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Mastering Verbs: Understanding Tenses in English

Dive into the world of verbs with this comprehensive guide on understanding tense usage in English. Learn about verb forms and structures, including regular and irregular verbs, and practice using different tenses effectively. Develop a solid foundation in verb usage and enhance your writing skills.

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Mastering Verbs: Understanding Tenses in English

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  1. Verbs: Chapter 8 Warm Up: Read pg. 194-196 Ex. 2 on page 196

  2. 4 Basic Parts of Verbs • Every verb has 4 basic principal parts: the base/infinitive form, the present participle, the past, and the past participle. • I park the car. [base/infinitive] • I am parking the car. [present participle] • I parked the car. [past of par] • I have parked the car. [past participle]

  3. Regular Verbs • Form the past and past participle by adding -d or –ed to the base/infinitive form.

  4. Irregular Verbs (see p. 195-6 for a complete list.) • Form the past and past participle in some other way than adding –d or –ed.

  5. Dictation: Common Irregular Verbs • I will say the infinitive: Write down the present participle, past, and past participle. • For example: • I say: “Begin” • You write: (is) beginning, began, (have) begun.

  6. Review Warm up • Ex. 2 on pg 196

  7. Homework • Ex. 3 on page. 197-198 • Read pg. 198 – 206. This will really help as we tackle tenses on Friday.

  8. Verbs: Day Two Warm Up: • Pg. 204, Ex. 6

  9. Verb tense= time of action/state of being (keep tense consistent in writing) • Present Tense= used to express an action or state of being now occurring; to convey a general truth; to discuss plot of literary work. • I teach grammar with the help of PowerPoint. • Macbeth plans on killing Duncan. • Past Tense=used to express an action or state of being that occurred in the past but did not continue into the present. • I taughtMacbeth last semester.

  10. Tense con’t • Future tense= used to express an action or state of being that will/shall occur/ • I will teachMacbeth again next year. • Present Perfect Tense=used to express an action or state of being that occurred at some indeinite time in the past or that began in the past and continues into the present. (uses has/have) • I have taught students how to write.

  11. Tense con’t • Past perfect tense=used mainly to express an action or state of being that was completed in the past before some other past occurrence. (use had) • We had purchased our tickets before the show sold out. • Future perfect tense= used to express an action or state of being that will be completed in the future before some other future occurrence. (use will have/shall have) • By the time this year has ended, my students will have become great writers!

  12. Review Warm-Up • Ex. 6, pg. 204 • Homework: Ex. 7, pg. 205

  13. Sit vs. Set

  14. Rise vs. Raise

  15. Lay vs. Lie

  16. Active Voice vs. Passive Voice • Active voice= subject of a verb performs the action. • We threw the stones across the water. • The author reveals the theme through the irony. • Passive voice=subject receives the action. • The stones were thrown across the water. • The theme is revealed through the irony. • Use Active Voice in FORMAL WRITING!

  17. Active Voice vs. Passive Voice • Are the following sentences active or passive voice? Change Passive Voice Sentences to Active Voice. • The class was given a tour of the school by the principal. • The class was advised to pay attention by the teacher. • The information was understood by the class. • The theme is revealed in chapter 8. • At Pearl Harbor, the U.S. naval fleet was attacked by Japanese war planes.

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