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9 Marks of a healthy church Week 3 – biblical Theology. Jonathan Leeman. Ligonier.org. What do you think are the marks of a healthy church? Class Thoughts:. Last WeeK: mark #1 – Expositional Preaching. What is the key difference between expositional preaching and topical preaching?
9 Marks of a healthy churchWeek 3 – biblical Theology Jonathan Leeman Ligonier.org
What do you think are the marks of a healthy church? Class Thoughts:
Last WeeK:mark #1 – Expositional Preaching • What is the key difference between expositional preaching and topical preaching? • Mark Dever said, “The passage shapes the message rather than the message shaping the passage” • How does Dever contrast preaching with salvation? • Our salvation consists in hearing God in ways we would not have guessed prior to our conversion
Last Week - Mark #1: Expository Preaching • Jesus identifies himself as the “logos” – the word • We have faith in the Word (the Bible) and in Jesus himself • Romans 10:14-17 – faith comes by hearing “the WORD” • “We can create a people by all kinds of other means - choir program, building project, a denominational identity or a community of care groups or opportunities for socializing, groups for young mothers, or singles or men’s groups…..or even around the personality of a pastor!” • “But, we can only see the people of GOD, the church of GOD, created around the WORD of GOD”
9 Marks – Last week: Expository preaching • Dever says, “If you want to grow as a Christian, you don’t need a ‘fresh word from God’, you need to read your bible” • How is his word used in our lives and the lives of the congregation? • By the Holy Spirit • God’s HS creates his people by God’s word – that is what the bible teaches! • Paul’s advice to Timothy in 1 Tim 4:13, 2 Tim 4:2, Acts 6:1-4 • “Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching”
9 Marks – Mark #2: biblical theology Or – “How do we read our bibles?” • https://www.ligonier.org/learn/series/marks-healthy-church/biblical-theology/
Mark #2 - biblical theology • What is Biblical Theology? • Faithful to what the bible says? • “Theology that strives to read every biblical text in light of the metanarrative or story line of the entire bible and how that story works in the person and work of Jesus Christ” • What is hermeneutics? • A means of interpretation • Single book, one divine author telling one overall story • DA Carson: Biblical Theology seeks to uncover and articulate the unity of all the biblical texts taken together, resorting primarily to the categories of those texts themselves.” • Tom Shreiner, “Biblical Theology asks what themes are central to the biblical writers in their historical context, and attempts to discern the coherence of such themes.”
The Bible – How Can we read it? • Classroom text • Practical Application or “How to” text • Law book, poetry • “Magical incantations”? • Would you use Judges 14-16 as a means of evangelism? • What does it teach?
Mark #2 - Biblical theology • We can only understand the parts of that story from the perspective of how they contribute to the whole story • Judges 14-16 is only significant in light of Jesus wins • I Corinthians 15:1-2 “Now I make known to you, brethren, the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received, in which also you stand, by which also you are saved, if you hold fast the word which I preached to you, unless you believed in vain.” • I Peter 1:25 – “This word is the good news I preached to you.” • Our job is to ask is how does this contribute to storyline of the whole?
Four Quick Biblical Proofs that the entire bible points to Jesus • Luke 24:44-47 • This is what is written – He opened their minds to the law, the prophets and the psalms • “Biblical Theology is reading and teaching the bible like Jesus does” • John 5:39 • “Scriptures testify about ME, don’t just use it like a law book”
Mark #2 Biblical Theology • I Corinthians 15:3-4 – entire chapter is the crux of our faith • Paul says he received the gospel from someone else – from who? • Paul wrote I Corinthians in 54-55 AD after having visited Corinth in 51 AD. • Scholars believe Paul converted in 32 AD • Galatians 1:17-19. “To become acquainted with Cephas” uses “hestereto” where we get the word, “History”. Also the Greek word used outside the NT for “investigative reporter.” • Paul gets confirmation from Peter about the gospel that he is preaching around 35 AD. • Hebrews • Law, angels, Moses, sabbath, high priest, tabernacle, sacrifices and the entire OT points to Jesus
Samson • How does Samson story help us understand the metanarrative of the bible? • Samson was a God anointed judge • Endued with power by the Holy Spirit • Betrayed by one he loved • Handed over to the enemies of God’s people to rescue God’s people by giving his life to those very enemies • Samson ought to help us wonder about Jesus!
What Difference does Biblical theology make? • 1. Centers our preaching and teaching on the Gospel, not moralism • We love moralism, practical living and motivational talks • “Jesus did not come to make bad men good, he came to make dead men alive” – Ravi Z
Mark #2 Biblical theology • 2. It protects us from error • False churches do what? • Distort the text and preach what the people want to hear; message is about the people, not Christ • Deuteronomy 28 • Verse 9: “The Lord will establish you as a holy people to Himself, as He swore to you, if you keep the commandments of the Lord your God and walk in His ways.” • Link between obedience and blessings, but more than that • We deserve God’s curse because we don’t measure up on our own • We need Christ to be clean before a Holy God • Don’t lose sight of the metanarrative
Mark #2 Biblical Theology • Shapes Leidy’s Mission • They emerge from the gospel • Drives Worship • Revelation 5
Next Week –Mark #3 - The Gospel Give ’em Heaven!!