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LOW POWER DESIGN METHODS. V.ANANDI ASST.PROF,E&C MSRIT,BANGALORE. Course Objective. Low-power is a current need in VLSI design. Learn basic ideas, concepts and methods. Gain hands-on experience. Contents. Introduction Dynamic power Short circuit power Reduced supply voltage operation

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  2. Course Objective • Low-power is a current need in VLSI design. • Learn basic ideas, concepts and methods. • Gain hands-on experience.

  3. Contents • Introduction • Dynamic power • Short circuit power • Reduced supply voltage operation • Glitch elimination • Static (leakage) power reduction • Low power systems • State encoding • Processor and multi-core design • Books on low-power design

  4. Introduction Power Consumption of VLSI Chips Why is it a concern? Business & technical needs Semiconductor processing technology

  5. NEED FOR LOW POWER • More transistors are packed into the chip. • Increased market demand for portable devices. • Environmental concerns

  6. Meaning of Low-Power Design • Design practices that reduce power consumption at least by one order of magnitude; in practice 50% reduction is often acceptable. • General considerations in low-power design • Algorithms and architectures • High-level and software techniques • Gate and circuit-level methods • Power estimation techniques • Test power

  7. Topics in Low-Power • Power dissipation in CMOS circuits • Device technology • Low-power CMOS technologies • Energy recovery methods • Circuit and gate level methods • Logic synthesis • Dynamic power reduction techniques • Leakage power reduction • System level methods • Microprocessors • Arithmetic circuits • Low power memory technology • Test power • Power estimation methods and tools

  8. Low-Power Design Techniques • Circuit and gate level methods • Reduced supply voltage • Adiabatic switching and charge recovery • Logic design for reduced activity • Reduced Glitches • Transistor sizing • Pass-transistor logic • Pseudo-nMOS logic • Multi-threshold gates

  9. Low-Power Design Techniques • Functional and architectural methods • Clock suppression • Clock frequency reduction • Supply voltage reduction • Power down • Algorithmic and Software methods

  10. Power Dissipation in CMOS Logic (0.25µ) Ptotal (0→1) = CL VDD2 + tscVDD Ipeak+VDDIleakage VDD VDD CL %75 %20 %5

  11. Degrees of Freedom • The three degrees of freedom are: • Supply Voltage • Switching Activity • Physical capacitance

  12. Components of Power • Dynamic • Signal transitions • Logic activity • Glitches • Short-circuit • Static • Leakage Ptotal = Pdyn + Pstat = Ptran + Psc + Pstat

  13. CMOS Dynamic Power Dynamic Power = Σ 0.5 αifclk CLiVDD2 All gates i ≈ 0.5 αfclk CLVDD2 ≈ α01fclk CLVDD2 where α average gate activity factor α01 = 0.5α, average 0→1 trans. fclk clock frequency CL total load capacitance VDD supply voltage

  14. Dynamic Power isc VDD Dynamic Power = CLVDD2/2 + Psc R Vo Vi CL R Ground

  15. Summary: Short-Circuit Power • Short-circuit power is consumed by each transition (increases with input transition time). • Reduction requires that gate output transition should not be faster than the input transition (faster gates can consume more short-circuit power). • Increasing the output load capacitance reduces short-circuit power. • Scaling down of supply voltage with respect to threshold voltages reduces short-circuit power.

  16. Dynamic Power Reduction • Reduce power per transition • Reduced voltage operation – voltage scaling • Capacitance minimization – device sizing • Reduce number of transitions • Glitch elimination

  17. Glitch Power Reduction • Design a digital circuit for minimum transient energy consumption by eliminating hazards

  18. Static (Leakage) Power • Dynamic • Signal transitions • Logic activity • Glitches • Short-circuit • Static • Leakage

  19. Leakage Power VDD IG Ground R n+ n+ Isub IPT ID IGIDL

  20. Leakage Current Components • Subthreshold conduction, Isub • Reverse bias pn junction conduction, ID • Gate induced drain leakage, IGIDL due to tunneling at the gate-drain overlap • Drain source punchthrough, IPT due to short channel and high drain-source voltage • Gate tunneling, IGthrough thin oxide

  21. Reducing Leakage Power • Leakage power as a fraction of the total power increases as clock frequency drops. Turning supply off in unused parts can save power. • For a gate it is a small fraction of the total power; it can be significant for very large circuits. • Scaling down features requires lowering the threshold voltage, which increases leakage power; roughly doubles with each shrinking. • Multiple-threshold devices are used to reduce leakage power.

  22. Low-Power System Design • State encoding • Bus encoding • Finite state machine • Clock gating • Flip-flop • Shift register • Microprocessors • Single processor • Multi-core processor

  23. Clock-Gating in Low-Power Flip-Flop D D Q CK

  24. Power Reduction in Processors • Hardware methods: • Voltage reduction for dynamic power • Dual-threshold devices for leakage reduction • Clock gating, frequency reduction • Sleep mode • Architecture: • Instruction set • hardware organization • Software methods

  25. A Multicore Design Multiplier Core 1 Reg 40MHz Multiplier Core 2 Output Reg 5 to 1 mux Reg Input 40MHz 200MHz Multiplier Core 5 Multiphase Clock gen. and mux control Reg 40MHz 200MHz CK Core clock frequency = 200/N, N should divide 200.

  26. Challenges • Development of low Vt, supply voltage and design technique • Low power interconnect and reduced activity approaches • Low-power system synchronization • Dynamic power-management techniques • Development of application-specific processing • Self-adjusting and adaptive circuits • Integrated design methodology • Power-conscious techniques and tools development • Severe supply fluctuations or current spikes

  27. REFERENCES on Low-Power Design • A. Chandrakasan and R. Brodersen, Low-Power Digital CMOS Design, Boston: Springer, 1995. • A. Chandrakasan and R. Brodersen, Low-Power CMOS Design, New York: IEEE Press, 1998. • J. M. Rabaey and M. Pedram, Low Power Design Methodologies, Boston: Springer, 1996. • K. Roy and S. C. Prasad, Low-Power CMOS VLSI Circuit Design, New York: Wiley-Interscience, 2000. • G. K. Yeap, Practical Low Power Digital VLSI Design, Boston:Springer, 1998. • Tutorial on low power by Vishwani.D.Aggarwal VDAT’06 Symposium on low power design methodologies.

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