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OverComing Strongholds. OverComing IdolatryOverComing UnbeliefOverComing PrideOverComing DeceptionOverComing the Insecurity of Feeling UnlovedOverComing Feelings of RejectionOverComing AddictionOverComing Food-Related Strongholds. OverComing Ongoing Feelings of GuiltOverComing Despair Resul
1. Praying God’s Word Breaking Free From Spiritual Strongholds Beth Moore Study
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Life Sculpting with the assistance of AGILE
2. OverComing Strongholds OverComing Idolatry
OverComing Unbelief
OverComing Pride
OverComing Deception
OverComing the Insecurity of Feeling Unloved
OverComing Feelings of Rejection
OverComing Addiction
OverComing Food-Related Strongholds
OverComing Ongoing Feelings of Guilt
OverComing Despair Resulting from Loss
OverComing Unforgiveness
OverComing Depression
OverComing Sexual Strongholds
OverComing the Enemy
3. Giving Back God’s Grace can never be re-paid, but I wanted to give as much as I could.
I want my journey to be of value to anyone who wanted to hear it.
Getting over Strongholds in order to shine in His presence.
Prayer of Jabez – To expand my territory
4. What is a Stronghold? Anything that is “Pretending” to be bigger or more powerful than God.
It nestles into us, and we can’t seem to shake it.
It steals much of our focus and causes us to feel overpowered – Controlled, Mastered
It causes us to be paralyzed in our Walk.
5. Learning through Failures It is a Hard road traveled when you are blind, and you don’t ask God to help you.
He is the only one who can completely uproot it.
Learning to overCome Strongholds with God’s help, can ease the BURDEN and also the TIME it has mastery over you.
6. Battlefield of the Mind The war is waged in your mind.
2 Corinthians 10:5, To take captive of every thought and put it under the obedience of Christ.
Nothing is more bigger and more powerful than GOD.
Realizing the Power you have in your HOLY SPIRIT
7. Weapons Our weapons are not of this world
They have divine power
The knowledge of God is within our grasp
Their purpose in warfare is to take our flesh thoughts captive and explode them
8. Powerful Weapons WORD OF GOD
1 Peter: Prayer is Effective and Powerful to the RIGHTEOUS MAN
1 Corinthians 14:15
What shall I do? I will pray with my Spirit,
but I will also pray with my Mind
9. DEMOLITION Strongholds cannot be ignored or fussed at.
They must be DEMOLISHED!!!
GOD has equipped us with two sticks of dynamite.
10. How Do you Do it? Whenever you have a wrong thought…grab it from your mind and repeat GOD’s promise in your prayer.
Over and over again.
Like a hungry lion, he comes at us. But eventually he gets tired and moves on.
11. HIS thoughts, not ours Flesh is evil, and will not desire good.
Only through knowing HIS word, can you fight with power that conquers the real enemy.
OverCome it once and for all.
It is God’s WILL for you to conquer your stronghold!
How to handle every situation is in HIS BOOK….trust me. I have lived it.
12. God’s Desire It is His desire that we OverCome all of our strongholds.
He will only allow what we can handle…
2 Corinthians 1:11
He HAS delivered us from such a deadly peril, and HE WILL continue to deliver us, as you help us by your prayers.
God needs our cooperation with prayer in order for us to OverCome the Stronghold.
13. Scripture Psalms 107:20
He sent forth HIS word and healed them.
Psalms 119:45
I will walk about in freedom,
for I have sought out your precepts.
John 8:32
Then you WILL know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
(Truth is the WORD of GOD)
14. Act NOW!!! Satanic Activity will increase dramatically as the day of Christ’s return draws nearer.
Revelation 12:12, he is filled with fury for he knows his time is short.
Satan is getting nervous. He is in full swing.
Get girded and get ready to fight!!!
Satan is a LIAR, and most of his game is bluffing that he can control you.
15. Victory Rebuking Satan verbally, is the most effective way to OverCome him.
If you are slow in your OverComing of a stronghold, be patient for God is more interested in your journey than the timing of your delivery.
Remain steadfast and diligent.
16. Idolatry Almost every single stronghold involves the worship of some kind of idol.
Example: The Stronghold of pride is the worship of self.
As long as our minds rehearse the strength of our stronghold more than the strength of our God, we will be impotent.
17. Our God is BIG He Created EVERYTHING, so why don’t we ask him for help?
He knows everything about us already, and knows exactly what we need at the moment we need it.
Start by ASKING HIM!
18. Where are you now?
Why does God allow us to spend so much of life in the heat of battle?
Because He never meant for us to sip His Spirit like a proper cup of tea.
He meant for us to hold our “sweating heads” over the fountain and lap up His life with unquenchable thirst.