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Turn in your phylum requests to the inbox

Explore the diverse world of invertebrates with a detailed review of key phyla like Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, and more. Discover their unique characteristics, feeding habits, reproduction methods, and ecological significance.

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  1. Turn in your phylum requests to the inbox

  2. Invertebrates!!

  3. Review: What is an Animal? • A multicellular eukaryotic heterotroph whose cells lack cell walls • Invertebrates have no backbone or vertebral column. 95% of animals are invertebrates. • Vertebrates have a backbone. Only 5% of animals are vertebrates.

  4. What are the Invertebrates? • Multicellular animals • Heterotrophs – take in food, digest it, distribute it to cells • No backbone • Have locomotion, special parts for locomotion • Some are sessile • Some invertebrates can regenerate lost parts or even a complete individual from a broken piece.

  5. Phylum Porifera • Sea Sponges • Means “pore bearing” • Asymmetric • Natural sea sponges: dead material that remains after decay

  6. Sessile: live attached to a surface • Do not have nerve cells or tissue • Filter feeders: pump water in and out and feed on the organic material in water • Many are hermaphrodites: able to produce male and female gametes – an advantage for sessile organisms • Can reassemble when fragmented

  7. Phylum Cnidaria • Coral, jellyfish, sea anemones

  8. Cnidocytes: cells that contain stinging poisonous barbs with which they paralyze prey • Radial symmetry • Two body forms: polyp: sessile, tentacles up (coral, hydra, anemone) medusa: free swimming, tentacles down (jellyfish)

  9. Digestive body cavity surrounded by two layers of cells • Sexual or asexual reproduction – hydra reproduces by budding • Coral reefs build up and are important ocean habitats

  10. Phylum Platyhelminthes Examples: flatworms, tapeworms, flukes

  11. Many parasitic forms - cause many diseases of people and livestock • Bilateral symmetry and cephalization • One digestive opening (pharynx) to take in food and release waste – most don’t need complex digestive systems because food has already been digested by their host • Most are hermaphroditic, some can regenerate lost body parts

  12. Phylum Nematoda • Examples: roundworms (pinworms, hookworms, heartworms)

  13. Many are microscopic • Two digestive openings: mouth and anus – food moves only one way • Sexual reproduction • Most are free-living, many are parasitic – you can be infected by consuming contaminated food/water or by being bitten by insects

  14. Phylum Annelida • Examples: segmented worms, earthworms, leeches

  15. Closed circulatory system: blood stays within vessels • Earthworm is hermaphroditic; others have separate sexes • Earthworms are important in the soil ecosystem– provide passageways for plant roots and water. • Aristotle called earthworms “the intestines of the soil”. What did he mean by this?

  16. Phylum Mollusca • Mollusks have an internal or external shell. • Examples: snails, slugs, clams, octopus, squid, cuttlefish

  17. Main groups of mollusks: 1. Gastropods are “stomach-footed” • univalves: one shell (snail) • bivalves: two shells (clam) 2. Cephalopods are “head-footed” • Foot is modified into tentacles. • They breathe with gills. • (octopus, squid) Have you hugged your octopus today?

  18. Sexual reproduction: most have separate sexes, some are hermaphrodites • Most have an open circulatory system (blood is contained within vessels that empty into sinus cavities). Cephalopods have a closed system (blood remains within vessels). • Most mollusks are marine, but some live in fresh water or on land

  19. Phylum Arthropoda • Arthropod means “jointed foot” • Largest phylum – found almost everywhere!

  20. Characteristics: 1. exoskeleton a. Outside the body b. Very good protection c. Does not grow, so it must be shed periodically (molting) 2. paired, jointed appendages (legs, antennae) 3. segmentation

  21. Centipedes and Millipedes • most primitive arthropods • obvious segmentation Centipedes (Class Chilopoda) a. one pair of legs per segment b. venomous fangs for killing prey c. long antennae

  22. Millipedes (Class Diplopoda) a. two pairs of legs per segment b. one pair of short antennae c. usually harmless vegetarians

  23. Crustaceans (Class Crustacea) Examples: lobster, crayfish, shrimp, crab

  24. Arachnids (Class Arachnida) Examples: spiders, ticks, mites, scorpions

  25. two body regions: a. cephalothorax (where legs come from) b. abdomen • no antennae • simple eyes • 4 pairs of walking legs • mouthparts modified as fangs (chelicerae) to stab prey and suck out body fluids • book lungs (gills modified for breathing on land)

  26. Insects (Class Insecta) • Over 75% of all animal species • First animals to evolve the ability to fly • 6 legs and 3 body parts

  27. Insects undergo metamorphosis: a series of changes during which young insects develop into adults. • Incomplete Metamorphosis (grasshopper) • Gradual changes from nymph to adult 1. egg 2. nymph 3. adult

  28. Complete Metamorphosis (butterflies, bees) 1. egg 2. larva (caterpillar) 3. pupa 4. adult

  29. Phylum Echinodermata • Name means “spiny skin” • Marine environment • Radial symmetry • Deuterostomes - indicates a fairly close relationship to vertebrates

  30. Water vascular system 1. system of internal tubes 2. carries out functions of circulation, respiration, and movement • Tube feet 1. act like living suction cups 2. help in movement and feeding

  31. Examples: sea urchins, sand dollars, starfish (sea stars)

  32. Which invertebrate phyla are represented here?

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