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Section X: Enrollment Services Division Goals, Activities, Services, & Assessments. 2009-2013 Enrollment Services Goal Statements, Activities, Services, and Assessments. Increase in credit hours generation by 1.5-1.75%+ @ 118,211 (118,211 + 1.5%-1773 to 1.75%-2069 = 119,984 to 120,280)
Section X: Enrollment Services Division Goals, Activities, Services, & Assessments 2009-2013 Enrollment Services Goal Statements, Activities, Services, and Assessments
Increase in credit hours generation by 1.5-1.75%+ @ 118,211 (118,211 + 1.5%-1773 to 1.75%-2069 = 119,984 to 120,280) Headcount – 8458 [8458 + 118 (1.5%@15CR) or 137 (1.75%@15CR). Increase new student Spring semester enrollment at all levels (freshman, transfer, and graduate) to offset the need to increase the first time full time students for fall 2009. Freshman Cohort Increase first time full time cohort (1585) due to high number of seniors graduating (Increase in number of students graduating at __ > last year) Improve quality for first year cohort(SAT, HS GPA, Top 25%, Top 10%) Increase in number of new students of color (AA and H) 5% Increase out-of-state new first year enrollment by 20 students Transfer Cohort Increase full time transfer students by 25 (655+) Increase in Transfer students from PACCs (10+) Increase in Out-of-State Transfer Students(5%) Increase in Number of New Transfer Students of Color (AA and H) 3% Increase International Students – See International Services Recruitment Plan Increase graduate students in specific programs where capacity has not been reached. Increase the number of online graduate programs and the number of students enrolled in these programs. Maintain quality of students receiving Merit Scholarships (150 @ 1250 per year renewable). Merit Scholarships increased from 120 to 150. NOT SURE WHAT THESE NUMBERS WILL BE Maintain president’s scholarships (1st in junior class) by 2+ students (10 @ 1500 per year renewable) NOT SURE WHAT THESE NUMBERS WILL BE Maintain quality of transfer students receiving transfer scholarships and increase the number of l scholarships for transfer students. NOT SURE WHAT THESE NUMBERS WILL BE Increase in First-to-Second Year Retention Rates @ 1-2% and Upper-division Retention Rates @ 1-2%. Increase in Retention Rates for Students of Color (AA & H) @ 1-2% Summary of Strategic Enrollment Management Goals for 2009
Activities – enrollment key institutional and PA State System of Higher Education performance indicators for continual monitoring and assessment Stabilize enrollment and meet institutional initiatives to improve quality Monitoring: Number of FR/TR/GRAD applications received Number of FR/TR/GRAD offers made Number of FR/TR/GRAD PPT deposits Number of FR deposits from top 25% of class Number of FR/TRAN/GRAD applications, offers, deposits, and enrolled students of color, specifically African-American and Latino students. Number of Apps/Offers/Dep by HS, Cty, State, Major, Spec Percentage of FR/TR students attending spring/summer orientation Number of FR/TR/GRAD enrolled students SAT score of applications, offers, deposits and enrolled FR Number of Qualified (at-risk) students and quality indicators Enrollment by college/major program and quality indicators by major program Increase cross department and divisional collaborations Increase applications from auto-admit students (930/2.75) Assessment Monitoring NSSE and FSSE\ MapWorks for First Year Students FYI (FYRST Seminar) CIRP (Freshman Survey) LCC/FYRST Seminar Tracking Research At-Risk Student Progression Tracking Students of Color Progression Tracking 1st to 2nd Semester/Year Retention 3rd to 4th Semester Retention 2nd to 3rd Year Retention Retention Research on Large Classes Student Progression Tracking by High School Student Progression Tracking by HSGPA and SAT Mid-term Grade Review/Final Grade Review Institutional Withdrawal Progression and Type Meet or exceed enrollment targets for 2008 enrollment planning – 1.5 to 1.75% increase in Credit Hours Generated - Achievement of Goal Through Improved Retention Efforts and Admission of New Transfers for Fall, 2008- & FR Cohort at 1490
Develop and participate in initiatives which produce a stable and predictable student enrollment, and which contribute to student graduation. Involve more faculty in programming: increase participation/outreach/interest. Continue to streamline processes to improve services. Improve website presence of all enrollment services areas, including the new one-stop. Increase online student services. Strive to achieve operational excellence through clear and simple processes which are experienced by constituencies more easily. Increase cross-department and –divisional collaborations. Continue to coordinate activities between retention services, registration, financial aid and student accounts. Respond appropriately to consumer attitudes – “want it now.” Assess needs/expectations of incoming and enrolled students and families. Increase response rate of all enrollment services assessments. Improve overall quality of service and communication to students. Improve overall communication with all campus constituencies. Review the quality of operations in each of the enrollment services areas and make necessary improvements based on assessment results. Improve Quality and Delivery of Services, Programs, and Activities In addition to the individual department goals, each Enrollment Services office/department will contribute to the following divisional objectives:
SEM Strategies Meeting Enrollment Goals for 2009-2010
Enrollment Services SEM Strategies Undergraduate Admissions
Enrollment Services SEM Strategies Undergraduate Admissions
Enrollment Services SEM Strategies Undergraduate Admissions
Enrollment Services SEM Strategies Undergraduate Admissions
Enrollment Services SEM Strategies Undergraduate Admissions
Enrollment Services SEM Strategies Undergraduate Admissions
Enrollment Services SEM Strategies Undergraduate Admissions
Enrollment Services SEM Strategies Undergraduate Admissions
Enrollment Services SEM Strategies Office of Graduate Admissions (OGA)
Enrollment Services SEM Strategies Office of Graduate Admissions (OGA)
Enrollment Services SEM Strategies Office of Graduate Admissions (OGA)
Enrollment Services SEM Strategies Office of Graduate Admissions (OGA)
Enrollment Services SEM Strategies Office of Graduate Admissions (OGA)
Enrollment Services SEM Strategies Office of Graduate Admissions (OGA)
Enrollment Services SEM Strategies Financial Aid Office
Enrollment Services SEM Strategies Financial Aid Office
Enrollment Services SEM Strategies Orientation
Enrollment Services SEM Strategies Orientation
Enrollment Services SEM Strategies Orientation
Enrollment Services SEM Strategies Orientation
Enrollment Services SEM Strategies Office of Retention Services
Enrollment Services SEM Strategies Office for Students with Disabilities
Enrollment Services SEM Strategies Office for Students With Disabilities
Enrollment Services SEM Strategies Office for Students With Disabilities
Enrollment Services SEM Strategies Academic Advisement, FYRST Seminar, and Learning Communities – Department of Academic Services
Enrollment Services SEM Strategies Academic Advisement, FYRST Seminar, and Learning Communities – Department of Academic Services
Enrollment Services SEM Strategies Academic Advisement, FYRST Seminar, and Learning Communities – Department of Academic Services
Enrollment Services SEM Strategies Career Services
Enrollment Services SEM Strategies Career Services
Enrollment Services SEM Strategies Academic Records and Summer School
Enrollment Services The enrollment services directors meet monthly for updates and planning activities with selected student life directors, student accounts representatives. Numerous initiatives commence through this office which involve the collaboration of professionals from every division/unit on campus. MapWorks – Retention and Intervention Outreach for Improving Academic and Social Integration of First Year Students – Collaborations include Retention Services, FYRST Seminar, Housing, Student Leadership, Athletics, Intercultural Programs, etc). Undergraduate Admissions Faculty & staff from the academic colleges, enrollment services, international initiatives, student life, financial aid, alumni relations, and student accounts participate in the full spectrum of services to prospective students including, but not limited to recruitment activities including individual small and large visit events. Graduate Admissions Graduate faculty, enrollment services personnel, financial aid, alumni relations, and continuing education and life-long learning representatives participate in the graduate marketing and recruitment activities. Highlights of Cross-Divisional/Department Collaborative Initiatives“Beyond Participation to Authentic Collaborations” • Academic Records and Summer School • Academic Records and Summer School services are used by faculty, students and staff campus-wide. • AR & SS will work with the Graduate coordinators to develop degree audits for graduate students • AR & SS will provide leadership in the development • of the University’s new SIS. • AR & SS will work with all university offices to revise the undergraduate and graduate academic catalogs. • AR & SS will work with all university constituencies to conduct the office’s five year program review • AR & SS will work with other offices to update the university’s Student Consumer website. • Orientation and Student Life • In addition to a high level of participation in orientation • from all areas within the division of student life, • representatives from student life facilitated and • assisted in the facilitation of program sessions and • student leader training and served on the Orientation • Advisory Council. Orientation provided budgetary and • programming support for the development of The • Division of Student Life’s Weekend Of Welcome • (WOW) efforts.
Highlights of Cross-Divisional/Department Collaborative Initiatives“Beyond Participation to Authentic Collaborations” (continued) • ACT 101-Student Support Services • The ACT 101 Program collaborates with admissions, financial aid, student accounts, faculty, residence life, intercultural programs, and student leadership areas to produce programs and services which serve the needs of at-risk students. • The Student Support Services Program collaborates with financial aid, student accounts, faculty for referrals, counseling center, and retention services to offer services to meet the needs of student having academic difficulty. • Office for Students With Disabilities • The Office for Students With Disabilities works • collaboratively with faculty, Residence Life, Health • Services, Counseling Center, Tutoring Center, • Information Technology, Retention Services, • Academic Records, OVR (Office for Vocational • Rehabilitation), and BVS (Blindness and Visual • Services), among others. Orientation and Student • Life • Retention Services • Through a host of programming efforts (including • MapWorks, department receptions, mid-term review, • FYRST progression services, and general retention • services), faculty, enrollment services personnel, • international initiatives, student life professional staff, • financial aid, and representatives from student • accounts participate in the full spectrum of retention- • related activities • Tutoring Services / Supplemental Instruction/ College Success Workshops • The tutoring center draws on many collaborative relationships from faculty, services for students with disabilities, residence life, writing center to offer its services for students. • Academic Advisement / DARWIN • Faculty across campus, enrollment services personnel, student life professional staff, and representatives from career services participate in many advisement functions through out the year. For example, over 100 faculty volunteer to advise exploratory students, while about 35 faculty across campus serve as advisors in the orientation program. • Frederick Douglass Institute, Faculty, Residence Life, Intercultural Programs, and Student Leadership • The Frederick Douglass institute collaborates with faculty, residence life, intercultural programs, and student leadership areas to produce programs and services which serve to educate and inform students and faculty on issues of diversity. • FYRST Seminar/LCC • In addition to a high level of participation from faculty campus wide in the FYRST Seminar/LCC initiative, many guest presentations and supportive services are received from numerous areas within the division of student life, enrollment services, and the administration. • .
Our future can be determined by how well we respond and create actions for the query below: Where do we have opportunities to better influence our enrollment? How can we act on these opportunities? Where do we have opportunities to impact student learning and success? How can we act on these opportunities?