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Sensationalism in Yellow Journalism: The Rise of The Yellow Kid

Explore the origins of yellow journalism through the iconic Yellow Kid cartoon, created by Richard Outcault for Pulitzer's World. Sensationalism, exaggerated headlines, and fabricated stories shaped this era of journalism. Uncover the impact and legacy of this controversial style.

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Sensationalism in Yellow Journalism: The Rise of The Yellow Kid

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  1. Yellow Journalism Journalism “without a soul”

  2. The first famous cartoon • The Yellow Kid was drawn by Richard Outcault for Joseph Pulitzer’s World. It was a little boy dressed in a yellow nightshirt that would comment on happenings in the city. People would buy The World just to read the Yellow Kid.

  3. Believe it or not… • Hearst hired the Yellow Kid’s cartoonist away from Pulitzer. • Pulitzer hired another cartoonist to keep drawing the Yellow Kid for him, giving New York two Yellow Kid cartoons at the same time! • The term “yellow journalism” comes from the competition of the Yellow Kid cartoon.

  4. Sensationalism Between 1895 and 1905, newspapers would do to sell papers. Newspapers used readers’ emotions to get them to read stories. This is called sensationalism. ANYTHING

  5. Characteristics of yellow journalism • “Scare” headlines with excessivelylargetype, in red or black ink • Many photos, some of them faked • Made-up stories, faked interviews, misleading headlines • Sunday color comics • Campaigns for those who suffered abuse

  6. Sensational news stories… • Are slanted to appear one way. They don’t tell both sides, or all sides, of a story. • Focus on rich and famous people, crime and excess. • Don’t tell hard news, but focus on sensational angles of the story that are not really important. • Use quotes from unnamed people as facts.

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