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Fast and Easy: The Future of WIFI and Beyond in the City of Los Angeles

Fast and Easy: The Future of WIFI and Beyond in the City of Los Angeles. A Strategic Plan for 21 st Century Communications in Los Angeles Morley Winograd Executive Director CTM: Ideas, People and Knowledge for the Networked Digital Industry USC’s Marshall School of Business.

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Fast and Easy: The Future of WIFI and Beyond in the City of Los Angeles

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  1. Fast and Easy: The Future of WIFI and Beyond in the City of Los Angeles A Strategic Plan for 21st Century Communications in Los Angeles Morley Winograd Executive Director CTM: Ideas, People and Knowledge for the Networked Digital Industry USC’s Marshall School of Business

  2. WIFI “Expert” panel members • Sub-Committee Chairs • Thera Bradshaw, City of LA, GM, ITA • Rajit Gadh, UCLA, Director, WINMEC • Richard Grimes, Wireless Capital Partners, LLC, EVP • Todd Richmond, USC’s Annenberg Center for Communications, Managing Director

  3. Panel Members, Continued • Industry Representatives: • Cable—Ike Wells, Comcast; Deane Leavenworth, Time Warner • Wireless—Mark Desautels, CTIA, Ken Nordholm, Motorola • Wireline—Francisco Uribe, Verizon; Robert Schwandt, SBC

  4. Panel Members, Continued • LA City Departments—Curtis Gibbs, Community Redevelopment; Paul Wang, Dept. of Water and Power, James Burkhardt, Board of Information Technology Commission • Other Experts—Curt Hessler, 101 Communications; Russ Kaurloto, USC’s Information Services Division

  5. Our Values for Implementing the Vision • Affordability • Convenience • Technological Neutrality • Public/Private Partnerships

  6. The Expert Panel’s Vision • We envision the City of Los Angeles as a place where everyone who works, lives or visits here enjoys convenient and affordable broadband access to the Internet. We want Los Angeles to be a ‘broadband city’ both in reality and in global reputation. We think that the experience of increasingly mobile, high speed, personalized communication will help make the City a great place to live, work and enjoy the excitement of urban life. Most importantly, we believe the ability for everyone to communicate easily and quickly is vital to the City’s aspiration to serve as a great forum of open and free democratic discussion and creative expression.

  7. Our Recommended Mission Statement • We believe the City of Los Angeles, within the next five years, should ensure that high speed access to the Internet is available and affordable for any one who wants it anywhere in the City.In addition, we believe it is possible to implement strategies to accomplish that mission in ways that address the Mayor’s goals of: • Helping to close the digital divide, • Accelerating economic development, and • Making our City’s government more efficient and accessible.

  8. Recommendation/Strategy • Our fundamental recommendation is the adoption by the Mayor and Council of a coordinated plan, phased in over five years, that leverages the existing communications infrastructure to build and enhance broadband networks that take advantage of both licensed and unlicensed wireless/WiFi spectrum.

  9. Eight Point Action Plan • Adopt a public/private partnership business model designed to deploy fast and easy broadband communications services in every neighborhood. • Encourage public/private partnerships that would create new e-government applications of benefit to the City and ensure that web pages that provide information about and access to various City services, are incorporated into such services.

  10. Action Plan, continued 3. Conduct a citywide broadband survey to determine if there are any gaps in the availability of broadband services for residents and businesses in Los Angeles. 4. Do a review of the available physical assets in the City’s rights-of-way,, to determine the available “space” that could be used to construct broadband networks.

  11. Action Plan, Continued 5. Provide all City residents, and those doing business with the City, fast and easy access to the Net in all municipal facilities within three years. 6. Ensure fast and easy communication services are available in key public places and commercial corridors used by visitors and travelers.

  12. Action Plan, continued 7. Finance these activities through the use of bonds, savings from cross-departmental and agency partnering, and grant funding for specific projects. 8. Become a national and local champion of WiFi and future technologies.

  13. A New Role for Municipal Government: • The City’s role in assuring the deployment of Wifi and Beyond communications services in Los Angeles should be driven by the needs of its users, based on periodic assessment studies and community input coordinated throughNeighborhood Councils. The plan should proceed in phases to assure constant attention to user needs (residents, businesses, travelers and government agencies) and the rapid changes in technological alternatives.

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