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Transformations. By: Binari Grade: 9C. Transformations…. Transformation is when you change or move the object to make a new figure. Vectors are mostly used when it comes to describing transformations. Transformations include: translation, Rotation, reflection and enlargement. Rotations.

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  1. Transformations By: Binari Grade: 9C

  2. Transformations… Transformation is when you change or move the object to make a new figure. Vectors are mostly used when it comes to describing transformations. Transformations include: translation, Rotation, reflection and enlargement.

  3. Rotations • If the object is moved in a circular motion then it is a rotation . • To rotate something, you have to be given the • Direction (anti-clockwise/ clockwise) • Angle (90º, 180º ,ETC…) • Where your rotating it from (center) The centre of rotation is (0, -1). D is the same distance from as D' The angle of rotation is 90° clockwise

  4. Enlargements… To draw an enlarged diagram we have to be given a scale factor and the centre of enlargement. Enlarge triangle ABC with a scale factor 1/2, centred about the origin.

  5. How to draw an enlarged image… • 1) Draw a line from the centre of enlargement to each vertex ('corner') of the shape you wish to enlarge. Measure the lengths of each of these lines.2) If the scale factor is 2, draw a line from the centre of enlargement, through each vertex, which is twice as long as the length you measured. If the scale factor is 3, draw lines which are three times as long. If the scale factor is 1/2, draw lines which are 1/2 as long, etc.

  6. Enlargements C is the center of enlargement in this diagram. The scale factor in this image in 2.

  7. Translations • A translation or glide, is an isometry that glides all the points of a figure the same distance. • If we translate a shape, we move it up or down or from side to side, These are the only combination we can use in a translation. • When we translate a shape, each of the vertices (corners) must be moved in exactly the same way Triangle A is where it originally started. It moved 3 to the right and 2 up.

  8. Reflections • When you look at your self in the mirror your reflection will be the same distance away from the mirror as you.(in this example you’re the object and the mirror is the mirror line.) • We can say that an object and its image are always the same perpendicular distance from the mirror line.

  9. Reflections…

  10. Transformation:

  11. Bibliography • http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/maths/shape/transformationsrev3.shtml • http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/geometry/affine/reflection/index.htm • http://www.enjoymaths.co.uk/worksheets/school/key_stage3/year_8 • http://www.mathsrevision.net/gcse/pages.php?page=44 • http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/frames_asid_301_g_3_t_3.html?open=activities

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