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Getting Dirty with SOILS

Explore the intricate world of soils, from soil profiles and diagnostic properties to factors influencing soil formation, types of soil orders, and essential soil fertility practices. Delve into this essential aspect of our ecosystem.

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Getting Dirty with SOILS

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Getting Dirty withSOILS

  2. Why Care?

  3. Why Care?

  4. I. Soil Profilethe horizons……OABCR

  5. R

  6. E

  7. Diagnostic properties (B horizon) • Texture • Structure • Color

  8. Texture

  9. Structure

  10. Diagnostic properties (B horizon) • Texture • Structure • Color

  11. Munsell Color Chart

  12. R

  13. Soils II. Major Factors Controlling Soil Formation (from Jenny, 1951)

  14. Soils II. Major Factors Controlling Soil Formation (from Jenny, 1951) A. Climate

  15. Soils II. Major Factors Controlling Soil Formation (from Jenny, 1951) A. Climate B. Biota

  16. A. Climate B. Biota

  17. Soils II. Major Factors Controlling Soil Formation (from Jenny, 1951) A. Climate B. Biota C. Parent material

  18. II. Major Factors Controlling Soil Formation (from Jenny, 1951) A. Climate B. Biota C. Parent material 1. Residual soils vs. Transported soils

  19. C. Parent material 1. Residual soils vs. Transported soils

  20. C. Parent material 1. Residual soils vs. Transported soils

  21. Soils II. Major Factors Controlling Soil Formation (from Jenny, 1951) A. Climate B. Biota C. Parent material D. Slope

  22. D. Slope

  23. Soils II. Major Factors Controlling Soil Formation (from Jenny, 1951) A. Climate B. Biota C. Parent material D. Slope E. Time

  24. E. Time

  25. III. Major Soil Types

  26. III. Major Soil Types A. Method: non genetic, based solely on physical properties

  27. III. Major Soil Types A. Method: non genetic, based solely on physical properties

  28. III. Major Soil Types A. Method: non genetic, based solely on physical propertiesB. Soil Types (Orders)there are 12 total…..we will examine some of these.

  29. Inceptisols Mollisols Ultisols Oxisols Aridisols Vertisols Soil Orders

  30. Inceptisol Found on steep hillslopes and floodplains

  31. Ultisols Common in forested areas

  32. Oxisol Common in the tropics

  33. Mollisol Common in prairie environments

  34. Vertisol

  35. Aridisols

  36. Ronald E. Carrier, 1971-1998

  37. IV. Synthesis of Climate, Time, and Parent Material

  38. V. Soil FertilityA. Fertilizers 5 – 10 - 5

  39. V. Soil FertilityA. Fertilizers 5 – 10 – 5N P K

  40. V. Soil FertilityA. FertilizersNitrogen

  41. V. Soil FertilityA. FertilizersNitrogen * darker, stronger leaves * helps with uptake of other nutrients

  42. V. Soil FertilityA. FertilizersPhosphorous

  43. V. Soil FertilityA. FertilizersPhosphorous * strengthens stems and roots * enhances flowering, and seed production * increases plant’s resistance to certain diseases

  44. V. Soil FertilityA. FertilizersPotassium (Potash)

  45. V. Soil FertilityA. FertilizersPotassium (Potash) * strengthens cell walls and stems of plants. * helps in plant respiration and uptake of other minerals.

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