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TUFS Tennessee University Faculty Senates. Representing over 10,000 united university faculty at ten state institutions of higher education. TUFS P resentation Tennessee Senate & House Education Committees February 9 & March 1, 2011 Nashville, Tennessee. TUFS
TUFS Tennessee University Faculty Senates Representing over 10,000 united university faculty at tenstate institutions of higher education TUFS Presentation Tennessee Senate & House Education Committees February 9 & March 1, 2011 Nashville, Tennessee
TUFS Tennessee University Faculty Senates Representing over 10,000 united university faculty at tenstate institutions of higher education • Overview • Introduction to TUFS • THEC Master Plan • Quality of Higher Education • Issues From Member Senates
TUFS Tennessee University Faculty Senates Representing over 10,000 united university faculty at tenstate institutions of higher education Executive Committee Jeffrey S. Berman, PresidentUniversity of MemphisPsychology J.A.M. “Toby” Boulet, President-Elect University of Tennessee, Knoxville Mechanical Engineering John Nolt, Immediate Past President University of Tennessee, Knoxville Philosophy H. Lyn Miles, Secretary University of Tennessee, Chattanooga Anthropology
TUFS Tennessee University Faculty Senates Representing over 10,000 united university faculty at tenstate institutions of higher education Member Faculty Senates Austin Peay State University Clarksville East Tennessee State University Johnson City Middle Tennessee State University Murfreesboro Tennessee State University Nashville Tennessee Technical University Cookville University of Memphis Memphis University of Tennessee, Chattanooga Chattanooga University of Tennessee, Health Science Center Memphis University of Tennessee, Knoxville Knoxville University of Tennessee, Martin Martin
TUFS Tennessee University Faculty Senates Representing over 10,000 united university faculty at tenstate institutions of higher education • Meetings With Key Legislators • SENATE HOUSE • Delores Gresham (R), ChairBeth Harwell (R), Speaker • Andy Berke (D) Craig Fitzhugh (D) • Jamie Woodson (R) Joe Pitts (D) • Brian Kelsey (R) Dennis Powers (R)
TUFS Tennessee University Faculty Senates Representing over 10,000 united university faculty at tenstate institutions of higher education • TUFS’ Participation in the • THEC Master Plan • Amendment 12 of Complete College Tennessee Act • Appointment to Master Plan Committee • Faculty Senate involvement in implementation • Faculty expertise in evaluation
TUFS Tennessee University Faculty Senates Representing over 10,000 united university faculty at tenstate institutions of higher education • Maintaining Quality of • Higher Education • Potential of Complete College Tennessee Act • Increasing numbers of college students for long-term state benefits • Metrics to encourage & monitor process (accreditation processes) • Ensuring quality is not diminished, given no increase in funding
TUFS Tennessee University Faculty Senates Representing over 10,000 united university faculty at tenstate institutions of higher education • Other Issues • University governance & faculty expertise • Interaction with legislators • Administrative costs vs. instruction • Educational exploration • Contingent faculty • Summer school & Hope Scholarship • (Did not raise faculty salaries, tenure issues, etc.)
TUFS Tennessee University Faculty Senates Representing over 10,000 united university faculty at tenstate institutions of higher education • Successes! • Positive face-to-face contact with legislators • Challenge many myths of academia • Support from THEC Director Rich Rhoda • Higher education restructuring in 2012 • Strengthening faculty governanceState Audit of Complete College data • Faculty Senates & administration • Faculty governance: “faculty representation” = Senate COC recommended • Sharing & collaboration within TennesseeTeaching, research, visiting professorships Course articulation • Student exchange
TUFS Tennessee University Faculty Senates Representing over 10,000 united university faculty at tenstate institutions of higher education Issue: Targeting Education HB 368/SB0893 Allows K-12 teachers to criticize “scientific controversies” such as evolution or global warming, etc., on non-scientific grounds, e.g. religious beliefs— targets biology, anthropology, environmental science, geology, etc. teachers (Rep Bill Dunn, Sen Bo Watson) HB1732/SB 1415 Prohibits public higher education employees from “disruptions” of educational services—targets unions, educational associations (Sen Delores Gresham, Rep Joe Carr) OTHER ACTIONS K-12 Tenure Higher Education Tenure?
TUFS Tennessee University Faculty Senates Representing over 10,000 united university faculty at tenstate institutions of higher education • Contact • Jeffrey S. Berman, President, • Tennessee University Faculty Senates (TUFS) • Professor of Psychology, University of Memphis • jberman@memphis.edu • TUFS Website