LYMPHOMA Huang Jinwen Hematology Dept. of SRRSH
Lymphomais a cancer in the lymphatic cells of the immune system. Typically, lymphomas present as a solid tumor of lymphoid cells. Treatment might involve chemotherapy and in some cases radiotherapy and/or bone marrow transplantation, and can be curable depending on the histology, type, and stage of the disease.
Lymphomas, multiple myeloma world map - Death - WHO2004 (per 100,000 inhabitants)
WHO Classification of Lymphoma non Hodgkin lymphoma
What should we do ? when we meet a patient with suspected non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
PAST HISTORY malignancy, radiation therapy, immunosuppressive agents, chemotherapy, organ transplantation, etc. • A personal or family history • Relevant infectious illnesses • Connective tissue diseases, immunodeficiency disorders etc. • Agricultural to pesticides and Agent Orange HIV-I, HTLV-I, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), hepatitis C virus, Pyothorax-associated lymphoma.
Risk factors for the development of gastrointestinal lymphoma • Crohn's disease • Gastrointestinal nodular lymphoid hyperplasia • Helicobacter pylori-associated chronic gastritis • Celiac disease
CHIEF COMPLAINTS Systemic complaints (B symptoms) * Fever — temperature >38ºC * Weight loss >10 percent over the past six months * Sweats — the presence of drenching night sweats Lymphadenopathy * Rapid and progressive or Waxing and waning * The duration, observed sites, and extent * Peripheral lymphocytosis
ONCOLOGIC EMERGENCIES • Spinal cord compression • Pericardial tamponade • Hypercalcemia (adult T cell lymphoma) • Superior or inferior vena cava obstruction • Hyperleukocytosis (lymphoblastic lymphoma) • Acute airway obstruction (mediastinal lymphoma) • Lymphomatous meningitis and/or CNS mass • Hyperuricemia and tumor lysis syndrome • Hyperviscosity syndrome • Intestinal obstruction, intussusception • Ureteral obstruction, unilateral or bilateral • Severe hepatic dysfunction • Venous thromboembolic disease • Severe autoimmune hemolytic anemia and/or thrombocytopenia
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION • Waldeyer's ring • Standard lymph node sites • Liver and spleen • Abdominal nodal sites (mesenteric, retroperitoneal) • Less commonly involved nodal sites (eg, occipital, preauricular, epitrochlear, popliteal)
Head and neck • Waldeyer's ring is more frequently observed in patients with NHL than in HL. • A useful clue to the presence of involvement of Waldeyer's ring is enlargement of preauricular nodes. • Primary central nervous system lymphoma commonly involves the eye. • Lymphoma involving the orbital structures is rare, but may be seen in marginal zone and mantle cell lymphoma.
Chest and lungs • Approximately 20% of pts with NHL present with mediastinal adenopathy. • In 3 to 8 % of pts with NHL, a superior vena caval syndrome is part of the clinical presentation. • Pleural disease is seen in about 10 percent of all patients with NHL at diagnosis. • The differential diagnosis of mediastinal presentation includes infections, sarcoidosis, Hodgkin's lymphoma, other neoplasms.
Abdomen and pelvis • Retroperitoneal, mesenteric, and pelvic involvement is common in most histologic subtypes of NHL. • Diffuse hepatosplenomegaly is common in the indolent lymphomas, • Hepatic masses are more commonly seen in the aggressive or highly aggressive lymphomas. • Not all focal liver lesions in a patient with NHL are due to lymphoma. • Ascites may be present
Extranodal sites • 10 ~ 35 % of pts with NHL will have primary extranodal lymphoma at initial dx, and about 50 % will have extranodal disease during the course. • The most common site of primary extranodal disease is the GI tract, followed by skin. • Symptoms due to extralymphatic disease are usually associated with aggressive NHL, and are uncommon in the indolent lymphomas. • Other sites involved with aggressive non-Hodgkin's lymphomas at presentation include the testis, bone, and kidney. • The skin should be carefully examined for lesions; all suspicious areas should be biopsied.
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:Extranodal sites Colonic involvement with lymphoma Lymphoma affecting the kidney
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:Extranodal sites Lymphoma of bone Lymphoma of testis
INITIAL LABORATORY STUDIES • CBC with differential • Renal and hepatic function • Serum calcium, electrolytes, and uric acid • Serum protein electrophoresis • the tumor markers beta-2 microglobulin lactate dehydrogenase etc
LYMPH NODE AND TISSUE BIOPSY • Peripheral lymphonodes • CT-guided core needle biopsies • Bone marrow examination • Laparoscopic multiple biopsies • Surgical operation
Lymph node selection • Size: * Significant enlargement * Persistence for more than four to six weeks • Site: * Supraclavicular nodes — 75 to 90 percent * Cervical and axillary nodes — 60 to 70 percent * Inguinal nodes — 30 to 40 percent
Studies on excised tissue • An intact lymph node is critical for histologic, immunologic, molecular biologic assessment. • The FNA findings of "lymphoma" requires to be confirmed. • Immunologic, cytogenetic, and molecular studies are useful for making therapeutic decisions and assessing prognosis.
Reactive lymph node versus follicular lymphoma, and versus diffuse lymphoma
Bone marrow examination • BM involvement occurs in 30 to 50 %, most commonly in the indolent histologies • BM aspirates / BM biopsy • It remains controversial whether patients require bilateral or unilateral bone marrow biopsies
"B" symptoms • Fever — temperature >38ºC • Weight loss —>10 percent over the past six months • Sweats — the presence of drenching night sweats • “B” symptoms are more common in aggressive/ highly aggressive histologies (47%) . • < 25 % with indolent lymphomas have B symptoms.
International Prognostic Index • Age >60 • Serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) concentration greater than normal • ECOG performance status 2 • Ann Arbor clinical stage III or IV • Number of involved extranodal disease sites >1
ECOG Performance Status Performance Status Definition 0 Fully active; no performance restrictions • Strenuos physical activity restricted; fully ambulatory and able to carry out light work • Capable of all selfcare but unable to carry out any work activities, Up and about 50 percent of waking hours • Capable of only limited selfcare; confined to bed or chair, >50 percent of waking hours • Completely disabled; cannot carry out any selfcare; totally confined to bed or chair
5-yr OS and CR rates according to IPI score Score Risk group 5-yr OS CR rate (%) (%) 0 to 1 Low risk 73 87 • Low-intermediate risk 51 67 • High-intermediate risk 43 55 4 to 5 High risk 26 44
高危患者自体干细胞移植后生存优于化疗 LNH87-2 PROTOCOL
OS According to Gene-Expression Profiles in DLBCL N Engl J Med, Vol. 346, No. 25.June 20, 2002
Differential efficacy of bortezomib plus chemo within subtypes of DLBCL Blood, 11 June 2009, Vol. 113, No. 24, pp. 6069-6076