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Enhancing Metadata Publication and Technical Development for Geo-Data Portal

Stakeholder workshop focusing on strategies for metadata publication effectiveness and technical development of the geo-data portal. Plans include integrating guidelines, enhancing search capabilities, and exploring data access options.

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Enhancing Metadata Publication and Technical Development for Geo-Data Portal

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  1. Stakeholder workshop, 29 Jan 2003 Where next….

  2. To the end of the project

  3. Metadata matters • employ a range of procedures to encourage metadata publication • want to determine which strategies are the most effective • expand the HE/FE Application Profile Guidelines • need to serve an eclectic audience that spans multiple disciplines • integrate HE/FE Application Profile Guidelines document into the geo-data portal to serve as a reference guide to the individual metadata elements • monitor possible changes to metadata standards that could take place in the coming months

  4. Technical development • continue to develop portal client • e.g. result set sorting function, geographic and temporal visualisations, inclusion of gazetteer and thesaurus pick-menu, email record and so on • link in HDS database & GE:source so cross-searchable from Portal • write mechanisms to output metadata as Dublin Core & NGDF Discovery Metadata Guidelines formats • provide gateway so NGDF GIGateway can search local Portal database (and geo-data network)

  5. Investigations • use of OAI to disclose metadata as an output from the portal • how access could be provided to 'deep' geo-spatial resources (data mining) • how a comprehensive service would include search and browse, visualisation, exploitation and analysis of geo-spatial data • will propose that OGC interoperability specifications are used

  6. OGC and interoperability • Open GIS Consortium (OGC), a private sector initiative, formed in 1994 • aim is to develop software specifications to advance geo-processing interoperability across the GIS industry • employing practical testbeds and a consensus specification development process to arrive at open specifications for standard interfaces and protocols • defined web service implementation specifications for • Map Services – Gazetteer Services* • Feature (data) Services – Geo-parser Services* • Coverage services – Catalog Services • could be used by Data Centres and research institutes to serve up their data to the portal (and elsewhere) • ££££ - who pays to establish this infrastructure?

  7. Based on R. Wagner 2002 Exposing geo-data through the Portal User WWW-Browser Go-Geo! Portal WMS Client WFS Client WAAS Client Clients Services WAAS Service WMS Service WMS Service Athens Security Zone WAAS Service WFS Service Geo-Data Geo-Data Dataset 1 Data set 2 HE Research Institute JISC Data Centre JISC Data Centre

  8. Revisiting the data access issue • proposing a short feasibility study looking at 2 approaches • P2P • data holders/custodians would set up a P2P server on institutional machines and store data within it • metadata published announcing existence of servers and data • metadata would also be published to the Go-Geo database • users would use P2P client to search for data on the Go-Geo portal, locate a copy and download to their machine • self archiving service • data producers/holders use it to publish data for use by others • requires mechanism for them to provide data, metadata and accompanying documentation • metadata would also be published to the local Portal database

  9. Evaluation and outreach • formal report of this meeting • further development based on information gained at this meeting • further evaluation • internal to UKDA & HDS • via online questionnaire & JISCmail list • usability testing by students and trainers • enhancement of information on web page • outreach • contributions to newsletters/ publications • attendance at conferences & workshops • offer trial access from April • offer potential metadata producers the opportunity to submit their comments towards the future design and development of a metadata tool

  10. Our exit strategy

  11. Transition to service • our goal is for the portal to become a service within the JISC Information Environment • following a set up phase, would aim to launch the service in January 2004 • creation of portal content will be undertaken and managed by HDS • EDINA responsible for hosting the service and for technical development • the current project will result in a demonstrator service, further development will be required prior to & post launch

  12. Further development • proposed activities include • linking in of metadatabases provided by other geo-spatial data service providers e.g. MIMAS and ADS, to establish the geo-data network • tools for submitting metadata records and editing • linking in additional resources • this could include relevant subscription A&I databases • addition of user profiling • improvements in spatial searching • development of a facility (the ‘Geo-Locator’) to allow the geo-data network to be searchable via the Gateway from other Portals • this could include institutional portals • all subject to continuing funding from the JISC

  13. Any comments?

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