types of spectators in dependence of the centrality The NA49 collaboration. Eur. Phys. J., A2, 383, (1998) At large impact parameters the most of spectatornucleons are bound in fragments. A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
The centrality resolution evaluations √S=9 AGeV Kinetic energy of all spectators directed to solid angle 5º 33
The centrality determination: ZDC (energy) + number of charged barrel tracks A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
UrQMD - SHIELD - LAQGSM b < 3 фм (0 – 4 %) A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
UrQMD - SHIELD - LAQGSM 3 фм < b < 9.5 фм (4 – 40 %) A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
UrQMD - SHIELD - LAQGSM 9.5 фм < b (40 – 100 %) A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
Centrality determination in some experiment PHENIX NA49 STAR y=0 y=3 y>6 A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
Conclusions • The SHIELD and LAQGSM could be used for NICA/MPD simulations under mpdroot. • The SHIELD and LAQGSM angular distributions of the spectators differ from URQMD picture. • The experimental study of the spectator distributions and calorimeter resolution have to be performed on the extracted beam of NUCLOTRON-M at the fixed target. A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
Conclusions • Работа выполнена при поддержке грантов РФФИ 10-02-01036-а 11-02-01026-а A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
Backup slides A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
Fast evaluations: the movement of spectators at NICA/MPD • The conclusion: • Magnetic field ofMPD will not change the polar angles • for spectators atZDCposition • it will only slightly changes the azimutal angles A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR
Centrality classification C.E.Aguilar et al., Brazilian Journal of Physics, V.34,No.1,p.319,(2004) A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR