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Donor’s Conference 16-17 June 2004 Ministry of Finance

Donor’s Conference 16-17 June 2004 Ministry of Finance. Establishment of financial order and Action Plan in the fiscal area. Macro-economic performance 2003. The 2003 performance shows mixed picture: Growth of GDP: 8.6% (in real terms) Inflation increased to 7%

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Donor’s Conference 16-17 June 2004 Ministry of Finance

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  1. Donor’s Conference 16-17 June 2004Ministry of Finance Establishment of financial order and Action Plan in the fiscal area

  2. Macro-economic performance 2003 The 2003 performance shows mixed picture: • Growth of GDP: 8.6% (in real terms) • Inflation increased to 7% • Balance of Payments deficit deteriorated by 2% • US$ 51 million arrears accumulated

  3. Medium-term macro-economic policy Focus on: • Strong financial and monetary adjustment • Agreement with IMF on new 3-year program: 4 June 2004 • Debt-rescheduling: Paris Club meeting scheduled for July

  4. Macro-economic outlook Our macro-economic policy is projected to result in: • Forecast growth of real GDP: 6% in 2004, 5% in 2005-2008 • Likely realization of GDP growth: 10% • Inflation kept at the level of 5%

  5. Government Revenues: planned 2004 Budget: • Increase of tax revenues by 25% (i.e. 2.0% of GDP), reaching 16.3% of GDP • Due to: • Economic growth • Financial policy measures in 2004 • Ongoing reforms in tax/customs, anti-corruption • Normalization situation in Adjara Planned 2005-2008: • Sustainable increase of government tax revenues by 1% in each consecutive year

  6. Government Revenues: realised • First 5 months 2004 revenues: • 14% higher than planned in 2004 Budget • 35% higher than in comparable period in 2003 • Better performance due to: • Improved administration • Legalisation of imports • Expectation whole year 2005: • Increase of revenues by another 1.2%, reaching 17.5% of GDP

  7. Government Expenditures: 2004 • Government expenditures will increase by 43%, to 20.6% of GDP • Priorities for 2004: • Social sector • Rehabilitation of energy sector • Reduction of domestic arrears

  8. General Government Balance • Fiscal deficit: • Planned reduction to 1.6% of GDP • Expected reduction to 1.0% GDP • Clearance of arrears: • Planned reduction with 30% • Expected reduction with 45%

  9. Structural reforms in fiscal area Mission Statement Ministry of Finance • Establishment of financial order, creation of a foundation for stable economic growth, and the reduction of poverty • In order to fulfil Mission Statement: 6 areas of structural reform have been identified: Treasury, budget system, financial policy, tax department, customs Department, and financial police

  10. Structural reforms: treasury • Achieved already: • Commitment Control System established • Single Treasury Account created • Tax Refund procedures developed • Remaining agenda: • Completion Single Treasury Account • Introduction International Accountants Standards

  11. Structural reforms: budget system • Already achieved: • 1 January 2004: new Budget System Law effective • Remaining agenda: • Improvement budget transparency • Institutionalization of MTEF

  12. Structural reforms: financial policy • Already achieved: • Abolishment Tax for Economic Activities and Road User Tax • New Tax Code and new Tax Administration code have been prepared • New Customs Code has been prepared • Remaining agenda: • New Tax Code, effective 01.01.2005 • New Customs Code, effective 01.01.2005

  13. Structural Reforms: Tax Department • Already achieved: • Large Tax-payers Inspectorate strengthened • Excise Taxpayer’s Inspection was established • Optimalization of the number of Inspections • From June 2004 Adjara has been integrated into the national tax administration structure • Attestation of staff started • Downsizing of staff (156 employees)

  14. Structural Reforms: Customs Department • Already achieved: • Re-organisation: now only 4 Regional Customs Divisions • Reduction of customs posts on the borders with Azerbaijan and Russia has started • The status of Tbilisi Airport and Poti Port customs posts has been upgraded and 24-hours regime introduced • Escort of transit non-excise goods has been abolished • Downsizing of staff with 25%

  15. Structural reforms: Financial Police • Already achieved: • Creation of Financial Police under Ministry of Finance (March 2004) • Investigative functions fiscal and economic crime in one single ministry • Target 510 staff; presently 60% • 3 months operational: successful, a.o. in reduction smuggling • Remaining agenda: • Improvement organization • Training and equipping of staff

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