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Transportation Planning Issues Associated with the New Ozone Standards

This presentation covers transportation planning issues associated with the new ozone standards. It discusses conformity and the options for revoking the 1-hour standard, as well as the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program. The implications of revoking the 1-hour ozone standard on transportation and air quality are also examined. Additionally, the discussion touches on the apportionment of CMAQ funds under TEA-21 and the upcoming TEA-21 reauthorization.

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Transportation Planning Issues Associated with the New Ozone Standards

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  1. Transportation Planning Issues Associated with the New Ozone Standards March 5, 2002, Alexandria VA March 7, 2002, Atlanta GA

  2. Two Issues (1) Conformity and the options for revoking the 1-hour standard (2) CMAQ eligibility • Other issues will be covered in future discussions

  3. Transportation Conformity • Required by Clean Air Act section 176(c) • Ensures that federal funding and approval given to transportation activities that are consistent with air quality goals • Transportation conformity applies to: • nonattainment areas (regardless of classification) • maintenance areas • One-year grace period: • Areas designated nonattainment for the first time for a new standard have a one-year grace period before transportation conformity applies for that standard

  4. Options for revoking the 1-hour ozone standard • Revoking the 1-hour standard is only an issue for areas currently designated under the 1-hour standard • Would not impact brand new 8-hour areas • Option 1: At time of 8-hour ozone nonattainment designation • Option 2: At time of EPA approval of 8-hour ozone SIPs (for 8-hour ozone nonattainment areas) • Option 3: At time EPA determines area meets 1-hour ozone NAAQS (after 8-hr ozone designation)

  5. When the 1-hour ozone standard is revoked, will conformity apply for 1-hour ozone standard: • In nonattainment areas only? • In maintenance areas only? • In both types of areas? • Under Options 2 and 3, both standards (and conformity) would apply for some period of time • For neither type of area? • Under Option 1, then no conformity for either ozone standard would apply until one-year grace period for the 8-hour standard ends • What would be the transportation and air quality impact under any of the options?

  6. The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program • The CMAQ program is funded under TEA-21 • Provides federal money for transportation projects that reduce criteria pollutant emissions in • nonattainment areas, and • maintenance areas

  7. CMAQ Program • Amount of CMAQ funds available to States set by TEA-21 • Funds apportioned to states via a statutory formula • based on 1-hour ozone nonattainment/maintenance area designations • areas designated after 12/31/97 are eligible to receive CMAQ funds, but no additional funding is available • current interpretation holds that areas where the standard is revoked without an approved maintenance plan are no longer eligible for CMAQ funds

  8. TEA-21 Reauthorization (“TEA-3”) • TEA-21 reauthorization work is currently being conducted by DOT • New legislation is expected by fall 2003 • How should funds be apportioned to states, given new 8-hour ozone areas? • How should new legislation consider areas where the 1-hour standard is revoked without a maintenance plan?

  9. Questions ... comments....

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