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This work explores deterministic models for air traffic controllers in emergency situations such as engine failure during flight. It involves statistical analysis, decision support system analysis, and the creation of a computer program for training. The goal is to enhance decision-making processes and safety in aviation.
Ministry of Education and Science of UkraineNATIONAL AVIATION UNIVERSITYInstitute of air navigationAir Navigation Systems Department Diploma work educational-qualification level “Master” Theme: «Deterministic models of air traffic controller decision making in case of emergency situation. Engine failure» Детерміновані моделі прийняття рішень авіадиспетчером у разі виникнення позаштатної ситуації. Відмова двигуна. Supervisor professor Performed by Shmelova T. F. Veresenko L.A. Kyiv 2015
Goal of the work - developing deterministic model (DM) for special situation in flight – engine failure during flight. Object of research -decision-making process an air traffic controller in the emergency – engine failure . In the diploma work were used decision tree and network planning. Tasks: • a statistical analysis of accident in case of engine failure; • analysis of decision support system; • build Decision Tree, structural time-table of controller actions and Network Graph; • create a computer program «Engine failure training»
Decision making in emergency situation Aviation became an independent part of human being. Over the last decades there is a tendency of increasing of air traffic flows over the world. Also aviation is a vital part of the increasingly globalised world economy, facilitating the growth of international trade, tourism and international investment, and connecting people across continents Decision support tools used to assess: –Separation –Velocity –Routes –Headings –Communication modes: Datacomm vs radio –Queuing and scheduling –Type of equipment identification
Database Database management system User`s Interface Models base The control system of the model base Decision Support System • A Decision Support System (DSS) is a computer-based information system that supports business or organizational decision-making activities. The main components of DSS
Statistical analysis of accident 1 Statistics of dead in civil aviation for the last 6 decades Statistic of flight accidents on different phase of flight 2 Rolling - 13%; Take off - 12%; Climb - 8%; Horizontal flight - 5%; Subsequent descend - 3%; Approach - 13%; Touch down - 18%; Landing - 28%. Number Of Engine Failure Accidents By Year (in %)
Begin Network Planning Get message from pilot about engine fire. Algorithm activity of ATCo in case of engine failure Report pilot place, fix time Pilot establish distress NO YES Remind pilot establish “Distress” Change transponder mode- squawk IDENT, squawk 7700 Report flight director To switch on radio silence No Yes Stop transmitting for safety or security resons continue transmitting Pilot make decision to land on aerodrom No Yes Pilot request a priority landing Transfer ACFT to tower End
Network Planning The list of actions for air traffic controller in the event of emergency “Engine failure” Questionnaire to determine the time to perform the procedure
a8 a7 a6 a3 a5 a2 a4 a1 0 40 60 Network Planning Network graph identifying the critical execution time required work of air traffic controller in the event of the emergency “Engine failure’’ Tcritical = 59 sec, a way - (a1, a2, a3, a5, a7, a8).
Decision Tree Construction of a decision tree in case of the emergency situation (engine failure) Initial data
Construction of a decision tree in case of the emergency situation (engine failure) Decision Tree As a result of our calculation we get, that the best option in such emergency is to land at the aerodrome, not outside landing. 11
COMPUTER PROGRAM «ENGINE FAILURE TRAINING» The main window which defines optimal and safe decisions in emergency situations (engine failure)
COMPUTER PROGRAM «ENGINE FAILURE TRAINING» Example of an radio communication Information box of AUI 342 aircraft Variants of instructions and request an air traffic controller to pilot about emergency situation According to the time the structure of user actions Example of Сontrol Zone of an airport "Kyiv" (Zhuliany) 13
Practical implementation 1.«ENGINE FAILURE TRAINING» can be used during simulator training of air traffic controllers. 2. «ENGINE FAILURE TRAINING» can be used for exams of students in university.
Conclusion In the diploma work was soundly: • Analyzed the method of decision tree and network planning. • Reviewed statistical analysis of accident in case of engine failure • Described technology of operating procedures for air traffic controller in the event of emergency – engine failure. • Built decision tree, structural time-table, algorithm of ATCO actions and network graph which show the critical execution time required work of air traffic controller. • Created computer program " Engine failure training."