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Issues in respite and carer support

Issues in respite and carer support. Chris Gration, National Respite 28 July, 2014. Agenda. National Respite introduction 2:00 Ability Links presentations 2:15 Respite and carer support in 3 service systems 2:45 Respite in aged care – CHSP and flexibility 3:00

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Issues in respite and carer support

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  1. Issues in respite and carer support Chris Gration, National Respite 28 July, 2014

  2. Agenda • National Respite introduction 2:00 • Ability Links presentations 2:15 • Respite and carer support in 3 service systems 2:45 • Respite in aged care – CHSP and flexibility 3:00 • Respite in disability – NDIS 3:20 • Respite in Mental health 3:40 • Action! 3:50

  3. 1.1National respite Communities of strong relationships that support the lives people choose Support interconnected wellbeing between people with disability, frailty from age, mental illness and their chosen carers, families, and informal supports

  4. 1.2 National Respite • Raise the respite voice: NDIA, DSS • Member services • Research: • Mapping respite outputs • NDIS transition cost/benefit/impact carers, participants, communities government • Volunteer, flexible, family based – cost benefit; social capital • Evaluate innovation: flexible, early intervention • Business transformation : CMS, online tools • National Conference 23-24 October

  5. 2. Ability Links

  6. 3.1 Respite and carer support in 3 systems Care recipient Carer CHSP NDIS Respite Care 3 7 Carer support ? ? ? Family resilience model?

  7. 3.2 Trends • Unmet demand up 33% between the 2009 and 2012 SDAC • 15.8% or 121,660 carers • Unmet demand for respite care increases with age: • > 65 the unmet demand is 16.9%, • > 75 it is 19.61% (compared to general unmet demand in 2009 of 11.8%) • Respite is already targeted to higher dependency: • Respite use increases dramatically (60% of respite use is for carers < 40 hours of care a week). • But respite users have higher wellness and satisfaction deficits: • indicating need for more support (significantly more angry, dissatisfied, weary, worried or depressed, stressed related illness) • 2/3s of unmet demand in 2012 was from those who have never had access to respite. • 12% of carers have never used respite because the primary recipient (aged person) doesn’t want to use it (2012) • 10% of those who don’t use respite are simply not aware of their entitlements or what services are available (2012)

  8. 4.1 CHSP issues General • Key directions – access and equity, role of carers, pathways, person centred • Outcome 3 Social Participation • and Outcome 6 Care Relationships General Issues • “Basic”? • Pathways and packages • Case management & linkage • Vulnerability – SG2 • Transition principles: • No client loses – person centred • Contestability CHSP 3 7

  9. 4.2 CHSP Respite issues Issues for Respite & Carers • Unmet need – 15.8% • Access: • 12% not used because primary recipient unfavourable • 10% information gaps • Eligibility for carers • Carer support – funding • Carelink information? • Transition for NRCP clients • Innovation and evaluation: • Early intervention respite • Flexible respite

  10. 4.3 Flexibility Outcome 6 Care relationships • 3 types: cottage, emergency, flexible • Grow flexible respite • Trial cashing out Issues • Carer/care recipient goal conflict • Inflexibility of non-residential respite – hours, continuity of staff, training, rural remote • Gaps in secure residential respite? • Dementia and younger onset Approach • Supporting challenging behaviours • Learning from CDRC & disability: • Drawing in informal supports • Out of pockets • Pilots, training, best practice

  11. 4.4 CHSP Next Steps • DSS • Fees Policy • Guidelines and Program Manual • Contestability end FY15 • Community Care Issues Forum • Assessment - RACs • Fees • Contestability • Sector Support & Dev • Guidelines and Transition What are your key priorities?

  12. 5.1 NDIS issues • Participants • People with lower support needs & Tier 2 • Transition and structural adjustment 1 2 3 3 Informal Person with Disability

  13. 5.2 NDIS issues Non-participants with disability • Combining informal support, personal networks, mainstream inclusion • Role of specialist disability services • Funding – Commonwealth/State Transition • Large, medium, microbusiness • IDF and Sector Development Participants • NDIS Act : • Section 31 (da) “build capacity of families and carers to support participation by the individual in life” • Section 34 (e) “ what is reasonable for families, carers, informal networks and the community to provide” • NDIS Supports for Sustaining Informal Supports • Recreation Guideline • Flexibility • Need for data • Guide to NDIA clusters and price list

  14. 6. Action • Participate in our research • Spread the word • Come to National Conference • Engage in business transformation www. Nationalrespiteaustralia.com.au

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