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This training aims to empower pastors with essential skills for ministry, focusing on biblical principles and contextual relevance. Through relational teaching and experiential learning, pastors will be equipped to impact their communities positively.
Training Pastors at Grassroots Developing Accessible and Appropriate models of training.
7 Key Questions • What is the content of training? • What teaching method will you use? • What type of training programme is required in this context? • By what process will you develop the training? • What are the desired training outcomes? • What are your values? • Who will you train?
Who to Train • Who is the target group. • What factors determine who is in that group. • Geographic location • Levels of training • Types of ministry • Context of ministry
Values • This is what you bring to the training programme from the start. • These will underpin all your training. • These are your non-negotiables.
Values • Biblically Based – The Word is our authority and chief textbook for all our training. • Church Focused – Those we seek to train will be Pastors in the local church with an emphasis on those ministering in disadvantaged areas. • Life Long Approach - To engender an attitude of continued learning . We want to help Pastors finish strong. • Relational Teaching Methodology – People learn and grow best in community.
Values • Experiential in Nature – Provides hands-on ministry experiences. Training is done in the context of ministry. • Flexible in Delivery – Offered by different people using a number of mediums. • Transferable – Based on biblical principles Pastors can transfer what they are learning to each of the ministries in their church, with the goal of reproducing leaders.
Outcomes • Information - know • Formation - be • Transformation - do • These need to be decided/considered before you begin to design the course.
Outcomes • Pastors who can interpret the Bible accurately, develop sermons, and deliver life transforming messages. (Knowing) • Pastors who demonstrate personal godliness in their own walk as well as their family life. (Being) • Pastors equipped to impact their community and nation for Christ. (Doing)
Goals for the Course Ministry Skills It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teacher, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up. Ephesians 4:11-12 • To be able to better handle the Word • To grow in various Pastoral Skills • To be Biblical Leaders
Goals for the Course Maturity We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. Colossians 1:28 • To walk with Jesus in a deeper way • To develop their Families • To impact their Community • To have a Christian Worldview
Goals for the Course Mission However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace. Acts 20:24 • To equip their people to minister • To change their communities • To develop a global mindset
Process • Must reflect your values and be directed towards your goals. • Where will you develop your training – in the library? In the street? • Who will contribute to the development of the programme? Whose voices will be heard? • Who will decide what needs to be taught? • Needs assessment.
Programme Design • When and where will the training be delivered? Availability of pastors? How many? • What will be the entry and exit points within the programme? • What will be the “flow” and development of the programme? • Who will be the trainers? • Can you ensure multiplication and transferability?
Overview of the Process Samaritan Strategy Vision conference Invite Pastors to Overview Session Holistic Discipleship Pastor’s Training School Other Courses (HIV / AIDs) (Economic Empowerment) Further Study
Programme Content • Content emerges from the design process. • Content V Context. An unchangeable Word in a changing world. • Felt needs V observed needs. • How appropriate is this training for this context? • What is the Good News in this community?
Teaching Method • Method needs to take into account the content of the training and the context of the training. • Less didactic more participatory. • “Banking” model or “problem posing”. • Affirm the learning/experience that exists within the group. • How does the learning method utilise the skills, knowledge and experience present within the group?
Evaluation • How well have your objectives been achieved? • What does the pastor know? • How has the pastor moved towards a more Christ like ministry. • How has the church and community changed through the ministry of the pastor? • How can the course be changed to better achieve the desired outcomes?