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Using phase modulation to suppress ghost pulses in high-speed optical transmission

Using phase modulation to suppress ghost pulses in high-speed optical transmission. Taras I. Lakoba Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Vermont * Acknowledgement: Anatoly Marhelyuk (Agere Systems) * This work was completed when the author was

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Using phase modulation to suppress ghost pulses in high-speed optical transmission

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  1. Using phase modulationto suppress ghost pulsesin high-speed optical transmission Taras I. Lakoba Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Vermont * Acknowledgement: Anatoly Marhelyuk (Agere Systems) * This work was completed when the author was with Lucent Technologies, Holmdel, NJ

  2. Introduction • Ghost pulses (GP) and intra-channel timing jitter are the major nonlinearity-induced impairments in quasi-linear transmission. • GP are small, parasitic pulses which are created via the interplay of nonlinearity and pulse overlap at the locations of logical ZEROs: ONEs in bits k, l, mcreate a GP in bitk + l - m via Intra-Channel Four Wave Mixing: ΨGP = Ψk + Ψl - Ψm [Essiambre et al, 1999; Mamyshev & Mamysheva, 1999]. • Apart from the phase matching condition, GP are known to critically depend on parameter [ precompensation + ½ (accumulated dispersion) ]

  3. Key idea • Generation of GP is a highly coherent effect : In a bit sequence 11…11011…11 ( N ONES on each side of ZERO), there are N2 triplets of ONES creating a GP at ZERO. If all Ψkare the same  all individual ΨGP are the same  they add in-phase and create a GP with power ~ (N2)2 = N 4 . • Destroy, at Tx, the phase coherence of ONES contributing to largest GP  phases of GPs created by different triplets of ONES will differ  the GP (= sum of individual GPs) will be much reduced. • To destroy phase coherence, apply sinusoidal phase modulation (PM) to input signal. Amplitude and period of PM must be chosen in a special way:  to make the GP suppression efficient and  to minimize collateral distortions to the data (i.e., to ONEs). • This was realized and done in [Forzati, Martensson, Berntson, Djupsjobacka, Johannisson, 2002]. Their scheme required synchronization between PM’s and data’s timings. In this work: Find PM’s parameters such that the above synchronization is NOT required  cheaper and more reliable Tx.

  4. Implementation of key idea (1) • Transmitter: Sinusoidal PM can be created by the same pulse carver which produces the pulses:  the phase of the pulses is determined by the sum of the voltages driving the two arms of the MZI,  thepower profile of pulses is determined by the voltages’ difference.  Independent control ofthe phase and the power profile of the pulses. • Alternative: Use a single phase modulator located after the optical multiplexer (since the timing of the PM is not synchronized with that of the data signal)

  5. Implementation of key idea (2) • Algorithm for finding parameters of PM = APM sin(2t/TPM+ PM): Given arbitrary bit sequence 11…11011..11 with M and N ONES on sides of GP, simple MATLAB code calculates the interference field at bit # 0 (location of GP): By inspection, find such values of the APM and TPM that the interference field is minimized for all values of  PM : 0< PM < 2  . Different contours correspond to different PM

  6. Ghost pulses in SSMF • SSMF is chosen because GP suppression in it is most pronounced. In TWRS or LEAF effect is less due to smaller local dispersion. • DSSMF ~ -20 ps2/km at 1550 nm  13-ps pulse (50% duty ratio, 40 Gb/s) broadens by ~20 in 50km of SSMF  it spreads over ~10 bits  worst GP is produced in bit sequence (10 x ONEs, ZERO, 10 x ONEs). Any shorter sequence of ONEs will produce a smaller GP, any longer sequence will produce almost the same GP (no extra overlap). • In (27-1)-PRBS the “worst” bit sequence is (6 x ONEs, ZERO, 5 x ONEs). For it, the algorithm yields: 1.2 < APM < 1.4, Tbit/0.35 < TPM < Tbit/0.20 to achieve optimum GP suppression. • Direct numerical simulations are required to confirm these quick estimates.

  7. To proceed, we need: • Simulation parameters: • 20x80 km of SSMF; • Precompensation is -500 ps/nm, which is the optimum value for given distance and path-average dispersion. • Postcompensation is such that total accumulated dispersion is near zero; • All-Raman amplification (~25% forward pumping, ~75% backward pumping); • Receiver has: optical BW ~ 80 GHz, electrical BW ~ 25 GHz. • Performance metric: • the required OSNR in 0.1 nm for a given value of BER (e.g., 10-9 ); • this metric uniquely characterizes nonlinear degradation of signal (i.e., it is independent of the amount of accumulated ASE); • the higher the required OSNR, the worse the system performance; • transmission penalty = (Req. OSNR at output) – (Req. OSNR b2b).

  8. Baseline case: no PM Optical eye  (optimal postcompensation) Req. OSNR at BER=10-9 after transmission Back-to-back req. OSNR in 0.1 nm at BER= 10- 9 : ~ 22.5 dB. Transmission penalty : 30 dB - 22.5 dB = 7.5 dB

  9. Effect of PM : APM =1.0  Min. max. penalty = 3.5 dB TPM=Tbit/ 0.50 TPM=Tbit / 0.45 TPM=Tbit / 0.40 TPM=Tbit / 0.35 TPM=Tbit / 0.30 TPM=Tbit / 0.25 Different colors correspond to different ϕPM with step 0.2 π

  10. Effect of PM :APM =1.2  Min. max. penalty = 2.5 dB TPM=Tbit / 0.50 TPM=Tbit / 0.45 TPM=Tbit / 0.40 TPM=Tbit / 0.35 TPM=Tbit / 0.30 TPM=Tbit / 0.25

  11. Effect of PM : APM=1.4  Min. max. penalty = 2.5 dB TPM=Tbit / 0.50 TPM=Tbit / 0.45 TPM=Tbit / 0.40 TPM=Tbit / 0.35 TPM=Tbit / 0.30 TPM=Tbit / 0.25

  12. Effect of PM : APM=1.6  Min. max. penalty = 3.0 dB TPM=Tbit / 0.50 TPM=Tbit / 0.45 TPM=Tbit / 0.40 TPM=Tbit / 0.35 TPM=Tbit / 0.30 TPM=Tbit / 0.25

  13. Examples of optical eyes: PM with optimum TPM=Tbit/0.35, APM=1.4, but “worst” phase PM . before transmission after transmission

  14. Conclusions • PM can reduce transmission penalty from 7.5 to 2.5 dB (at 10-9 BER). • Period and amplitude of PM should be rather tightly controlled: Tbit / 0.40 < TPM < Tbit/ 0.30, 1.2 < APM < 1.6. The best performance is found near the centers of these ranges. • However, phase (timing) of PM relative to that of data does NOT need to be controlled  cheaper and more reliable Tx. • Very high penalties due to GP, observed in simulations, may exaggerate actual penalties in transmission experiments. Possible reason is related to the discussed mechanism of GP suppression: real transmitters always have “parasitic phase modulation” (chirp). (Another reason can be the timing jitter of the input data.)

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