15 July 1994 Roy Spencer has recreated the MSU precipitation data set and I have placed it in the msu/ppt subdirectory. The data are monthly totals of rainfall in mm. Each file contains the 12 months of the year indicated by the extension number. Grid boxes are 2.5 degree squares. parameter (nx = 144, ny =48) character *12 atype read (unit,100) nyr,nmn,num,atype read (unit,101) ((nppt(ix,iy),ix=1,nx),iy=1,ny) 100 format(3i12,a12) 101 format(16i5) Note that the precipitation is only given for 48 latitude bands (60S to 60N) rather than the full 72 bands. There are occasionally spuriously high values adjacent to land or sea ice. Be careful when using values in such regions. The algorithm used in this data set incorporates only channel 1 and 2 from the MSU and the "atype" identifier is MSU 1+2 PPT. Questions: Roy Spencer 205-922-5960 John Christy 205-922-5763 christy@atmos.uah.edu