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NUTRITION AND MEDIA OF MICRO-ORGANISMS. INTRODUCTION. Microbial cells are structurally complex. Organisms need nutrients & a source of energy, also known as ‘MICROBIAL NUTRITION’ to carry out numerous functions. NUTRIENTS are substances used in biosynthesis of bacteria .
INTRODUCTION • Microbial cells are structurally complex. • Organisms need nutrients & a source of energy, also known as ‘MICROBIAL NUTRITION’ to carry out numerous functions. • NUTRIENTSare substances used in biosynthesis of bacteria . • So that microbial nutrition is directly proportional to the microbial growth. • Therefore Growth is impossible without nutrition.
NUTRITIONAL REQUIREMENTS OF BACTERIA:- THESE NUTRIENTS ARE CATEGORISED AS:- 1. MACRO-NUTRIENTS OR MACRO-ELEMENTS 2. OTHER MACRO-NUTRIENTS 3. MICRO-NUTIENTS OR TRACE EEMENTS 4. ORGANIC GROWTH FACTORS 5. LIGHT 6. WATER 1. THE MACRO-NUTRIENTS OR MACRO-ELEMENTS:- • carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur. • They are essential elements because they required in large amounts. • They contain 95% of dry weight of the microbial cells.
2. THE REMAINING FOUR MACRO-NUTRIENTS :- Theyexist in cell cations & a play variety of role.
4. MICRO-NUTRIENTS OR TRACE ELEMENTS • Micro-nutrients are needed in small amounts. • These nutrients are:- Magnese, zinc, cobalt, nickel & copper. • Cells require such small amounts that contaminates from water, regular media components often are adequate for the growth. • They are normally a part of enzymes & co-factors. • They aid in the catalysis of reactions & maintainence of protein structure.
ORGANIC GROWTH FACTORS:- Organic compounds that are essential cell compounds or precursors of such components are called ‘Growth factors’. The major classes of growth factors are:- • AMINO ACIDS:- Needed for protein synthesis. • PURINE & PYRIMIDINE:- Helps in nucleic acid synthesis.
Cotd. • VITAMINS:- They are small organic molecules that usually make up all or part of enzyme, co-factor & are needed in only very small amounts to sustain growth, also known as ‘bacterial vitamins’. • Some bacteria’s synthesis their own vitamins & while other need to take them from outside. • This varies from bacteria to bacteria.
5. LIGHT • Micro-organisms need light ( 250- 250 nm) for the photosynthesis of vitamins & minerals & for pigments. 6. WATER • Water is important, because all nutrients should be in solution form before they can enter in organisms. ENVIRONMENT FACTORS:- • There are some environment factors which also influenced to microbial growth. These factors are like:- • Air , Temperature, pH, Radiations, Osmotic pressure etc.
CULTURE MEDIA INTRODUCTION:- • A Nutrient material prepared for the growth of micro-organisms in a lab. Is called a ‘culture medium’. • Some bacteria can grow well on just about any culture medium. • Others require special media & still others cannot grow on any non-living medium yet developed. • When microbes are introduces into a culture medium to initiate growth, they are called an ‘inoculum’. • The microbes that grow & multiply in or on a culture medium , are referred to as ‘culture’.
CULTURE MEDIA can be constructed completely from chemically defined components (defined media or synthetic media) or constituents like peptones & yeast extract(complex media). • Culture media can be solidifying by the addition of agar, a complex polysaccharide from red algae.
CONSTITUENTS OF CULTURE MEDIA • Culture media is needed to grow the organisms & the constituents are:- • Water:- i.e. source of hydrogen & oxygen. • Electrolytes:- i.e. sodium chloride. • Peptone:- it is a complex mixture of partially digest protein. • Meat extract • Blood or serum • Agar:- which is used in 2-3% constituent. A small amount of protein & many inorganic compounds.