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2. What we do. Support the UN reunification processHelp reduce the isolation of the Turkish Cypriot communityEncourage economic development in line with EU rulesDeal with consequences of Cyprus' accession to the EU as a divided island. 3. What we do not do. Recognise any public authority in the
1. 1 The EU and the Turkish Cypriot community Jan Truszczynski, Deputy Director General DG Enlargement, European Commission
2. 2 What we do Support the UN reunification process
Help reduce the isolation of the Turkish Cypriot community
Encourage economic development in line with EU rules
Deal with consequences of Cyprus’ accession to the EU as a divided island
3. 3 What we do not do Recognise any public authority in the “areas” other than the government of the Republic of Cyprus
4. 4 Three regulations Green Line regulation
Direct trade regulation
Financial aid regulation
Two out of three
5. 5 Green Line regulation Since 1 May 2004
Regulates crossing of people, goods and services across the Green Line
Green Line is not external border of EU, but
Regulation defines terms under which provisions of EU law apply – e.g. for customs and tax purposes and for control of flows of people
Monthly trade remained quite small but peaked at more than 700.000 euros in January 2008
Flows of people substantial, daily average 3700
6. 6 Direct trade regulation Aims to allow privileged access for exports directly sent from northern part of Cyprus to other EU markets
So far such exports do not enjoy any preferences
Complementary to Green Line Regulation
Commission proposal on Council table since 2004
7. 7 Financial Aid Regulation
The programme team
The figures
Some ongoing projects
Some projects in preparation
8. 8 I The objective Facilitate the reunification of Cyprus by
Encouraging the economic development of the Turkish Cypriot community, emphasising
Economic integration of the island
Improving contacts between the two communities and with the EU
Preparation for implementing EU rules
9. 9 II. The Programme Team 30 people based in Nicosia
10. 10 III. The figures Situation end-February 2008:
Tendered: Euro 83 Mio or 32% of programme
Contracted: Euro 38 Mio or 15% of programme
Programme deadlines
for contracting: end 2009
for implementing: end 2012
11. 11 IV. Some ongoing projects Solid waste management master plan just approved by the Turkish Cypriot leadership (Euros 200,000).
Feasibility study to rehabilitate the Lefke hazardous copper mine site (Euros 900,000)
Upgrading of local and urban infrastructure in Nicosia, Kyrenia, Famagusta and small villages (Euros 15,000,000)
Support to the Committee on Missing Persons (Euros 1,500,000)
De-mining of the buffer zone: Turkish Army just released maps of all minefields in the BZ (Euros 4,000,000)
Community scholarships: more than 100 applications expected by 4 April (Euros 2,271,500)
Technical assistance to prepare to implement EU rules
Traffic safety management (Euros 350,000)
Project design for water and waste water investments (Euros 3,750,000)
12. 12 V. Some projects in preparation Grant schemes:
Rural Development (Euros 500,000)
Civil Society (Euros 2,000,000)
People-to-people contacts (Euros 1,500,000)
Small & medium size companies (Euros 800,000)
Investments in water, waste water (Euros 59,000,000)
Investments in telecoms (Euros 12,000,000)
Investments in electricity sector (Euros 3,700,000)
Technical assistance in all sectors of the programme
Setting up of Information Point in northern part of Nicosia (Euros 1,300,000)
Design of a Rural Development Plan (Euros 2,000,000)
Management plans for nature protection: Special Protected Areas (Euros 1,750,000)
13. 13 Support the UN process The leaders of the two communities on the island are the key players
The UN manages the negotiation process
The EU will support the leaders and the UN;
Politically – all Member States support the reunification of Cyprus
Technically – to ensure the final outcome fits with Cyprus’ obligation of a EU-Member State
Legally – accommodation of a settlement through transition periods likely in line with principles on which the acquis is founded (as in 2004)
14. 14 Thank you for your attention.