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UWB. UWB: High speed(>100Mbps), small area(WPAN), accurate positioning and distance measuring. Blue tooth: although it’s low speed, it has a more mature standard and applied widely in the market, the cooperation between them will better.
UWB UWB: High speed(>100Mbps), small area(WPAN), accurate positioning and distance measuring. Blue tooth: although it’s low speed, it has a more mature standard and applied widely in the market, the cooperation between them will better. For UWB, it’s a good way to access internet of things, because the basic vista of UWB is to achieve wireless USB, wireless 1394 and other wireless devices in office. Disadvantage: 1. Generate signal by pulse, have small impact on traditional radio signal, but actually unknown the interfere on other existing technologies such as GSM and GPS. 2. It’s not applied widely and have no unified standard. Wimedia and DS-UWB.
Internet of ThingsIPv4 & IPv6 in WSNs UPM E.U.I.T.T Xi Chen scotor317@gmail.com
3 3 Brief Introduction to IPv4&IPv6 1 3 Comparison of IPv4 & IPv6 2 Contents Why IPv6 in WSNs of IoT
BriefIntroduction • Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is the next- generation Internet Layer protocol for packet- switched internetworks and the Internet. • IPv4 is currently the dominant Internet Protocol version. • IPv6 is designed as a successor of IPv4 by IETF at 1998.
Why IPv6 in WSNs of IoT Address Deploying the internet of things require a large mount of sensor nodes. For IPv4, the address is not sufficient to obtain it. More than 70% of the IPv6 address are reserved for future use, in terms of Earth, there will have 6.7*1017 per mm2 IP address, it will be enough for Internet of Things use.
Why IPv6 in WSNs of IoT Header Extension header in IPv6 will better the routing performance. The option of IPV4 need time to check, but extension header can routing without check by router. The content of header. IPv4: decided by router and source. IPv6: decided only by source. It’s better for the feature of IoT: low energy consumption on node. Disadvantage: fixed header.
Why IPv6 in WSNs of IoT Flexible option Nodes in IoT are different from function to size, this feature requires different nodes should send extra information. For IPv4, although it has option in header, time consumption is large and the option is fixed in a range of functions. For IPv6, the extension header is prepare for this kind of use, people can write in what they need in these extension header.
Why IPv6 in WSNs of IoT Mobility management Enough address space is better for direct routing. More important: seamless connection with IPv6 internet. Good expansibility and commonality.
Why IPv6 in WSNs of IoT Privacy and security Firstly, the nodes may be tapped and data may be modified. Secondly, the privacy of individual information. IPv4: has no so much security measure. IPv6: IPsec AH provides integrity authentication of the source optional replay protection. Encryption provides the protection of privacy of individual information
Why IPv6 in WSNs of IoT Auto-configuration The nodes of Internet of Things could be placed in different situations, some of which are difficult to reach after or before deploying. Neighbor discovery technology