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Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH SPIN2010 19th International Spin Physics Symposium September 27 – October 2, 2010 Jülich, Germany. Polarized Hadron Beams in NICA Project I.Meshkov 1 , Yu.Filatov 1,2 1 JINR, Dubna 2 Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology.
Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH SPIN2010 19th International Spin Physics SymposiumSeptember 27 – October 2, 2010 Jülich, Germany Polarized Hadron Beams in NICA Project I.Meshkov1, Yu.Filatov1,2 1JINR, Dubna 2Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology
I.Meshkov, Yu.Filatov Polarized Beams in NICA, SPIN2010, Sep 27-Oct02, 2010, Juelich • Contents • Introduction: physics at NICA • Facility scheme and operation scenario • Polarized protons and deuterons acceleration in • Nuclotron • 3. Polarized particle dynamics in NICA Collider • 4. Luminosity of pp and dd colliding beams • Conclusion
Introduction: Physics at NICA THE SPIN PHYSICS DETECTOR- SPD to study spin structure of the nucleon and polarization effects at NICA (Conceptual Design Report) JINR Dubna 2010 I.Meshkov, Yu.Filatov Polarized Beams in NICA, SPIN2010, Sep 27-Oct02, 2010, Juelich Spin Physics at NICA See Report by A.Nagaytsev, Friday, October 1 • The SPD program includes the studies of • Drell-Yan processes, • J/ production processes, • Spin effects in elastic pp, pd and dd scattering, • Spin effects in inclusive high-pT reactions, • Polarization effects in heavy ions collisions. Polarized beams of protons and deuterons:(both longitudinal and transverse polarizations) ppspp= 12 ÷ 27 GeV (5 ÷ 12.6 GeV kinetic energy ) dd sNN = 4 ÷ 13.8 GeV (2 ÷ 5.9 GeV/u ion kinetic energy ) Laverage 1E30 cm-2s-1 (at spp = 27 GeV)
1. Facility Scheme and Operation Scenario MPD NICA Layout 2.5 m 4.0 m Booster Synchrophasotron yoke SPI & LU-20(“Old” linac) Nuclotron beam transfer line Spin Physics Detector (SPD) Beam transfer lines & New research area Nuclotron I.Meshkov, Yu.Filatov Polarized Beams in NICA, SPIN2010, Sep 27-Oct02, 2010, Juelich Fixed target experiments Collider C = 534 m 4
1. Facility Scheme and Operation Scenario (Contnd) Below 1st dangerous resonance in the Booster To be analyzed! Two SC collider rings IP-1 IP-2 I.Meshkov, Yu.Filatov, Polarized Beams in NICA, SPIN2010, Sep 27-Oct 02, 2010, Juelich Polarized proton acceleration (Contnd) LU-20: 2×1010 ions/pulse of d (5 MeV/u) or p 20 MeV Source of Polarized Ions (SPI) Booster (25 Tm) 1(2-3) single-turn injection, storage of 2×109 p, acceleration up to 50 MeV, Collider (45 Tm) Storage of 30 bunches by 1x109 pper ring at 5 - 12 GeV, No cooling! electron cooling, extraction Nuclotron (45 Tm) injection of one bunch of 1.1×109 ions, acceleration up to 12 GeV max. 2х30 injection cycles
2. Polarized Protons and Deuterons Acceleration in Nuclotron Thus, no problem for d acceleration in Nuclotron I.Meshkov, Yu.Filatov Polarized Beams in NICA, SPIN2010, Sep 27-Oct02, 2010, Juelich Yu. Filatov et al. Program of Polarization Studies and Capabilities of Accelerating Polarized Proton and Light Nuclear Beams at the Nuclotron of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters, Vol. 6, No 1, p.p. 48–58, (2009). Spin resonances – spin precession tune, Qx,y - betatron tunes k, m – integers, p – number of superperiods (8 for Nuclotron)
2. Polarized Protons and Deuterons Acceleration in Nuclotron I.Meshkov, Yu.Filatov Polarized Beams in NICA, SPIN2010, Sep 27-Oct02, 2010, Juelich Proton spin resonances at Nuclotron dB/dt = 1 T/s 1.Intrinsic res. spin = kp Qy 2.Integer res. spin = k lg(w/wD) lg(w/wD) Ep ,GeV Ep ,GeV wD = 7.310-4 wD = 7.310-4 Here w is the resonance strength: w ~ 1/(2n), where nis turn number at exact resonance that is sufficient for spin overturn (at dB/dt = 0!). wD is the resonance strength that produces full depolarization at“free” crossing of the resonance at given crossing speed at given dB/dt (or d/dt). (In other words: one has to choose a crossing speed and calculate wD for it; then to compare actual resonance strength w with wD)
2. Polarized Protons and Deuterons Acceleration in Nuclotron I.Meshkov, Yu.Filatov, Polarized Beams in NICA, SPIN2010, Sep 27-Oct 02, 2010, Juelich Proton spin resonances at Nuclotron dB/dt = 1 T/s 4. Coupling res. spin = m Qx , m kp 3. Nonsuperperiodic res. spin = m Qy , m kp lg(w/wD) lg(w/wD) Ep ,GeV Ep ,GeV wD = 7.310-4 wD = 7.310-4 • Not any resonance is dangerous! • There are three Types of Spin resonances at Nuclotron: • above blue line – strong resonance:particle crosses it without polarization loss (regime of adiabatic crossing), • belowgreen line – a weak resonance, particle crosses it “free”, • between both lines – intermediate ( loss of polarization ) .
2. Polarized Protons and Deuterons Acceleration in Nuclotron Not any resonance is dangerous! Dangerous resonances are marked with red caps 4 1 5 I.Meshkov, Yu.Filatov, Polarized Beams in NICA, SPIN2010, Sep 27-Oct 02, 2010, Juelich dB/dt = 1 T/s Spin resonances at Nuclotron dB/dt = 1 T/s lg(w/wD) 1.Intrinsic res. spin = kp Qy 2.Integer res. spin = k lg(w/wD) Ep ,GeV Ep ,GeV wD = 7.310-4 wD = 7.310-4 4. Coupling res. spin = m Qx , m kp 3. Nonsuperperiodic res. spin = m Qy , m kp lg(w/wD) lg(w/wD) Ep ,GeV Ep ,GeV 16 wD = 7.310-4 wD = 7.310-4
2. Polarized Protons and Deuterons Acceleration in Nuclotron(Contnd) I.Meshkov, Yu.Filatov, Polarized Beams in NICA, SPIN2010, Sep 27-Oct 02, 2010, Juelich Polarized proton acceleration in Nuclotron: Transparent Crossing of spin resonances Kondratenko A.M., Kondratenko M.A., Filatov Yu.N. Compensationfor Particle Beam Depolarization of Spin Resonance Intersection atAccelerators// Particles and Nuclei Let., v. 1, No 5, p. 266, (2004) Krisch A.D. et al, Experimental Test of A New Technique to Overcome Spin-Depolarizing Resonances // Phys.Rev.Lett 102(2009)24480 The transparent crossing condition J is a Spin Adiabatic Invariant,i.e. projection to the periodical n-axis
2. Polarized Protons and Deuterons Acceleration in Nuclotron(Contnd) Polarized proton acceleration in Nuclotron: Transparent Crossing of spin resonances Spin Tune Control System (STCS) y x s 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0. 1.0 0.5 0.5 Solenoid Dipole Solenoid Dipole Solenoid Dipole Solenoid Bx Bx Bs Bs Bx Dynamics of the Spin Orbit Vector (SOV) n n I.Meshkov, Yu.Filatov, Polarized Beams in NICA, SPIN2010, Sep 27-Oct 02, 2010, Juelich y x s Spin = x∙y/2 per 1 turn, x , y 1 Closed orbit distortion less than 0,5 cm
2. Polarized Protons and Deuterons Acceleration in Nuclotron(Contnd) Polarized proton acceleration in Nuclotron (Contnd) STCS parameters I.Meshkov, Yu.Filatov, Polarized Beams in NICA, SPIN2010, Sep 27-Oct 02, 2010, Juelich Ltotal 3.5 m
2. Polarized Protons and Deuterons Acceleration in Nuclotron(Contnd) I.Meshkov, Yu.Filatov, Polarized Beams in NICA, SPIN2010, Sep 27-Oct 02, 2010, Juelich Polarized proton acceleration in Nuclotron (Contnd) Proton Energy Spread Limitation at Transparent Crossing of a Resonance The condition to be met: when when if D<0,01 D0 D<0,1 D0 if D, D0 – the beam depolarization at the transparent resonance crossing with STCS application and without it, correspondingly. That gives at dB/dt = 1 T/s at 2 T dipole field or D<0,1 D0 if (E=5GeV), (E=12GeV) or D<0,1 D0 if (E=5GeV), (E=12GeV) However, such a low p/p requires e-cooling application (!) that is available at The Booster.
2. Polarized Protons and Deuterons Acceleration in Nuclotron An option: acceleration up to 5 GeV and extraction into collider for further acceleration (revolution frequency variation 1.3%)up to 12 GeV max. Depolarization at acceleration in the collider is suppressed by Siberian Snake (see further) Not any resonance is dangerous! Dangerous resonances are marked with red caps 4 4 1 1 1 5 2 I.Meshkov, Yu.Filatov, Polarized Beams in NICA, SPIN2010, Sep 27-Oct 02, 2010, Juelich Spin resonances at Nuclotron dB/dt = 1 T/s lg(w/wD) 1.Intrinsic res. spin = kp Qy 2.Integer res. spin = k lg(w/wD) Ep ,GeV Ep ,GeV wD = 7.310-4 wD = 7.310-4 Then depolarization after transparent crossing of all 8 resonances is 5%. 4. Coupling res. spin = m Qx , m kp 3. Nonsuperperiodic res. spin = m Qy , m kp lg(w/wD) lg(w/wD) Ep ,GeV Ep ,GeV 16 wD = 7.310-4 wD = 7.310-4
3. Polarized Particle Dynamics in NICA Collider I.Meshkov, Yu.Filatov Polarized Beams in NICA SPIN-Praha-2010 July 23-28, 2010 Praha Longitudinal and transverse polarization formation Second part of Siberian Snake with longitudinal axis First part of Siberian Snake with longitudinal axis /4 -/4 Spin rotators around vertical direction by /4 Spin rotators around vertical direction by /4 Spin rotators around vertical direction by -/4 /4 -/4
3. Polarized Particle Dynamics in NICA Collider (Contnd) -By -By y x s 1st half of the Snake: protons, 5.4 GeV ( = 6), 14 dipoles x 0.31+0.1 m, Bmax = 5 T, Ltotal = 5.64 m -Bx By Bx Bx I.Meshkov, Yu.Filatov, Polarized Beams in NICA, SPIN2010, Sep 27-Oct 02, 2010, Juelich Longitudinal Polarization Formation: Dipole Siberian Snake(Contnd) First part of Siberian Snake with longitudinal axis
3. Polarized Particle Dynamics in NICA Collider (Contnd) By y x s -Bx -Bx Bx 2nd half of the Snake: protons, 5.4 GeV ( = 6), 14 dipoles x 0.31+0.1 m, Bmax = 5 T, Ltotal = 5.64 m -By By I.Meshkov, Yu.Filatov, Polarized Beams in NICA, SPIN2010, Sep 27-Oct 02, 2010, Juelich Longitudinal Polarization Formation: Dipole Siberian Snake (Contnd) Second part of Siberian Snake with longitudinal axis
3. Polarized Particle Dynamics in NICA Collider I.Meshkov, Yu.Filatov, Polarized Beams in NICA, SPIN2010, Sep 27-Oct 02, 2010, Juelich Transverse Polarization Formation: Radial Polarization The scheme of vertical spin rotator by /4 Total length of vertical spin rotator by Pi/2 is 2X4,4m
3. Polarized Particle Dynamics in NICA Collider (Contnd) From Nuclotron Solenoid spin rotator S S Vertical spin rotator by [-/2;/2] Upper ring Dipole n n B B I.Meshkov, Yu.Filatov, Polarized Beams in NICA, SPIN2010, Sep 27-Oct 02, 2010, Juelich Longitudinal polarization injection scheme From Nuclotron Solenoid spin rotator Vertical spin rotator by [-/2;/2] Lower ring Dipole
4. Luminosity of pp colliding beams Parameters of polarized proton beams in collider I.Meshkov, Yu.Filatov, Polarized Beams in NICA, SPIN2010, Sep 27-Oct 02, 2010, Juelich
Thank you for your attention! I.Meshkov, Yu.Filatov, Polarized Beams in NICA, SPIN2010, Sep 27-Oct 02, 2010, Juelich Conclusion Realization of polarized beam program at Nuclotron and Collider looks feasible. Its development will bring experimental studies in spin physics at JINR to a new level.