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Nutrition Knowledge

By: Cheyenne Robson Block:1. Nutrition Knowledge. Vitamin D in dairy help your bones Types: Fat-solubl e water-soluble Vitamin C in oranges help your body heal The body needs them to work properly dairy's, vegetables, fruits, are found in different vitamins

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Nutrition Knowledge

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  1. By: Cheyenne Robson Block:1 Nutrition Knowledge

  2. Vitamin D in dairy help your bones • Types: • Fat-soluble • water-soluble • Vitamin C in oranges help your body heal • The body needs them to work properly • dairy's, vegetables, fruits, are found in different vitamins • wait around in your body fat until your body needs them Vitamin

  3. Your body needs them to work properly • Types: • Non-Silicate Minerals • Silicate Mineral • Rocks are changing continuously by different forces of nature • Mineral diamond is hardest known substance on Earth • 2000 types of minerals have been identified • your body grow, develop, and stay healthy Minerals

  4. Different types of water are : vitamin water, flavored water, etc… • Type: • H2O • Our bodies are made up of 65% water • 80% of the human brain is water • Water is made up of a mixture of Hydrogen and Oxygen • Water Helps the Digestive System • 24 million : Canadians who receive municipal drinking water Water

  5. Fats are made up of, complex chemical compounds • types: • Saturated fat (found in animal fats and tropical oil) • Unsaturated fats (from plant sources and tend to be liquid at room temperature) • Fats in foods : olive oil, bacon, fish, butter, sunflower seeds, tofu, etc… • healthy eating is to get 25-35% of your total Calories from fat • fats tend to lower blood • fruits and vegetables, almost have no fat • organic compounds ,made up of (carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen) Fat

  6. Proteins are complex organic compounds • Types: • complete (Contains all nine amino acids) • Incomplete (Missing 1 or more amino acids) • The constituents that make up proteins are: carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur • best sources are beef, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products • Protein builds, maintains, and replaces the tissues in your bod Protein

  7. Provides energy • They are called Carbohydrates because they are made up of hydrocarbon molecules • Complex Carbohydrates (broken down more slowly) • Simple Carbohydrates (are quickly broken down and absorbed into the bloodstream) • Carbohydrates are macronutrients, composed of carbon • Breaks down sugar / energy • Make your blood sugars rise ` Carbohydrates

  8. There is two ways to spell fiber , fiber or fibre • types: • Soluble fiber • insoluble fiber • Adds bulk to the stool and softens it by absorbing water • Foods : Spicy, greasy foods are hard to digest , coffee, cola, and chocolate, stimulate the muscles • fiber is practically indigestible • tool for the body to cleanse itself of toxins and fats Fibre

  9. http://www.buzzle.com/articles/rocks-and-minerals-for-kids.htmlhttp://www.buzzle.com/articles/rocks-and-minerals-for-kids.html http://kidshealth.org/kid/stay_healthy/food/minerals.html\ http://www.gifs.net/image/Food_and_Drinks/Fruits/Apple_and_pear/8666 http://www.livestrong.com/article/399131-what-are-the-two-types-of-carbohydrates/ http://www.albertawater.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=51&Itemid=61 http://www.fibercon.com/lc/answers.asp#whyfiber http://whatisfiber.org/ http://www.bayareanutrition.com/articles/typesoffats.html http://kidshealth.org/kid/nutrition/food/fat.html http://www.umm.edu/ency/article/002468all.htm Bibliography

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